writing 112 assignment

Task:       Create an annotated bibliography of four sources that could be used for your research project, including at least two articles from scholarly journals.

Length:   Four citations, each with an annotation of 150 +/- 25 words (125-175 words each). The entire completed assignment should be at least 600 words.

Sources: Four sources related to your research question, including at least two from scholarly journal articles. All four sources should be high-quality sources that you can use in your research project. Refer to Week 3: Selecting Sources Wisely. You may decide to use some or all of the sources that you posted in Week 3, Discussion 1: Identifying and Evaluating Sources.

Due date and grading: This assignment is due by the end of Week 4. This assignment will be graded with a rubric and will count for 20% of your course grade. To view the grading rubric, access the assignment through the Assignments area of the classroom.

Outcomes you should achieve by completing this assignment

The annotated bibliography contributes to the research project by helping you collect and analyze your sources. The outcomes for this assignment are listed below, with the associated course outcomes in parentheses:

  • Identify valid and reliable sources that can be used in the composition of a research paper (Course outcome 4)
  • Explain the nature of selected sources and their relevance of sources to the research paper (Course outcome 4)
  • Set up an annotated bibliography in APA format (Course outcome 4)
  • Demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing (Course outcome 3)


The annotated bibliography is part of your research project, which examines a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of your field of study. The annotated bibliography builds on your work from the first few weeks of class selecting an appropriate topic and then developing a more focused research question. Indicate your research question at the top of your annotated bibliography, just below the title.

What to do

Following the explanation in the videos posted in class (The Annotated Bibliography) and the Sample Annotated Bibliography, create an annotated bibliography of four sources. For each source, include:

  • Reference citation in APA format
  • Annotation of 150 ±25 words, formatted in a single paragraph, with 
    • summary
    • evaluation
    • use

You may (but do not have to) use CiteFast to create your reference citations. If you use CiteFast, be sure to check for accuracy and make any necessary corrections.

Formatting your assignment

Incorporate these elements of APA style:

  • Use one-inch margins.
  • Double space.
  • Use an easy-to-read font between 10-point and 12-point.
  • Reference citations should be formatted with a hanging indent.
  • Organize the annotated bibliography in alphabetical order, according to the first word of each reference citation.

Remember to include your research question below your title.

Format each annotation in a single paragraph.

Note: Title page is not required, but make sure you include your name and a title that reflects your topic at the top of the first page. Below the title, indicate your research question.

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Discussion Question:

Identify, from your perspective, the most interesting and important topic or insight from the reading that is in alignment with the goals for this module that is not related to any of the essay questions for the module. Find at least two new sources to bolster your assertion that this topic or insight is important. Summarize the essence of the topic or insight, explain why it is important, support your assertion, and get ready to post it to the discussion forum.

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Wk 2 Assignment

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the Research Guides and Tutorials under the Getting Research help tabs in the Ashford University Library.

Prepare: Knowing how to thoroughly research a topic is extremely important while achieving your education. You may be asked to support your information with peer-reviewed scholarly resources, but how can you find this type of resource? The Ashford University Library allows you to search through different avenues to find the requested types of resources. You can narrow your search by the author, year published, title, subject, and by indicating what type of resource you are looking for. You even have access to a librarian if you need some guidance in finding more resources on your topic.

Reflect: Given that you have been in college for awhile, it’s time to reflect on what you have learned through the use of the Ashford University Library in relation to how you learned to acquire new information from a variety of sources.

Write: This week, you will take the Threshold Achievement Test for Information Literacy (TATIL) (Links to an external site.). This test is not graded, and your results are anonymous. The TATIL assesses students’ ability to recall and apply their knowledge and their metacognition about core information literacy dispositions that underly their behaviors. Through this combination of knowledge and dispositional assessment, TATIL offers a unique and valuable measure of the complexities of information literacy. The results of this assessment will guide Ashford University in developing the best possible library resources and research methodologies training.

