
Venture Capital” Please respond to the following:

  • Use the Internet or the Strayer Library to identify a business recently acquired or financed by a venture capitalist. Next, evaluate the business decision to use a venture capitalist to raise funds, indicating whether or not you believe the company will benefit from this decision in the long run. Provide support for your position. 
  • Assess the challenges for businesses using the resources of a venture capitalist, given that significant returns on the investment are likely to be impacted by the firm. Indicate how a business can manage these expectations. Provide support for your rationale
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Social Psychology PSY-328

Classical Social Psychology Study Group Project: There have been many social psychology studies that have produced important results to psychology and society. Each group will be assigned one of these classical studies. Students will be assigned to a group early in the semester. For this assignment, you will research the topic thoroughly and create a PowerPoint presentation detailing what you learned. 

Be sure to go beyond what is in the text and actually search for new research on the topic. You may also include photos or videos, such as YouTube links, in the presentation. The following is a list of the classic studies that may be used in this assignment. Classic Studies Milgram’s Obedience Studies Zimbardo’s Prison Study Asch’s Conformity Study Kitty Genovese and the bystander effect Sherif’s Robber’s Cave Experiment Bandura’s Bobo Doll studies 

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Identifying & Validating Sources

 Identifying & Validating Sources in Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice In law enforcement, the police receive information from many sources and under different circumstances. Think about this and identify three situations where police may receive information and how the sources of that information need to be validated in order for it to be used and relied upon. 

After reading the resources this week, list and explain three areas in Criminal Justice where information is received from and how the sources must be evaluated as well as the information. This paper should be 2-3 pages, double spaced, APA format. You should use sources within the course and from your own research to support your discussion of this topic. 

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Organizational Staffing Discussion 3

250 word APA


This Discussion Board/Case focuses on Learning Outcome 3: Assess Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other (KSAO) human qualities in relation to hiring and selection: 


You are still the Director of Staffing (Congratulations!) and you have an “old school” recruiter who is accustomed to skinnin’ and grinnin’ i.e. face-to-face recruiting, shaking hands with many potential applicants smiling all the while. She does her prescreening for KSAOs while she is talking with the potential applicant and only invites those who pass her prescreening to sit for a full interview. She personally sees 100 candidates a month at various job fairs and recruitment events. Eighty-five percent of her applicants are hired in some position in the company. You have converted to the online recruiting process and pulled your recruiter off the street and into her office. You get over 6,000 online apps per month. Ninety percent of your online apps are eliminated at your pre-screening. You manage to get 60 qualified applicants (1%) to be able to sit for an interview and about 50% of those are hired in some position in the company. How do you convince “old school” that your new way is better at identifying KSAOs in candidates? Is it better? Why is it better? Be sure to consider the learning outcome when writing your response.

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The Research Project Assignment is worth 20% of the course grade.

Due date is stated in the Class & Assignment Schedule (End of Week 7).



The specific objective of this graded written research exercise is to prepare an “executive level financial report” to a potential investor. This report will involve the financial evaluation of a real, publicly-traded, company. It will require independent research (web-based and library), careful financial analysis, and the proper application of key financial theories and formulas.

The companies that may be analyzed for this project are Yahoo (YHOO), IBM (IBM), Target (TGT), Oracle (ORCL), or Deere (DE).


You are a financial analyst with a large investment banking firm.  Your work involves preparing financial research reports and recommendations for clients of the firm.  This project represents such a report.


Your specific assignment is to research, analyze, and prepare a report for the clients on the actual financial performance of THE COMPANY THAT IS TO BE ANALYZED FOR THIS PROJECT.  In addition to reviewing the traditional financial performance indicators, you are also to review THE COMPANY’S past and current stock performance. Your report includes three parts:

(1)        A comprehensive review of THE COMPANY’S financial performance for the last 3 years.   A DuPont analysis is also required. (See detailed description below) 

(2)        An evaluation of THE COMPANY’S stock performance for the last year.

(3)        Finally, a specific recommendation, with supporting rationale, as to whether or not THE COMPANY’S recent trends in financial and stock performance are of sufficient financial strength to warrant entering into a long-term investment commitment.

To assist you in the task, the CFO has provided the following general guidance.

It is very important to comparatively evaluate THE COMPANY’S financial and stock performance trends against its Industry and/or principal competitors.

You should include all necessary and relevant financial performance and stock information, trends, and projections in supporting your recommendation. This information may include, financial ratio trends and industry comparisons, capital spending, stock growth, Beta values, credit rating service valuations, bond rating valuations, and management and investment reports – when these documents are available.


