Soc 300 Assignment 2

Write at least a six-page paper, in which you:

  1.  Identify the two LDCs (from the list above), which you will compare and assess. Explain why you chose these two countries. 
  2. Analyze the features that the LDCs have in common using at least five of the following nine factors (clearly label the five factors using headings):
    1.  geography 
    2. extractive institutions 
    3. governmental corruption 
    4. internal or external conflicts 
    5. shaky financial systems 
    6. unfair judicial systems 
    7. ethnic, racial or tribal disparities 
    8. lack or misuse of natural resources 
    9. closed (statist) economies 
  3. Use at least seven credible sources. Wikipedia, encyclopedias, dictionaries, blogs and other material that does not qualify as reputable academic source work at the college level. Do not use sources that are older than seven years.
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