Managing innovation

Discuss the characteristics of managing innovation listed attached of The Management of Technology and Innovation. Rank the six factors in order of most important to least important to the innovation process. Write a 350- to 450-word summary of your discussion that includes the following:

  • Your rankings with a brief description of each characteristic
  • A description of how the team approached the assignment and arrived at a final decision for your order
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History of War

Length: 1,000 words 

(+/- 10%; excluding notes and bibliography)

 1. ‘War and atrocity are inseparable.’ Discuss using historical example(s) or a case study.

 2. ‘War is gendered, and women are its victims.’ Discuss using historical example(s) or a case study. 

3. Should historical wars be remembered? Details: It will be expected that each essay will present a discussion and argument in response to ONE of the above questions, and incorporate references to at least 4 scholarly sources.

 A scholarly source is a peer reviewed article, chapter or book published by a reputable scholarly publisher (eg. an academic journal, or publishing house such as Cambridge University Press, Palgrave, Routledge, etc.). You may also include any number of other sources in addition to your scholarly sources (eg. media reports, etc.).

The essay has a specific format. It will consist of:

(1)  an introduction stating your aims and objectives in the essay, and briefly framing your argument.

(2)  A logical and coherent series of body paragraphs in which you develop your argument.

(3)  A conclusion that does not merely summarise the essay, but reflects on the the implications of your argument, and/or the historical significance of the topic.

You may use subheadings in your essay, but no dot points please! Graphs, tables, and illustrations may also be used (as long as they are appropriately labelled).  All sources must be appropriately cited with a bibliography listing all sources cited in the essay. You may use either footnotes or in-text citations.


1. Comprehension of the subject matter.  

2. Quality of argument and discussion.

3. Use of evidence or scholarly research.

4. Clear structure.

5. Quality of writing and presentation (including a clear and consistent method of citation and bibliography).

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Chapter 3 presented the approach Mars, Incorporated used to implement ERM, and chapter 5 presented the University of California Health System’s ERM development. In what ways are the two organization’s approaches to ERM similar? How do they differ? Choose one aspect of each ERM implementation from which the other organization would benefit and explain why. 


Initial posting by Wednesday

Reply to at least 2 other classmates by Sunday (Post a response on different days throughout the week)

Provide a minimum of 2 references/citations on the initial post and one reference/citation on any response posts.

Proper APA Format (References & Citations)

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Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to explore the professional and ethical issues of counseling and referring when dealing with counselor-client value differences.  

Directions:  Begin this assignment by reading both Chapter 10 of the Sanders text and the two American Counseling Association’s (ACA) articles about our position on referrals:

  1. Martz, E., & Kaplan, D. (2014). New responsibilities when making referrals. Counseling Today57(4), 24-25.   
  2.  Kocet, M. M., & Herlihy, B. J. (2014). Addressing value‐based conflicts within the counseling relationship: A decision‐making model. Journal of Counseling & Development, 92(2), 180-186.

Your paper must be in current APA format including a title page, abstract and reference page. The paper should be 3-6 pages in length. (This does not include title page, abstract and reference page). Your paper must cite both the Sanders text and the ACA position paper.

Divide your paper into the headings below and address each question under each heading:

Summarize (1-2 pages)

In this section, summarize what you have read by condensing Chapter 10 of the Sanders text, and the two ACA paper. Prove that you have comprehended the material by writing a clear, brief, summary of the main points of each source. For the Saunders chapter, make sure to focus on the presentation of the APA’s position on values based referals and how to address values conflicts. A summarizationis not a commentary; rather, it is an insightful précis of the longer, more elaborate chapter/article. It must provide a clear overview of the material.

Reflect (1-2 pages)

In this section reflect on what you just read and answer the following questions:

  • Having read the chapter and ACA paper,s what new realizations and/or questions occurred for you?
  • How do you feel about the ACA position of not referring clients based on value differences?
  • Because referrals based on value differences are not ethical under your profession’s ethics codes, what personal and professional dilemmas, around specific populations or problems, might this pose for you? At this end of these instructions is a list of various populations for you to consider. 

Act (1-2 pages)

In this section put into action what you have just learned/realized as a result of the reading. Specifically address these questions:

  • What actions or changes are you going to make as a result of this information?
  • Who and what might you consult to assist you in resolving any personal/professional dilemmas that remain for you?

After you have completed your paper, follow the steps below to submit your draft to Safe Assign,  for checking plagiarism, and your final copy to the grade book for grading:

Step 1: Submit your paper via the SafeAssign draft link by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of Module/Week 2.

Step 2: Wait until the link indicates that SafeAssign has analyzed your paper and prepared a report. (For more information:

Step 3: Evaluate the Safe Assign report by opening the report and looking at the highlighted sections of your paper. You will notice that SafeAssign often matches (highlights) on headings, titles, and references. These are not considered plagiarized.

