Trade Theory

Market size, location, and openness to trade can help explain why some markets are developing faster than others. In your opinion, what trade theories support the recent rise of China and India on the global stage? Explain your views in detail. Give specific examples.

  • Write a paper of 2-3 pages, typewritten in double-spaced APA format (Arial 12-point font or Times New Roman styles), page margins Top, Bottom, Left Side and Right Side = 1 inch, with reasonable accommodation being made for special situations and online submission variances.
  • In your response, make certain that you include at least two outside references from search engines or scholarly sources from the APUS Online Library.
  • Your paper will be automatically submitted to Turnitin in the assignment dropbox. Originality reports will be returned to the faculty and student. Multiple submissions are allowed. For full credit, make sure that your Similarity Index does not exceed 20%.
  • In the Assignment dropbox, please attach your paper as a file, do not copy & paste. I will grade and return your file.
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Group Discussion Labor

What is the “Excelsior List” and when can the union expect the employer to provide the list? Who may initiate the organizing campaign at the other factory? What is an “Authorization Card” and what is its purpose? What legal tactics may the union use during an organizing campaign? What legal tactics may an employer use during an organizing campaign? What is the normal timeline from initiating an organizing campaign until the NLRB election?

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Assignment 2: Leading and Managing the HR Project

cross-organizational communication. As such, objectives originate at the top of the project, and are subdivided as they are passed down, resulting in little opportunity for creative contributions. Effective leadership and managing of the project can greatly improve communication and team contributions.

Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Review and understand the types of project manager power listed and defined in the textbook and select and define any two (2) you feel would be relevant to your current project and explain why. Be specific.
  2. Identify and briefly discuss a minimum of four (4) outcomes (possible issues) resulting from managing projects and address how you might resolve the issues. Be clear with your rationale.
  3. Discuss some increased challenges a project manager may face when leading virtual or global project teams. Recommend a few strategies to deal with the challenges.
  4. Identify and explain your overall plan for communication management during the project. The plan must be comprehensive and at a minimum address (1) structure, (2) purpose, (3) method, and (4) timing.
  5. Go to to locate at least three (3) quality academic (peer-reviewed) resources in this assignment.

Your assignment must:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Assess organizational strategies that contribute to effective project management of human resources.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in managing human resource projects.
  • Write clearly and concisely about managing human resource projects using proper writing mechanics.
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4 questions

Discuss what is meant by risk Strategy?

Explain what is meant by risk tolerance?

discuss difference between strategic and tactical risk planning?

explain difference between mitigation and elimination of risk?

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Assignment 1: Financial Research Report

Part 2 Due Week 9 

Imagine that you are a financial manager researching investments for your client. Think of a friend or a family member as a client. Define her or his characteristics and goals such as an employee or employer, relatively young (less than 40 years) or close to retirement, having some savings/property, a risk taker or risk averter, etc. Next, use Nexis Uni at the Strayer University library, located at Nexis Uni, click on “Company Dossier” to research the stock of any U.S. publicly traded company that you may consider as an investment opportunity for your client. Your investment should align with your client’s investment goals. (Note: Please ensure that you are able to find enough information about this company in order to complete this assignment. You will create an appendix, in which you will insert related information.)

Your final financial research report will be 6 pages long and be completed in two parts as noted below. This assignment requires you to use at least five quality academic resources and cover the following topics:

  • Rationale for choosing the company in which to invest
  • Ratio analysis
  • Stock price analysis
  • Recommendations

Refer to the following resources to assist with completing your assignment:

Stock Selection

Market and Company Information

  • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission: “Market structure
  • Yahoo! Finance
  • Mergent Online (Note: This resource is also available through the Strayer Learning Resource Center.)
  • Seeking Alpha (Note: This is also available through the Android or iTunes App store.)
  • Morningstar (Note: You can create a no-cost Basic Access account.)
  • Research Hub, located in the left menu of your course in Blackboard

Part 1 Due Week 7 (1 to 2 pages) 

  1. Provide a rationale for the stock that you selected, indicating the significant economic, financial, and other factors that led you to consider this stock.
  2. Suggest the primary reasons why the selected stock is a suitable investment for your client. Include a description of your client’s profile.
  3. Just list five resources you’ll use to complete this assignment and begin to build your reference list. Remember you must use at least five quality academic resources for the final assignment.

