Discussion 2: Dual-Role Relationships

Consider this scenario:

You receive a hotline call at your mental health agency from a client requesting a same-day appointment. You are the only social worker available to work with clients at the time, as your coworker is out of town on vacation for 10 days. A 15-year-old boy struggling with depression (no suicidal ideation) and addiction calls asking for help. While you are gathering information over the phone, you realize that he happens to be the son of a friend. Do you continue the process, planning on providing him with services, or do you refer him to another mental health clinic that is over 30 miles away? Do you make him wait until your coworker returns? Do you contact his parents and tell them he called?

In certain geographical areas there may be limited resources and in turn a lack of opportunities for clients to obtain assistance. In some rural or otherwise isolated areas there might be situations that make it difficult to maintain ideal boundaries due to dual-role relationships. Dual-role relationships exist when a professional fills multiple roles at the same time, a situation that may be unavoidable in certain circumstances.

Understanding the significant impact of a dual-role relationship with a client is important in order to avoid harming the client. Further, recognizing the impact on the client and the relationship will assist in the creation of strong professional boundaries. In these situations, a social worker might feel his or her ability to maintain these boundaries is compromised or may even experience a value dilemma due to the existence of dual-role relationships.

Consider the importance of boundaries in a therapeutic relationship. Think about ways a social worker might violate the NASW Code of Ethics as it pertains to dual-role relationships. Is there ever a situation in which dual-role relationships are acceptable, or even preferable?

By Day 4

Post an explanation of how you might respond to the situation with the 15-year-old boy on the hotline. Include ways your decision may impact the client. Support your position with references to this week’s resources, professional experience, and additional research. How will you address a possible dual-role relationship?

Required Readings

Daley, M., R., & Hickman, S. (2011). Dual relations and beyond: Understanding and addressing ethical challenges for rural social work. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 8(1). Retrieved from http://www.socialworker.com/jswve/spr11/spr11daleyhickman.pdf

Gonyea, J. L., Wright, D. W., & Earl‐Kulkosky, T. (2014). Navigating dual relationships in rural communities. Journal of marital and family therapy, 40(1), 125-136.

 Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Halabuza, D. (2014). Guidelines for social workers’ use of social networking websites. Journal Of Social Work Values & Ethics, 11(1), 23-32. 

 Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

Mattison, M. (2018). Informed consent agreements: Standards of care for digital social work practices. Journal of Social Work Education, 54(2), 227-238.

 Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

National Association of Social Workers. (2017). Code of ethics. Retrieved from https://www.socialworkers.org/About/Ethics/Code-of-Ethics/Code-of-Ethics-English

Reamer, F. G. (2011, November 30). When bad things happen to good social workers: The perils of ethics mistakes. Social Work Today. Retrieved from http://www.socialworktoday.com/news/eoe_113011.shtml

Reamer, F. G. (2017). Evolving ethical standards in the digital Age. Australian Social Work, 70(2), 148-159.

 Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Sawyer, S., & Prescott, D. (2011). Boundaries and dual relationships. Sexual Abuse: Journal Of Research And Treatment, 23(3), 365-380. doi:10.1177/1079063210381411

 Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

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 1. Jesse wants me to investigate GanttProject software to determine whether it would be

suitable for SCR. She asked me to prepare a summary of pros and cons, and a sample of

screen shots and information.

2. Jesse likes the idea of using task completion estimates with best-case, probable-case, and

worst-case estimates. She said that I should use typical formulas and weight values to

create a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that would make it easier to calculate expected task


3. To practice my skills, Jesse asked me to create an imaginary project with at least 12 tasks,

which include dependent, multiple predecessor, and multiple successor tasks. She wants

me to create a list showing the tasks and dependencies, and patterns. She also needs to

know the duration, start, and finish for each task. She said to use my best guess regarding

duration, and we could adjust it later.

4. Jesse wants me to prepare a brief handout for the other team members with some do’s

and don’ts regarding project management. She wants me to include at least image. She

suggested either a screenshot or a drawing that would show some aspect of project


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How Does Information Technology Help Groupon Compete?- 1 and half page

After you have read Chapter 2 read Case Study 2-1 Groupon (Textbook attached). Answer question 1.  How does information technology help Groupon compete?

Note:  All posts are required to have in-text citations and scholarly references per our syllabus.  You are also required to reply substantively (see Post 1’s note for examples) to at least one fellow student.  Failure to do so will result in increasing points off as we progress! Do not plagiaries. Do NOT copy anything from Course Hero or similar site. Doing so will result in a zero.  Submit only as a post NOT as an attachment so your classmates can respond to you! Post in your own words. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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WK1 Assignment

  • My World-View of Learning

Find online information, journal articles or text book references for learning views. Then, write a 2-3 page paper explaining your own personal learning theories using APA format.

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Analysis worksheet

ENGL 1020: Composition/Analysis                                           Online

The University of Memphis                                                              

Analysis Worksheet


Name of Text:


Context—where does the article appear:


Occasion—what preceded or prompted the author to write:


Author and expertise:


Subject and thesis:


Evidence and source:


Evidence and Source:


Evidence and Source:


Counter Argument addressed:

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Discussion Board Forum

Describe how Amazon’s online marketing strategy is impacting conventional retail stores. What specific advantages do Amazon and other online firms have over brick and mortar department stores? What advantages do local retail stores have over online shopping?
• How are brick and mortar retail stores responding to the online shopping competitors? Provide an example.
• Can an “even playing field” be achieved for both the local department store and an online merchant offering the same products? Explain and support your answer.
• How is Amazon looking beyond retail shopping to providing managed logistics services to other firms?