If you see matches on entire sentences or paragraphs that are not enclosed in quotation marks, then you have unintentionally plagiarized. You will need to go back and re-write those sections in your own words.

Step 4: Save your final paper as a Microsoft Word document using your name and assignment title, (e.g., Doe_J_reaction_paper), and submit the final paper to the grade book using the second assignment link. The final assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 2.

Population/ Problem List

Review the populations/ problems that you might encounter while working as a professional counselor.  Choose a population that would be difficult for you to work with due to conflicting values and beliefs.  Use this population as the one to reflect on in section two of your paper.

____1. A person with fundamentalist religious beliefs.

____2. A woman who says that if she could turn her life over to Christ she would find peace.

____3. A person who shows little conscience development, is strictly interested in his/her own advancement, and uses others for personal gain.

____4. A gay or lesbian couple wanting to work on conflicts in their relationship.

____5. A man who wants to leave his wife and children for the sake of sexual adventures with other women.

____6. A woman who has decided to leave her husband and children to gain independence.

____7. A woman who has decided to get an abortion but wants to process her feelings around it.

____8. A teenager who is having unsafe sex and sees no problem with the behavior.

____9. A high school student who is sent to you by his parents because they suspect he is using drugs.

____10. A person who is very cerebral and is convinced that feelings are a private matter.

____11. A man who believes the best way to discipline his children is through spanking.

____12. An interracial couple coming for premarital counseling.

____13. A high school student who believes she is a lesbian and wants to discuss how to “come out” to her parents.

____14. A gay or lesbian couple wanting to adopt a child.

____15. A man who has found a way of cheating the system and getting more than his legal share of public assistance.

____16. A woman who comes with her husband for couples counseling while maintaining an extramarital affair. 

____17. A man who believes internet sex can be a creative way to express sexuality.

____18. A couple who believe that sex with multiple partners is okay.

____19. A man convicted of pedophilia and court-ordered for counseling.

____20. A woman who makes her living as an exotic dancer.

____21. A man convicted of domestic violence.

____22. A woman whose children have been removed by Child Protective Services.

____23. A man recently released from jail after serving a sentence for rape.

____24. A man with terminal cancer who wants to discuss stopping all treatment to hasten his death.

____25. A woman who believes in an egalitarian marriage.

*Modified from Corey, G., Cory M.S., & Callanan, P. (2011). Issues and ethics in the helping professions, 8th ed. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

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Week 5 – Final Paper

Compose a Final Paper that analyzes issues regarding management training in law enforcement which have been addressed throughout the course. For this paper, analyze the impact that three of the topics listed below, has on a law enforcement organization:

  • Differing training standards and requirements
  • Effects of consent decree on law enforcement training
  • Firearms training
  • In-service or continuation training in law enforcement
  • Leadership training – supervisors and managers
  • Legal training
  • Physical education training
  • Police executive development
  • Purpose of academy training
  • Purpose of community policing and community relations training
  • Purpose of field training
  • Technology in training
  • Training budgets
  • Training focus in law enforcement
  • Training management within the law enforcement organization
  • Vicarious liability

Then, address how the three selected topics:  

  • Affect training, liability, capabilities, personnel, and community relations.
  • Apply effectively to management training techniques.
  • Improve the law enforcement organization.  
  • Promote skills necessary to provide well-trained officers and leadership.
  • Relate to specific and relevant experiences from a past or current workplace and/or organization.
  • Seek to improve the community as a whole.  

The paper must be eight to ten pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least five scholarly sources (at least three from the Ashford University Library) other than the textbook to support your claims and subclaims. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:

  1. Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use at least five scholarly sources, including a minimum of three from the Ashford University Library.
  7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Cente
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Deliverable 3 – The Best Leader


This competency will allow you to explain and compare various leadership theories.


The company you work for has asked you to prepare a document that categorizes leadership theories. Assume this document will serve as a reference to quickly identify and explain the differences between leadership theories. This document will have two parts:

  • Prepare a table in Word or Excel identifying at least five Leadership Theories (e.g., Situational Leadership Theory) in the first cell of each row. The following columns should offer 3-5 distinctions (variables/traits) between the varying theories. For example, advantages and disadvantages of each theory could be two of the columns.
    Hint: For your Word document or Excel sheet, Rows are horizontal flow (left to right) and Columns are vertical (up and down). In the first cell in each row, list the Leadership Theory (identify at least five). The other 3-5 columns are your choice. Anything you can compare or contrast between the theories will work.
  • In a one-page report, describe the best leader you have worked for by answering the following questions:
    • What theories of leadership do you think were most important to this leader and how did this leader make effective use of them?
    • As a leader, which theories would you two have in common, and which theories would you not use and why?
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Global Economics