After completing the TATIL (Links to an external site.), in a two- to three-paragraph response with each paragraph consisting of five or more sentences,

  • Describe your experiences using resources, including concerns encountered when conducting academic research through the Ashford University Library. Areas of concern may include developing a research strategy, using the search function within a database, or evaluating sources.
  • Explain how using the Ashford University Library has improved your experience in conducting research. For example, you could identify and explain how specific tutorials that you have used have helped improve your ability to conduct research.

The Information Literacy paper

  • Must include at least two paragraphs (of at least five sentences each) that respond to the two prompts, and that are formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
    • Running header with page numbers

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).

  • Must have no more than 15% quoted material in the body of your essay based on the Turnitin report.
  • Must include a separate references page when citing specific sections and/or tutorials of the Ashford Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Required Resources


Bhargava, V. K. (2006). Introduction to global issues. In V. K. Bhargava (Ed.), Global issues for global citizens: An introduction to key development challenges,1-22. Retrieved from http://ebookcentral.proquest.com

  • The full-text version of this book chapter can be accessed through the Ebook Central database in the Ashford University Library. These few pages provide a brief summary of globalism, the globalist movement, and some of the major issues that result from an increasingly globalized society. Some of the more troublesome issues are especially highlighted. This book chapter will assist you with your Globalization and Its Ethical Implications discussion this week.


Ahmad, A. (2013). A global ethics for a globalized world. Policy Perspectives, 10(1), 63-77. Retrieved from https://www.jstor.org/journal/polipers

  • The full-text version of this article is available through the JSTOR Journals database in the Ashford University Library. The universality of religious principles makes them applicable not just for the individual or community but for all of humankind. Thus, they can be applied globally in the modern world. This article will assist you with your Globalization and Its Ethical Implications discussion this week.

Bereiter, C., & Scardamalia, M. (n.d.). What will it mean to be an educated person in the mid-21st century? (Links to an external site.) Retrieved from https://www.ets.org/Media/Research/pdf/bereiter_scardamalia_what_will_mean_educated_person_century.pdf

  • This article makes the case that those with advanced education bear the duty of helping the society advance to a more just, fair, and or equitable state. All of society depends upon its educated people, from doctors, teachers, lawyers, etc., and so those people ought to do their best to help build a better society. This article will assist you with your Globalization and Its Ethical Implications and Ethics and Moral Development discussions this week.

Gong, Q., & Zhang, L. (2010). Virtue ethics and modern society–A response to the thesis of the modern predicament of virtue ethics. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 5(2), 255-265. doi:10.1007/s11466-010-0014-5

  • The full-text version of this article is available through the JSTOR Journals database in the Ashford University Library. Although the utilitarian ethic has dominated the last several hundred years and has shaped the current trend towards a global society, the author argues that globalization calls for a return to virtue ethics. “Virtues are a moral resource for modern people to resist modern evils” (p.255). This article will assist you with your Globalization and Its Ethical Implications and Ethics and Moral Development discussions this week.

Hill, L. (2015). Classical stoicism and the birth of a global ethics: Cosmopolitan duties in a world of local loyalties. Social Alternatives, (1), 14. Retrieved from https://www.informit.org/informit-literature-culture-collection

  • The full-text version of this article is available through the Informit Literature & Culture Collection database in the Ashford University Library. The author explains how classic Stoic thought shaped an ethic of the cosmopolitan. This cosmopolitan aspect of stoicism can better inform a global ethics in the trans- and supra-national nature of globalization. This article will assist you with your Globalization and Its Ethical Implications discussion this week.

