Human Resource Management
What preventive steps can organizations take to guard against pay inequities?
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Pay inequities are defined as the degree to which the actual pay of an employee matches what he or she thinks they deserve, according to In order for an organization to guard against pay inequities employers should attempt to over concentrations of men or women in particular jobs. Employers should evaluate whether there is any direct evidence of bias in setting wage rates, such as discriminatory statements or admission. Employers should also make sure not to deviate from an internal job evaluation survey or a market survey due to encountered difficulties in the hiring process. (Rue, Ibrahim, Byars, & Byars, 2016, p. 58)
(n.d.). What is pay equity? definition and meaning. Retrieved from
Rue, L. W., Ibrahim, N. A., Byars, L. L., & Byars, L. L. (2016). Human resource management (11th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Education.
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