Part 2 Due Week 9 (6 pages including #1 and #2 from Part 1)

  1. Include your rationale, primary reasons for stock selection, and client’s profile from Part 1, making any revisions based upon Part 1 feedback if applicable.
  2. Select any five financial ratios that you have learned about in the text. Analyze the past 3 years of the selected financial ratios for the company; you may obtain this information from the company’s financial statements. Determine the company’s financial health. (Note: Suggested ratios include, but are not limited to, current ratio, quick ratio, earnings per share, and price earnings ratio.)
  3. Based on your financial review, determine the risk level of the stock from your investor’s point of view. Indicate key strategies that you may use in order to minimize these perceived risks.
  4. Provide your recommendations of this stock as an investment opportunity. Support your rationale with resources, such as peer-reviewed articles, material from the Strayer University Library, and reviews by market analysts.
  5. Conduct a literature review and list at least five quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
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Health journal 3

One of the most effective ways of coping with stress and other psychological challenges is by using a journal to monitor and express your feelings. Try the following stress-reducing exercises and record your responses and reflections

  • Reconstruct stressful situations. Think about a recent episode of distress; then write down three ways it could have gone better and three ways it could have gone worse. This should help you see that the situation wasn’t as disastrous as it might have been and help you find ways to cope better in the future.
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Application security research paper

Over  the course of this semester, you will be asked to write a  research paper about an application security topic of your choice. The  research paper development will consist of: (a) research paper topic  (defining the topic of your research), (b) annotated bibliography  (finding literature about the topic), (c) draft research paper  (producing a draft paper based on the research topic/lit. review) and  (d) final research paper (improving on the draft and writing a final  paper). This week you will submit the research paper topic, please use  the template provided.

The research topic paper should present a general research topic about Application Security, narrow the topic down to a specific topics (subtopics) and then frame/explore an issue related to the specific topic. You should present and develop an argument concerning the issue. 

Submit  a 800 (minimum) word paper (about 3 pages) in which you provide a  discussion on an Application Security topic of your choice.

Assignment Requirements:

Submitted  work is to be proofread carefully and should not exhibit mechanical  errors, such as spelling mistakes. Grammar should be checked for  accuracy prior to submission. Students should select a writing style  that is appropriate for the genre: for academic genres, an appropriate  scholarly style is required. Proper citations, professional vocabulary  in the field of study, and application of the concepts presented in the  course texts are expected in each assignment.

All assignments must be original work.  Plagiarism or verbatim copying of sources without proper  attribution (so-called “cut and paste”) will result in failing the  assignment and potentially failing the course; it can also lead to  disciplinary sanctions from the college.

Papers are to be written in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman 12 pt. font with standard margins, double-spaced.  

Citations and the Reference List do not count in the page or word limit as indicated for each assignment.

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1. List all the entities that interact with the TIMS system. Start by reviewing the data library,

previous e-mail messages, DFDs, and other documentation.

2. Draw an ERD that shows cardinality relationships among the entities. Send the diagram

to Jesse.

3. For each entity, Jesse wants to see table designs in 3NF. Use standard notation format to

show the primary key and the other fields in each table.

4. Jesse wants to use sample data to populate fields for at least three records in each table.

Better get started on this right away.

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  • Develop a 6 page course design to be included in the selected nursing curriculum chosen in Assessment 1.

Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

According to Iwasiw and Goldenberg (2015), curriculum development in nursing education is a creative process intended to produce a unified, meaningful curriculum. It is an ongoing activity in nursing education, even in schools of nursing with established curricula (Iwasiw & Goldenberg, 2015, p. 3). This definition of curriculum development can be extended into the education of nurses in facilities other than a school of nursing. Nurses are also educated in clinical facilities and in many arenas providing continuing education units.

Billings and Halstead (2011) explain that many institutions that provide nursing education are reviewing how they can provide education that is consistent with their missions, provide for diversity in education, and be forward-thinking as they prepare for the future, while still maintaining a cost-effective, quality program.

Influencing factors fall into two categories: internal and external factors. External factors examine the larger environments that are outside of the organization. The internal factors influence the curriculum within organization (Keathing, 2014). The educator needs to have an understanding of the internal and external factors influencing curriculuar development.

This assessment provides you with an opportunity to outline the design of a course that will become part of the curriculum you selected and evaluated in the first assessment.


Billings, D. M., & Halstead, J. A. (2011). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.

Iwasiw, C. L., & Goldenberg, D. (2015). Curriculum development in nursing education (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Examine the development of a curriculum for a nursing program.
    • Describe an appropriate course to include in a selected curriculum.
    • Provide a rationale for adding a course to a selected curriculum.
    • Suggest a topical outline for a course to be added to a selected curriculum.
    • Competency 2: Analyze factors that impact the design of a nursing curriculum.
      • Explain with whom and how faculty members would collaborate when considering a new course within a selected curriculum.
      • Describe the type of collaboration between external and internal stakeholders that will be needed throughout a process of curriculum development.
    • Competency 3: Select an appropriate organizing/curriculum framework for the design of nursing curriculum.
      • Explain and describe how internal factors such as organizational processes, curriculum committees, and internal review bodies impact curriculum design.
      • Explain and describe how external factors such as funding, stakeholders, and regulatory and accrediting agencies affect curriculum design.
      • Explain how the mission, philosophy, and framework of a program and parent institution impact curriculum design.
    • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with the expectations of a nursing education.
      • Write effectively using appropriate spelling, grammar, punctuation and mechanics, and APA style and formatting.

Assessment Instructions

  • Using the same nursing curriculum you selected in Assessment 1, design a course that could be added to the curriculum.


Design a course to be included in your selected nursing curriculum. In your course design:

  • Describe an appropriate course to include in a selected curriculum.
    • Provide a rationale for adding a course to a selected curriculum.
    • Suggest a topical outline for a course to be added to a selected curriculum.
    • Explain with whom and how faculty members would collaborate when considering the new course within a selected curriculum design.
    • Explain and describe how internal factors such as organizational processes, curriculum committees, and internal review bodies affect curriculum design.
    • Explain and describe how external factors such as funding, stakeholders, and regulatory and accrediting agencies affect curriculum design.
    • Explain how the mission, philosophy, and framework of the program and parent institution impact curriculum design.
    • Describe the type of collaboration between external and internal stakeholders that will be needed throughout a process of curriculum development.

You will use this assessment to complete Assessment 3. Be sure to incorporate the feedback you receive before adding this assessment to Assessment 3.

Additional Requirements

  • References: Include references from at least two peer-reviewed journals that are not listed in the Suggested Resources, cited in proper APA format.
    • Length of design: The course design should be 6 pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page, and must follow proper APA style and formatting.
    • Course outline: Include the course outline as an appendix. The appendix will not be included in the page count for the assessment.
    • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
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Consider all of the factors of quality and safety that you have learned about in the past 10 weeks.

In the discussion forum this week explain why we would choose to place so much emphasis on QSEN at the start of the Practical Nursing Program. 

Then, choose one of the QSEN competencies (Patient Centered Care, Teamwork and Collaboration, Informatics, Evidence Based Practice, Safety, or Quality Improvement) and one attitude that you think is most important for a student nurse to incorporate in their practice right from the start. 

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