Jwood00. (2017, December 18). Responsibilities of an educated person (Links to an external site.) [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://jwood00.hubpages.com/hub/Responsibilities-of-an-educated-person

  • The author makes the case that an educated person’s responsibilities and duties extend beyond the family and work place and must be extended into a wider context that includes others in the world and into the future. These responsibilities grow from the wider and deeper breadth of knowledge that comes from a college education. This article will assist you with your Ethics and Moral Development discussion this week.
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Kohlberg, L. (1975). Moral education for a society in moral transition (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/2d3c/a61129849afee57fa60624041f8a4997d64f.pdf

  • This article provides Kohlberg’s theory concerning levels of morality along with the six stages of moral reasoning that exist within those three levels. The article provides the different age ranges in which moral reasoning becomes more apparent as a person gets older. The article points out that it is rare that anyone reaches the 6th and final stage or moral reasoning. This article will assist you with your Ethics and Moral Development discussion forum this week.
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    Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)

The Blogxer. (2012, March 17). Responsibilities of an educated person (Links to an external site.) [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://enlighten-me-not.blogspot.com/2012/03/responsibilities-of-educated-person.html

  • The blog provides the three main responsibilities that educated persons must take on. These responsibilities are an outgrowth of their education and can be the basis for helping make the world a better place for everyone. This article will assist you with your Ethics and Moral Development discussion this week.
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Yi, J. (Director & Producer), Giddy, P. (Director). Altinay, H., Laffont, G., Weinhardt, C., Wiese, J., … Qiu, Y. (Producers). (2012). Global civics: Social ethics in an interdependent world (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://fod.infobase.com/OnDemandEmbed.aspx?token=53720&wID=100753&plt=FOD&loid=0&w=640&h=360&fWidth=660&fHeight=410

  • The full version of this video is available through the Films On Demand database in the Ashford University Library. Producers Jian Yi and his team asked different people across five continents an important question: “Given the high level of interdependence, isn’t it more important than ever to be aware of the effect of our actions on the rest of the planet?” The individuals that were asked this question consisted of businesspeople, artists, students, economists, and so forth. The outcome of this video is seeing the dire need for people to increase a sense of social responsibility. This video will assist you with your Globalization and Its Ethical Implications discussion this week.
    Accessibility Statement (Links to an external site.)
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Web Page

Newton, L. (1998 ). Decision procedures for Ethics: DEAL carrying on without resolution (Links to an external site.). In Doing good and avoiding evil [Manual]. Retrieved from http://www.rit.edu/~w-ethics/resources/manuals/dgae1p7.html

  • The author discusses the differences between good and evil principles and their relation to critical reasoning. The author then discusses the ways in which critical thinking may be used in resolving ethical dilemmas. This web page will assist you with your Ethics and Moral Development discussion forum this week.
    Accessibility Statement does not exist.
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Strategic objectives summary

identify key trends, assumptions, and risks in the context of your final business model.

Develop the strategic objectives for your new division of the existing business in a balanced scorecard format (an example is attached in the presentation) in the context of key trends, assumptions, and risks.The strategic objectives are measures of attaining your vision and mission. As you develop them, consider the vision, mission, and values for your business and the outcomes of your SWOTT analysis and supply chain analysis.

Consider the following four quadrants of the balanced scorecard when developing your strategic objectives:

  • Shareholder Value or Financial Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
  • Market share
  • Revenues and costs
  • Profitability
  • Competitive position
  • Customer Value Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
  • Customer retention or turnover
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Customer value
  • Process or Internal Operations Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
  • Measure of process performance
  • Productivity or productivity improvement
  • Operations metrics
  • Impact of change on the organization
  • Learning and Growth (Employee) Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Employee turnover or retention
  • Level of organizational capability
  • Nature of organizational culture or climate
  • Technological innovation

Develop at least three strategic objectives for each of the four balanced scorecard areas identified (Financial, Customer, Process, Learning and Growth). Your objectives should be selected, in part, based on an evaluation of a number of potential alternatives to the issues and/or opportunities identified in the SWOTT Analysis paper and table you completed in Week 3.

Base your solutions on a ranking of alternative solutions that includes an identification of potential risks and mitigation plans, and a stakeholder analysis that includes mitigation and contingency strategies. You should also incorporate the ethical implications of your solutions into your selection.

