
Week 3 Discussion — A Wikipedia Hoax

In this Discussion we’ll reflect on Wikipedia, one of the top ten most visited websites in the world.

Review the audio file below, which will direct you to the links just beneath it. After reviewing the file, proceed to the Discussion prompt (below).

The links below will open in a new window.












Initial post

Respond to the story.

Think about the story narrated in the audio file and illustrated in the links. What is this story about? Is it about problems with Wikipedia? Is it a story about problems with the internet? Is it a story about problems with traditional newspapers? Is it a story about an individual act of vandalism?  Maybe some combination of all of these?


Remember that in the Discussions we are practicing “microstyle.” (If you need a quick review, here is a link to last week’s microstyle reading.) For your first reply in our Wikipedia discussion, write a subject line that forecasts a point you are focusing on in your reply. Here are a couple of examples of effective Discussion 3 subject lines written by past ILR260 students:

“Where were the fact checkers?”
“Hoaxster makes point but isn’t blameless”

Reply to peers

Reply to at least two classmates.

Further exploration (optional)

  • To quickly experience Wikipedia editing, go to the Wikipedia Sandbox, click on the Edit tab, add or delete some text, and click on the Save Page button.
  • To check out edits made from US Congress IP addresses and from IP addresses of Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America members (Pfizer, Merck, Johnson & Johnson, etc.), check out these Twitter feeds:


Respond to the Discussion prompt (5 points)
Edit subject line to forecast specific content of response (1 point)
Reply to two classmates (4 points)

To go to the Week 3 Discussion board, follow the “Week 3 Discussion” link located under Week 3.  Then “Reply” to the prompt to post your initial response.

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The Self and Perception Discussion

Chapter 2 talks about Perception (How we see ourselves, how we see others, and how others see us). Describe your reaction to Lizzie’s story and talk about how her story might motivate you. Explain “what defines you.” What type of “self-talk” have you engaged in when dealing with your own self-image? In your opinion, what role does the media have on how we define perception and how we define the world around us? 100 words minimumhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzPbY9ufnQY#action=share

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Management & Computers

1)How can managers overcome obstacles to diversity such as mistrust and tension, stereotyping, and communication problems? What approaches to diversity and inclusion would you recommend and why? 

Discussion Question due by Day Four (Thursday) @ 11:59 PM (EST) and 2 Responses to Fellow Students due by Day Seven (Sunday) @ 11:59 PM (EST). 


Using the Web or other resources, do a bit of research on the methodologies that Microsoft Windows firewall uses. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of that approach.
Read and respond to at least two other students Discussions.

Post your initial response by the end of day on Thursday and reply to at least two other students by the end of day on Sunday.

Post between 200 and 300 words.

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Operational Security

Security Policies 

Explain the significance of information systems security policies and the challenges and issues associated with ineffective or nonexistent policies in an organization. 

Propose three methods that organizations can use to increase the acceptance of policies within their organization. Explain the potential challenges of implementing these methods.

Please post two times for full credit.

Use an APA Reference. 

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Making It Personal

Using Hite and Seitz (2016), relevant supplemental resources, and assignments, you reviewed  and assessed the major threats to global well-being. You were  challenged to craft an informed perspective on the issues covered each  week.

Has  your thinking about any of the issues covered in this course changed  from when you began the course? If so, which ones changed? If not, was  any of your thinking further solidified by issues covered in this  course? Explain. 

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What Is the Principle-Agent Problem?  Here is some help.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpu0dw9VY2E

Here is our case study this week.   https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/another-wells-fargo-ceo-steps-down-about-damn-time-longtime-n988671

This week we look at the principle-agent problem and what when wrong at Wells Fargo. After another CEO Tim Sloan the CEO who was suppose to restore the bank’s reputation stepped down March 28, 2019 there are still huge questions. https://www.americanbanker.com/news/fed-wont-lift-wells-fargo-cap-until-deficiencies-are-fixed-powell

What about the incentive system resulted in massive creation of fake accounts by the retail operation and why did it only get worse from there? As you dig into this remember Froeb’s rule from Chapter 1″Avoid the temptation to think about the problem from the employee’s point of view…{and ask} how does the organization give employees enough information to make good decisions and the incentives to do so?” page 8

departments increase their applicant pool by dropping this requirement?

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Unit 4 Group Work


  • Group members are to prepare answers for Groupwork Questions.
  • Apply critical thinking skills to each question. Critical thinking skills can include interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation, explanation, and self-regulation.