“Plans fail for the lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed” (Prov. 15:22 NIV). Explain what this means to a follower of Christ in their business practices. 

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Using the information that you have compiled over the past four modules, prepare your summary recommendation  for Gentry Inc. and its plan to expand internationally. Remember that  the company is trying to raise $50 million to expand via an IPO and debt  issuance.  

Create a 10-15 slide presentation  detailing your findings. Your recommendation should be 1-2 slides. Note  that the title slide and reference slides are not included in the 10-15  total. Be sure to include academic references in your presentation as  well as any charts or graphs to convey your financial information. 

Include a summary the deliverables from Modules 02-04 in the presentation.

Your slides should flow as a cohesive presentation, not a patchwork of distinct pieces of information.  

Modules 3-4 included in files.  Module 2 I will list what the requirements were on here.

**Part below does not need to be completed but some of the details on here are what need to included for the Module 2 portion of the presentation.**

Based on the concepts that you learned this week from the assigned  videos and articles surrounding growth strategies for companies, make an  initial assessment of whether Gentry should expand into China, Japan,  and Germany all at one time or in a phased approach. 

In your assignment, recall the strategies that you  discussed in this module’s discussion questions about the different  types of financial investments companies use for growth. 

Include the advantages and disadvantages of  expanding with debt and equity (using the information that you learned  in this module’s materials).

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CyberSecurity Management

1.  If you were asked by your employer to develop a new Information Security Policy, where would you turn to find resources to build this policy? List the two most important items you would include in this new policy and explain why you felt these were most important. (300 words)

 2. What do you believe to be the most compelling reason to migrate information to the cloud? What is your biggest security concern about doing so? (250 words)

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Deliverable 4 – Action Plan For Responding To Negative Online Reviews


Explore problem-solving skills for business analysis.


You manage a local chain restaurant that is known for its burgers. The restaurant is located on the corner of a major intersection in a suburban neighborhood. There are many choices in the area for a cheap meal that is family friendly. With so many options available, you want to be sure that you remain competitive. As a result, you recently decided to make a few changes to the menu. You added quite a few new items and took away a few that weren’t so popular.

Your general manager regularly checks your store’s online reviews to see what your customers are saying. She made you aware that recently your online reviews have been less than positive. She provided you with reviews from your website and asked that you summarize the findings and determine next steps. While your sales don’t seem to be slipping, she wants you to analyze the ratings and reviews so that you can proactively address areas that need attention.

The reviews and ratings are as follows:


Stars out of 5 

Great burgers


My waitress was really nice


My soup was cold


My salad was wilted


We were seated very quickly


The carpet was filthy


The food was horrible, but the manager comped the meal


Food was ok for typical bar food


There is too much to choose from on the menu


Really kid friendly


There was a wait to be seated and the hostess brought my four year old crayons and paper to keep her busy!


The place is known for their burgers. They should stick to that. Their pizza was horrible and overpriced!


Bathrooms need some serious attention! Gross!


Our waiter slipped us a buy one, get one coupon before we paid the bill. Sweet!!


You have reviewed the data and have decided that analysis is required in order to prioritize the areas of concern. The data will also allow you to assess what is going right in your restaurant.

You and your general manager agree that this exercise is imperative to stay competitive in an already saturated market.InstructionsYou have decided to provide your general manager with a step-by-step action plan, in Microsoft Word, that provides the roadmap used to analyze the data to ensure the conclusions you reached are valid. You will be dealing with both quantitative and qualitative data. As you write your plan, be sure you explain your research method, measurement scale, results, and next steps based on your results.

In an introductory statement, briefly explain why the analysis of these ratings and reviews is important.

  • Step 1 – Contrast the two different types of data found in the ratings and reviews and how both will be used in your analysis.
  • Step 2 – Describe the research method and measurement scale you will be using to interpret the ratings and reviews. Be sure to include an analysis of the method, and why it is appropriate in this case.
  • Step 3- Illustrate your coding process by displaying a table with the values ascribed to your qualitative data.
  • Step 4 – Explain whether you applied mean, median, or mode values to your quantitative data. Include a description why your choice best reflects the overall customer rating of your restaurant, what the value is, and a projection of where you would like the rating to be in 6 months.
  • Step 5 – Create a table, chart, or graph using Excel that shows your qualitative research results and identify the top two customer concerns to be addressed. Also, include the area where customers are most satisfied. Be sure to add the graph in the appropriate place in the Word document.
  • Step 6 – Write two recommendations to address customer concerns.
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Building on your initial business justification from week 1, for week 2 write a 3 page IWG formatted paper addressing migration requirements. The specific migration requirements will depend on the cloud service you are proposing, as each service will have different requirements. For example, if you are proposing cloud storage and collaboration, considerations may include storage space requirements, cost, user access rights, content management, disaster recovery planning, service level agreements (SLA’s), etc. Provide at least two external citations and references supporting your recommendations.

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