Research and analyze the following information for THE COMPANY (SELECTED BY INSTRUCTOR).

–Annual Balance Sheets for THE COMPANY for the last three years.

–The Income Statements and Statements of Cash Flows for THE COMPANY the last three years.

— Annual reports, Form 10K Reports

 –Industry norms

—Analysts’ reports on performance

— Management reports or press releases, investor conference calls  

Using this information students will develop the evaluation of the financial performance for THE COMPANY. (85% of the assignment grade) 

1. Required Subheading: Background Information

Background and Industry (one short paragraph). 

2. Required Subheading: Financial Performance Results

Select the most significant financial performance results for the company: Compare Revenue, net income, cash flows, working capital, total assets for the last three years and other results for the company against the industry or main competitors. Present a table with this information in the report. Write about 1 page of analysis for these financial performance results. (15% of the project grade)

3. Required Subheading: Financial Ratio Analysis

Evaluate financial ratios for the company (the Mergent database available through the Library is a good source).  Write about 1-2 pages of analysis of the ratio data. (15% of the project grade). Compare the ratio results against the industry or main competitors.

4. Required Subheading : Return on Equity

 Evaluate Return on Equity for the company for the last three years using the DuPont analysis. (10% of the project grade). Compare the company’s results to a major competitor.  This involves taking the information from the Income statements and the Balance sheets to calculate the company’s return on equity using the DuPont formula. Show your calculations!  Write about 1 page of analysis of the results that you prepared. Compare the results to main competitors. If the management of the company would like to improve its return on equity, what should the management do? 

5. Required Subheading: Other Financial Indicators

Evaluate other significant financial performance indicators including: capital spending, stock growth, Beta values, credit rating service valuations (if possible), bond rating valuations (if possible), etc. Present an overall conclusion about the financial performance of the company during the last 3 years based on these indicators. Compare the results that you developed against the industry or main competitors.  Summarize the results in 1 page by explaining the firm’s financial strengths and weaknesses? (10% of the project grade).

6. Required Subheading: Stock Performance

Collect and evaluate the data about stock performance of the assigned company for the last year. Compare the results against the industry or main competitors.  Write about 1-2 pages of analysis of the results. (20% of the project grade).

7. Required Subheading: Investment Recommendation

Develop a specific recommendation, with supporting rationale, as to whether or not the assigned company’s recent trends in financial and stock performance, and projected performance, are of sufficient financial strength to warrant entering into a long-term investment commitment (write about 1 page) (15% of the project grade)

PRESENTATION OF PAPER AND WRITING (15%) of the project grade):

Organization, Format and Presentation of Paper including the Title page, Introduction, Body, and Summary (4% of the project grade).

Use of Tables, Figures and Other Graphics to Summarize and Support Analysis Presented in the Paper (3% of the project grade).

Logical and Smooth Flowing Transitions and Relationships among Sections of the Written Report (3% of the project grade).

Research Sources and Significance of Research Information and Data, Use of APA Citation Methodology (5% of the project grade).

The final report is to be an executive-level financial report, directed to the client. The report should be about 6 – 8 double-spaced typewritten pages (not counting the tables and graphs).

Essential research data, financial calculations and other documentation that is necessary to support the recommendation should be referred to in summary form in the report and included in the report as attachments.  All major references sources must be referenced. 

The Individual Research Report must be posted to the LEO Student Assignments.  Attachments are limited to a maximum two files in doc, docx., xls. xlsx., or rtf. formats. OTHER FORMATS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE and will not be reviewed and graded.

 Pdf. files will not be accepted or graded.

All work must be Word processed. Handwritten and scanned work will not be accepted and graded.

The report is an individual effort and must be researched, developed and prepared by you. 


Evaluation Rubric for the Research Project.

An evaluation rubric is available for the research project. The evaluation rubric outlines the specific requirements and elements of the project. It is suggested that the rubric be used as a guideline for the content, preparation, and completion of the project.  The rubric will be used for the evaluation and grading of the final research project.

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You will complete a book review of Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling by McMinn that consists of 4 sections, each with a current APA heading. Use the provided template which has a correct title page, headings, and examples of in-text citations, and reference page (McMinn listed as the reference). You will not use any additional sources for this paper.