  • For each strategic objective, develop a metric and target using a balanced scorecard format. (For example, a strategic objective in the shareholder or Financial Perspective is to increase market share. A metric to actually measure this strategic objective of market share increase is, “The percentage of increase in market share.” The target is the specific number to be achieved in a particular time period. The target for the metric of “Increase market share” could be “Increase market share by 2% for each of the next 3 years” of an increase of 2% per year for 3 years.)

Outline a brief communication plan discussing how you will communicate the company’s strategic objectives that includes the following:

  • Define the purpose.
  • Define the audience.
  • Identify the channel(s) of communication and why you selected that channel.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word strategic objectives summary.  Include your balanced scorecard and its impact on all stakeholders, and the communication plan.


Format paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Discussion Question


Briefly discuss the diagnostic categories used to identify PTSD. Why is this diagnosis so difficult to make?  Why do some people doubt that PTSD even exists? If you were presented with a patient who you suspected suffered from PTSD, as a crisis counselor, what actions would you take?  Be sure to make recommendations when you engage in dialog.

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History 1301

Do not Write an Essay just answer the questions given.

Read all of Chapter 3, pages 45-60.

There are 1-5 sources/documents. read all of them.

Questions to answer :

1. Based of the sources/documents you read, What was colonial life like?Provide answer for each sources/documents.

2. Did anything about colonial life surprise you?

3. Who’s voices do we not hear in these documents? 

Provide “quotes” from the documents in chapter to support your answer.

Read chapter 4 – Documents 1-4, pages 65-70 

 Questions to answer :

1. Identify the authors and audience of each of your documents. 

2.In each of your documents, identify what conclusions the author wants you to make. In other words, where is the author persuasive? Are the author’s successful in their persuasion? 

3. Discuss how the authors define “undefinable” concepts like “liberty,” “independence,” “freedom?” 

Provide “quotes” from the documents in chapter to support your answer.

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Field Assignment questions

     Question 1

For   Student: After reviewing the   Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these expectations   and activities will help you gain competence in ethical and professional   behavior. For example how will these   tasks use your strengths, help you develop in areas where you lack knowledge   or have challenges, and provide you skills for professional social work (be   specific)?

For   Student: Write   two goals that you want to achieve to help you develop as a professional   social worker (these should focus on areas where you think you need   professional development).

For   Student: Write   down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty   liaison:

Question 2

For   Student: After   reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how   these expectations and activities will help you gain competence with engaging   diversity in practice. For example how   will these tasks use your strengths, help you develop in areas where you lack   knowledge or have challenges, and provide you skills for professional social   work (be specific)?

For   Student: Write two goals that   you want to achieve to help develop cultural competency (these should focus   on areas where you think you need professional development).

For   Student: Write   down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty   liaison:

Question 3

For   Student: After reviewing the   Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these   expectations and activities will help you gain competence to advance human   rights and social, economic and environmental justice. For example how will these tasks use your   strengths, help you develop in areas where you lack knowledge or have   challenges, and provide you skills for professional social work (be   specific)?

For   Student: Write   two goals that you want to achieve to help you work to advance human rights   and justice (these should focus on areas where you think you need   professional development).

For   Student: Write   down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty   liaison

Question 4

For   Student: After Reviewing the   Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help   you engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice (be   specific). For example how will these   tasks use your strengths, help you develop in areas where you lack knowledge   or have challenges, and provide you skills for professional social work (be   specific)?

For   Student: Write two goals that   you want to achieve to help you improve use research in your practice (these   should focus on areas where you think you need professional development).

For   Student: Write down any   questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:

Question 5

For   Student: After   Reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how   these will help you engage in policy practice.  For example how will these tasks use your   strengths, help you develop in areas where you lack knowledge or have   challenges, and provide you skills for professional social work (be   specific)?

Question 6

For   Student: After Reviewing the   Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help   you engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and   communities. For example how will   these tasks use your strengths, help you develop in areas where you lack   knowledge or have challenges, and provide you skills for professional social   work (be specific)?