  • Focus on labor relations concepts when answering the questions.
  • Consolidate your group response into one document using the APA writing style in a Microsoft word format (*.docx or *.doc) or rich text format (*.rft).
  • Do not include a Coversheet, Abstract, or Executive Summary.
  • The name of each participating group member must appear in the upper right side of the document for credit.
  • Post each question first then place the group response directly under the question. Failure to post the question first will result in a minimum of 5 point reduction.
  • Textbook references and Web-based sources are required. Refer to grading rubric.
  • Refer to Assignment and Grading for the grading rubric and general group work requirements.
  • Submit your assignment by uploading it to Canvas.
  • Late group work submissions are not allowed without the instructor’s permission. With Instructor permission, five or more points are deducted for lateness.

Due Date

  • Due by Sunday 11:59 p.m., CT.

Groupwork Questions

The Group is “Local H-56 Bargaining Team.” Go to The Zinnia website (Links to an external site.). Click on the “corporate intranet pages” link. Enter the password “Justice” at the bottom left and then click on “Go” to access the Local H-56 Bargaining Team Internal Memos. Read the “Rank and File Survey” to answer questions 1 through 4.

  1. Develop a two column table with the headings Mandatory and Permissive. Under each heading, place the appropriate item.
  2. Item “Holidays.” There are nine holidays with double time. Are the number of paid holidays the norm or are the rank and file asking for excessive paid holidays? Are the number of paid holidays negotiable? Why or why not?
  3. Of what value is the “Rank and File Survey” to the Bargaining Team since the survey is “informal”? What is the next step the Bargaining Team should take concerning the survey?
  4. Item “Subcontracting: None allowed.” What is the reason for “None allowed”? Would there be any exceptions?
  5. Does the Bargaining Team plan to use “Pattern Bargaining” during the upcoming negotiations? What is “Pattern Bargaining?” Is it a viable option?
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Risk Management Plan

  1. Select a facility you would like to use for your project. This should be a sport facility near you where you will be able to gain access. Don’t make this too difficult. You can use a local youth sport field or you can choose to gain access to a major facility in your area by networking and meeting with a facility manager who will give you full access when the facility is open. If you are using a recreational field, you will be auditing the entire facility including the parking lot, concessions stands, bathrooms, bleachers, etc. If you elect to use a major facility, see more information under sections 2 & 3

To the writer. The sport facility selected is a high school football field that can be used for other sports such as soccer, baseball, and track

  • Create a list of all events happening at your facility.

To the Writer: What other events can be held at this facility?

  • Make a list of controllable factors and uncontrollable factors.

Example of controllable – Potholes fixed for a marathon

Example of uncontrollable – Tornado

  • Make a list of thirty (30) potential risks possible in the sport you selected that takes place in your facility. Choose five (5) risks from each of these six (6) different areas:  1) equipment, 2) facilities, 3) supervision, 4) participants, 5) spectators, and 6) emergency procedures.  Your risks should be numbered 1-30.  

To the writer: The sport selected for these risks is soccer

Section 2 of your Project includes the following.

  1. Using your list of 30 risks, plug your risks, all thirty (30) of them, into a Risk Category Matrix like the one set forth in the text (top of p. 277).  In order to simplify the number of severity categories, you can eliminate “critical.”  This will give you three severity categories: catastrophic, moderate and low. Plug each risk into the appropriate box in the Matrix and put the number you assigned next to it in parentheses. At a later time, you will be adding another column to this form.’
  • Obtain permission from a high-level manager in the facility you chose to conduct a facility audit and create an RM plan. You must provide the name, title, and phone number for the individual who gives you permission. You will only have to audit the main game area, parking lot, one bathroom, and one major section of bleachers. Of course, if they give access to you for the entire facility, you might want to consider doing this and give them a comprehensive audit of their facility. Could land you a job!

To the Writer:  Can you develop an Facility Audit form for me to use? 

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Group Therapy Application

The attached transcripts show the application of group therapy in five different contexts. For this task you will compare and contrast them according to the following variables:

  • Group goals
  • Techniques used
  • Sensitivity to multicultural issues

Give examples to support your analyses. Discuss whether these  differences in these variables were due to the particular context and needs of the group, the theoretical orientation of the leader or other factors. 

Support your analysis with five research articles published in peer-reviewed journals in the past five years.

Length: 5-7 pages (Not including title and reference pages)

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and  concepts and provide new thoughts and insights  relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. 

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Community health

1 Explain the role of the community health nurse in partnership with community stakeholders for population health promotion. Explain why it is important to appraise community resources (nonprofit, spiritual/religious, etc.) as part of a community assessment and why these resources are important in population health promotion.


Discuss how geopolitical and phenomenological place influence the context of a population or community assessment and intervention. Describe how the nursing process is utilized to assist in identifying health issues (local or global in nature) and in creating an appropriate intervention, including screenings and referrals, for the community or population.

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