Discussion Question

  •  Activity Instructions The U.S. Congress debates the new budget every fiscal year. Most Republicans want to reduce federal spending; most Democrats do not want to reduce spending and may, in some cases, seek to increase it. Choose a perspective, and in your post identify three reasons that the United States should, at present, seek to decrease or increase federal spending. In your rationale, be sure to reflect on the impact of government spending on GDP and national income. Draw on the readings from this unit (and other scholarly or journalistic sources, as appropriate) and units prior to support your assertions. Be sure to use APA format to cite sources
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Early Medieval Cultures Essay


This assignment provides you with an opportunity to discuss an insight you gained in this unit by comparing the development of one specific Islamic and one specific Christian region in 600–1000 C.E. Using examples of significant leaders, political and social structures, beliefs, and cultural products (stories, philosophies, theologies, artifacts, art, and architecture), note similarities and differences in the two cultures, and also indicate influences they share. What insight about the historical development of these two cultures did you gain from the comparison? 

Step 1: Review the section of the Unit V Study Guide entitled, “Be Careful When Making Historical Assumptions.” Be careful not to compare the religions and their development as a whole but instead focus on two specific regions because cultures may vary even within one religion depending on time and place.

Step 2: Choose two appropriate sources, not including the textbook. At least one source must come from the CSU Online Library. The Academic Search Complete and eBook Academic Collection databases in the CSU Online Library would be good places to start your search. Resources from outside of the library should be credible and peer-reviewed by historians and cannot include Wikipedia,,, or any other .com site; resources should also not be taken from any type of message board or other encyclopedia-type sites, including those listed in the CSU Online Library research guides, which are provided for quick reference only and not for paper research. 

Step 3: Complete your research. Choose one interesting comparison that illustrates the main point that you want to make about these cultures during this period. Gather details about your choice. 

Compare similar features (known as “comparing like terms”). For example, compare cities to cities, education systems to education systems, technologies to technologies, stories to stories, ideas about the nature of God to ideas about the nature of God, and other features. Make sure you complete the comparison for all features, or note why you think there is not a like term for some features. 

Comparison includes consideration of both similarities and differences. 

Here are some examples to consider: 

the promotion and use of learning by leading figures; 

the relationship between religious and political authority; 

the shaping of artifacts (leader, idea, practice, or structure) by time period and environment; 

the shaping of societies by artifacts and whether different people were affected differently; and 

the way that different elements of culture reflect power arrangements, goals, hierarchies, and/or challenges. 

Step 4: Prepare your introduction, including your thesis statement. A thesis is prepared after you have completed your research and includes the comparison of what you found. It should be a one- or two-sentence statement of the conclusions you drew from the comparison. 

Step 5: Write your essay. Your essay must be at least 500 words in length. 

Step 6: Reflect on how this comparison paper shaped your understanding of how to practice cultural history ethically, as discussed in the “Be Careful When Making Historical Assumptions” section of the Unit V Lesson. Write one paragraph to be placed after the concluding paragraph of your essay, reflecting on how the guidelines in the unit lesson shaped your understanding of how to use historical evidence, including artifacts, to practice cultural history ethically. 

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Project Management

Project Objectives, Deliverables, and Requirements. Conduct a search in the University’s online library on the topic of project objectives, deliverables, and requirements. What are project objectives, deliverables, and requirements? How are they different from each other, when are they determined, and how are they controlled during the various phases of the project? Consider a project with which you have been involved or which you have knowledge and describe two to three project objectives from this project. In your response to others, how can you improve upon the stated project objectives?

2. Ethical and Professional Responsibility. Select one of the following topics listed and provide a thorough response supported by scholarly or professional publications.

How can you contribute to the project management knowledge and why is it important to contribute?

Compare and contrast individual integrity and individual competence, and discuss their significance.

How personal, ethnic, and cultural differences might impact a project.

Provide an example of a conflict of interest a project manager might face while managing a project and and recommend an approache to dealing with this conflict of interest.

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BUS 681

Question 1 – 250 words

Building Blocks

Discuss the basic building blocks of developing a market competitive pay system, including the relationship between internal and external equity. 

Question 2 – 250 words

Job Analysis

Provide a brief overview of the job evaluation process, including the importance of compensable factors.  Detail the compensable factors of a position you are familiar with and their impact on that position’s salary, and you may want to reference the job analysis and job description process, which form the foundation of job evaluation. Identify at least four pitfalls that exist for organizations that do not follow this process.  Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ postings


Market Competitiveness

Compose a three-to-five page paper (not including the title and reference pages). Your paper should be written in a scholarly third-person tone; it should be in APA format. Your essay should address the following:

  1. Evaluate the concept of market competitiveness in relation to an organization’s pay system, particularly when it is unable to offer its employees market competitive salaries due to a lack of financial resources. 
  2. Propose at least three alternative approaches for organizations which have limited financial resources. 
  3. Identify at least three specific steps that could be taken to minimize the impact implementing these alternative approaches could have on the firm’s success. Justify why these steps would be the most appropriate in this situation.

In addition to the text, cite at least two scholarly references to support your discussion.

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