Summary (25 points)

The McMinn book can be divided into 2 broad “parts.” The first part comprises chapters 1–2 and in those chapters, McMinn lays down a foundationfor the rest of the book. In your summary of the first 2 chapters, explain the essential elements in McMinn’s approach to the integration of psychology, theology, and spirituality into counseling. If you had to identify the most important concepts in McMinn’s foundation, what would they be? Present your points clearly, with ideas organized by paragraphs. The second part of the book comprises the applicationchapters (chapters 3–8). In your summary of these chapters, identify the most important elements of each chapter that best characterize McMinn’s approach to integration. Consider using a separate paragraph for the summary points from each of the chapters. For length, the first section of your paper should be the longest section (1–2+ pages suggested).

Personal Reflection (10 points)

We often remember what speaks to us personally. Pick out a few concepts from McMinn that most resonated with you and tell us why they touched you personally. Make sure you provide a clear tie-in to a main point from McMinn. Do not just tell a personal story prompted by secondary points – stick to the main ideas. Make this section approximately 1 page.

Analysis (10 points)

What did you find truly unique about McMinn’s approach? What was most helpful? What suggestions from McMinn will be most difficult to utilize in your own counseling? In this section, pick out 3–5 unique ideas (generally not found in every other book on Christian counseling) and explain why you found them unique, or difficult, absolutely essential, or impossible to apply, etc. Highlight the 3–5 unique points to make them obvious to the reader and make this section approximately1 page.What you write in this section must exhibit that you read this book thoughtfully.

Application (25 points)

Think of how you would apply concepts from this book to your work as a human services counselor. First, briefly describe the setting in which you will most likely work (or presently do work)—community services agency, hospital, adoption agency, church counseling center, probation office, etc. Then for your particular agency, list at least 5 important concepts from McMinn that you most likely will apply in your work on that setting. Briefly explain how you would apply McMinn’s concepts. Why did you choose those particular concepts? You could also explain the challenges you might face as you seek to integrate psychology/theology/spirituality into your human services counseling. In this section, provide a numbered list of concepts. This section should be approximately 1 or more pages.

Keep in mind that while the template with correct and current APA formatting is provided, you must present your ideas using professional (graduate level) writing. Writing quality and APA will count for 30 points of your total. Note that page length is suggested; you will not be penalized for going over the suggested length unless the longer length reveals poor writing. Sections shorter than the suggested length may indicate inadequate content.

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Arguments paper

Scholarly Arguments

In the Week 1 Presenting Arguments assignment, you objectively and neutrally evaluated reasoning on each side of your question from non-scholarly sources. For this assignment, you will objectively and neutrally evaluate and present the reasoning from scholarly sources on the same question. For an example of how to complete this paper, take a look at the Week Three Example paper.

Conduct research from scholarly sources on each side of your issue and write a paper that includes the following:

  • Introduction (approximately 100 words)
    • Explain your topic and state the specific question that you are addressing (be sure to incorporate any relevant feedback you got from the instructor on your first paper).
  • Presentation of an Argument
    • Describe the scholarly source on one side of the issue and summarize the key points made. (approximately 100 words)
    • Present what you see as the main argument from that source in standard form, with the premises listed above the conclusion. (approximately 100 words)
    • Evaluate the quality of the reasoning in this source. You may address questions such as: How adequately the article supports the premises with research and how strongly the premises of the argument support the truth of the conclusion. (approximately 200 words)
  • Presentation of an Opposing Argument
    • Describe the scholarly source on the other side of the issue and summarize the key points made. (approximately 100 words)
    • Present what you see as the main argument from that source in standard form, with the premises listed above the conclusion. (approximately 100 words)
    • Evaluate the quality of the reasoning in this source. You may address questions such as: How adequately the article supports the premises with research and how strongly the premises of the argument support the truth of the conclusion. (approximately 200 words)
  • Evaluation of Arguments in Non-Scholarly and Scholarly Sources (approximately 200 words)
    • Discuss the differences in the quality of the reasoning or in the degree of support in the sources that you analyzed (Scholarly and Popular Resources (1) (Links to an external site.)).
      • Some specific types of questions you might address here include: Who is the target audience? What types of motives may be influencing these authors? Discuss any logical fallacies in any of the sources.
    • Conclusion (approximately 50 words)
      • Reflect on how this activity might influence how you conduct research in the future.

The Scholarly Arguments paper

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Introduction to Computer Security

Learning About Cookies as Spyware.

Research what kind of information cookies store. You might find the following  websites helpful:

  • www.allaboutcookies.org/
  • www.howstuffworks.com/cookie1.htm

Using WORD, write an ORIGINAL brief essay of 300 words or more describing cookies and the way they can invade privacy.

Safe Assign is software that verifies the originality of your work against on-line sources and other students.

Note your Safe Assign score. Continue submitting until your Safe Assign score is less than 25. For your first written assignment, you have unlimited times to retry your assignment.