For   Student: Write   two goals that you want to achieve to help you develop your engagement skills   (these should focus on areas where you think you need professional   development)

For   Student: Write   down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty   liaison:

Question 7

For   Student: After Reviewing the   Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help   you assess individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. For   example how will these tasks use your strengths, help you develop in areas   where you lack knowledge or have challenges, and provide you skills for   professional social work (be specific)?

For   Student: Write   two goals that you want to achieve to help you develop your assessment skills   (these should focus on areas where you think you need professional   development).

For   Student: Write down any   questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:

For   Student: After Reviewing the   Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how these will help   you intervene with individuals, families, groups, communities, and   organizations. For example how will   these tasks use your strengths, help you develop in areas where you lack   knowledge or have challenges, and provide you skills for professional social   work (be specific)?

Question 8

For   Student: Write two goals that   you want to achieve to help you apply appropriate intervention strategies   (these should focus on areas where you think you need professional   development).

For   Student: Write   down any questions you have for your instructor/supervisor or faculty   liaison:

Question 9

For   Student: After   Reviewing the Agency Activities and Field Course Assignments, describe how   these will help you evaluate your practice and outcomes with individuals,   families, groups, organizations, and communities. For example how will these tasks use your   strengths, help you develop in areas where you lack knowledge or have   challenges, and provide you skills for professional social work (be   specific)?

For   Students: Write two goals that   you want to achieve to help you understand how to evaluate clients and other   systems (these should focus on areas where you think you need professional   development).

For   Students: Write down any questions you have for your   instructor/supervisor or faculty liaison:

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563 Assignment 02 Ds

Assignment 02 – 563 DS

  • Locate a health insurer in Saudi Arabia or visit the Council of Cooperative Health Insurance’s website.
  • Evaluate the information on their website.
  • Discuss whether there were any terms or issues you found confusing on the website. Even if you understood everything, what terms might someone not in the healthcare industry understand? Recommend solutions to provide a greater understanding of health insurance terms for potential insureds.
  • Be 2 pages in length, not including the required cover and reference pages
  • Formatted according to APA writing guidelines
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of three scholarly articles from peer-reviewed journal articles.
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Discussion Topic – Facebook Content Analysis

Analyze your favorite company’s and its main competitor’s Facebook and perform a competitive content analysis, specifically the type of content they publish. You will quickly learn that not all content is created equal. The purpose of this discussion is for you to know what content gets the most interaction and why. (Use Facebook search or Google site:facebook.com to identify potential companies.)

I have created a document for the Facebook content analysis. You need to download it and work on the tables for your favorite company’s and its main competitor’s Facebook. The analysis needs to cover the last “14 days” of Facebook posts for each company. *Do not choose a company that has very minimal activities on Facebook in the past 14 days since we won’t get any insights from the analysis. I would prefer you pick the company that is active on Facebook and see how we can learn from their social media marketing strategies.

Facebook content analysis.docx download

Screen Shot 2021-04-02 at 2.41.08 PM.png

To get the answers for your content analysis, you need to look at all the posts within 14 days and count them in terms of likes, comments, shares, and views, etc. I also create a document using Samsung as an example to complete this discussion. See example here.

Discussion 4_Samsung example.pdf download

In your initial post, screenshot the two analysis and upload them to your post, and then answer the following questions.

1. Your Company:  ________________ Facebook Like Count: ___ URL: _______________________

Its Competitor:  ________________ Facebook Like Count: ___ URL: _______________________

2. From the content analysis, summarize your observation in detail. Did you notice any trends or patterns? What were they posting and why? Do some posts perform better in certain areas than others? Which posts are blatantly self-promotional? What is their apparent posting rhythm, or percent that are fun vs. percent that are self-promotional? and *What suggestions going forward do you have for the content marketing managers, etc.

3. You need to insert the two content analysis tables in your post. Here’s how to insert a picture on Canvas. 

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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