MBA-622 Financial Management

Assignment 2

The Greek Exit Plan

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As per the VLE

Learning Objectives for Course

1. Obtain a comprehensive understanding of the financial environment and adequately define financial terms

2. Have an ability and readiness to formulate, examine and defend business case judgments, as well as recognize ethical dilemmas and corporate social responsibility issues in Finance,

3. Conceptually understand the main theories of Corporate Finance and have a commitment to their practical mathematical application

4. Compare and appraise theories that underlie current thinking in Corporate Finance and Investment, demonstrate and evaluate how these theories can be applied in practical situations,

5. Demonstrate effective oral communication of complex ideas and arguments, possess developed listening skills.

Guidelines for assignment

ü This is an individual assignment

ü Ground your answer in relevant theory

ü Plagiarism and reproduction of someone else’s work as your own will be penalized

ü Make use of references, where appropriate – Use Harvard or APA referencing method.

ü Late submission implies a deduction of 10 marks per day

ü Structural elements should include an introduction, main body, and a conclusion

ü Weight – 45%

ü Word count guidance: 2500 words

ü Type of assignment: Business Report / Essay

ü Start / Finish : Week 6

ü Learning Outcome Assessed: 1,2,3,4,5




Each day there is speculation in the news about what could happen to Greece and its economy. Your assignment is to research the Greek crisis and draw your own conclusions on what the outcome will be for survival. Will they exit the Euro? Or rebuild their economy? This is a broad and open assignment that should be supported with theory learnt.

Please write a report on your findings and prepare a short 5 minute summary to present to your tutor by skype of video recording. Please email this to your tutor by the end of the course

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