Read Chapter 1 of the Easttom text, Introduction to Computer Security.

Primary topics:

  • Types of threats
  • Network attacks
  • Security terminolog

Resources : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96VDo2yv3-g

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Marketing Management And Business Ethics

1. Using the MLB steroids case as an example, explain how unethical choices by some players harms players who comply with the rules. 350+ words.

And Two replies 250+words.



2) Check below Discussion and Reply to below post 250 words
Introduction: The reason behind why the customer need marking. What demand that customer wants? By acknowledging all kinds of customers needs gives the huge profits. To get huge success in firms they need to understand the customers notation. By Daniel et.al,2018 firms always act according to customer level criteria which they need to connect their goods and services to customer level. Furthermore, it’s been controversy question will be customer are doing always right?


As of today, the firms are using lots of cheap tricks like who to attract the customer on goods and services to push on customer satisfaction as season-based discounts. For instance, most of firms are targeting the customer even in monthly and weekly based advertising and coupons. Rapidly reducing the prices of goods and services by using coupons technique by selling them heavily. Huge advertising on products and newly posting their discounts in social media and they even using TV, radio station as well as newspaper (Warren,2010). Firms are providing huge benefits for customer in way of 30 day returns policy which includes very small product to huge products so customer can get convened how to deal with product by this option there are lots of chance were firms are getting loses by those customers.

Firms are still following like kind of “old school structure” Demand and supply chain process. This process is about to make end customer happy with their products. Firms do believe that customers are the key of success to any goods and services its well known fact, but this shows not only getting benefits from the customers but also, they need customer satisfaction. In these processes the firms are offering a huge discount and lots of investments on advertisements may leads to loss.

Anyway, as of today firms are believe in customers are always right. As they believe that customer are base line for the business, once the business kick start in growth and development wise automatically policy are started like coupons and warranty anyway firms are still thinks on profits and revenue systems so they provide end date on coupons and discounts sales (warren,2010) this might help the firms not to lose the profits thorough customers. Which also proves that customer is also not always right because if they don’t like any sales or products, they start circulating unwanted behavior in market.


I can conclude that customer is not always right. They might miss use the sales to overcome this firms need to market the best-selling products and good marketing strategy. It will help for both customs and firms.


Christopher, M. & Payne, A. & Ballantyne, D. (2018). Relationship marketing: bringing quality customer service and marketing together. 

Wagner, W. (2010). Divestment, entrepreneurial incentives, and the life cycle of the firm. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 37(5‐6), 591-611. 

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Learning Activity W7

General Instructions for Learning Activities 

* Read/watch all assigned materials listed for the week in the Course Content

* Cite to assigned materials in all responses in Learning Activities

* Use only assigned materials to complete Learning Activities; do not use internet unless otherwise instructed

* Include in-text citations and a Reference List for in-text citations 

* Write in correct, complete sentences, in paragraph format unless otherwise instructed

* Submit Learning Activities to Assignment Folder

Learning Activity: due 11:59 pm ET, Thursday


Background: GC owners recognize the importance of effective recruitment and hiring. They feel competent recruiting and hiring new GC management but want to hire an expert to recruit and hire employees to develop and manage their website and internal computer systems, and provide IT support. 

They agree to hire a recognized expert in this area, George Tacy, to act as GC’s agent in hiring computer/IT employees. The owners want to give full authority to Tacy to direct every aspect of recruitment and hiring of these employees, from the initial recruitment of applicants to the final hiring process. 

The GC owners want to ensure that their agreement with Tacy will include all important terms. They asked TLG to draft details for several terms to be included in a final contract to reflect their agreement with Tacy and the scope of his authority.

Instructions: Winnie and Ralph direct you to draft several terms that should be included in the agency contract between Tacy and GC. You are NOT TO WRITE A COMPLETE CONTRACT, merely detailed descriptions for several important contract terms.

Write a description and details for each of the following agency contract terms to be included in a formal agency contract between Tacy and GC. 

1. Purpose

* Describe express purpose(s) of the agency agreement

2. Scope of agency authority

* Describe specific authority granted to Tacy under the agreement for recruitment and hiring – be specific, detailed

3. Pay

* Describe type of pay you recommend for Tacy’s work (i.e., hourly, weekly, monthly, lump sum for the job, etc.), and why

* Describe how often pay will be distributed

PLEASE DO NOT use sample terms from an internet contract; it will not comply with the instructions and facts for this activity and will not meet the requirements for this learning activity. 


Label and number each contract section as listed above in Instructions.





Write correct, complete sentences, in paragraph format.

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