
 Define and analyze the biological, psychological, and sociological theories of drugs. Describe any differences and/or similarities between the three theories. Take a position on one of the three and defend why you believe that particular theory seems to be the strongest. Support your position with at least three outside, scholarly sources. Your paper should be 3-5 pages (excluding title and reference pages). 

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Implementation Plan

As a Master’s level health care practitioner you may be expected to  create budget and implementation plans to ensure that economic  opportunities for the organization are rolled out successfully and can  be sustained over multiple years. Additionally, it is important to be  able to envision how an economic initiative could be used for different  contexts and purposes to keep the investment a viable and positive asset  to your organization or care setting.


The senior management members have sent you their thanks and notes  on your feasibility study for your proposed economic initiative. They  have determined that your proposal has the potential to benefit the  organization in both the short and long term. The last step in this  process is to complete a thorough implementation plan for your proposed  initiative. This plan will need to include a budget of relevant expected  material, staffing, and capital costs over the first five years of the  initiative (see the Resources for some examples and guides about budget  planning), as well as projected earnings from the initiative for the  care setting. You must also include a plan and timeline for rolling the  initiative out, an analysis of how it may impact other aspects of the  care setting, an explanation how it can remain viable in the face of  environmental changes, and sufficient relevant supporting evidence.


In your 7-8 page plan, you have been asked to be sure to address the following. Note:  The bullet points below correspond to grading criteria in the scoring  guide. Be sure your work is, at minimum, addressing each of the bullets  below. You may also want to read the scoring guide and the Guiding  Questions: Implementation Plan for a New Economic Opportunity document  to better understand the performance levels that relate to each grading  criterion:

  • Create a budget for relevant expected costs and earnings or  benefits over the first five years of your proposed economic initiative.
  • Propose a plan to roll out your economic initiative that will  enable your care setting to successfully implement it in an ethical and  culturally equitable way that will ensure achievement of quality or  service improvements.
  • Analyze how your proposed initiative, once implemented, may  impact other aspects of your care setting and ways in which negative  impacts could be mitigated.
  • Explain strategies you have integrated into your proposed  economic initiative that will ensure it can remain a viable asset to  your care setting in the face of dynamic environmental forces.
  • Justify the relevance and value of the quantitative and  qualitative economic, financial, and scholarly evidence you used to  support your recommendations throughout your plan.
  • Communicate your business and implementation plan in a logically  structured and concise manner, writing content clearly with correct use  of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
  • Effectively support your plan and recommendations with relevant  economic data and scholarly sources, correctly formatting citations and  references using current APA style.

Example assignment: You may use the assignment example,  linked in the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or  higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.


  • Length of paper: 7-8 double-spaced, typed pages (not including title page and reference list). Your paper should be succinct yet substantive.      
    • Be sure to include a separate title page and reference list.
    • Your completed budget plan should be included as an appendix within your final submission.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style.
  • Resources: Cite a minimum of 3–5 authoritative  and scholarly resources. Be sure to include specific economic data and  support as part of your cited resources.
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Discussion 2

Censoring Terrorism

We regularly hear and read about global conflict in the media. Governments are regularly attempting to diffuse violent conflict and terrorism. Review the video Global Conflict, and respond to the following questions in your discussion post:

  • Should governments be able to regulate Internet content in order to reduce terrorism?
  • Should terrorist groups be able to use the Internet to advocate for their cause?
  • How might our understanding of power influence your answer?
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IE 323 – Fall 2019


Remember…you are expected to do the textbook problems, but they do not have to be turned in.  Only turn in the answers to the questions below.

  1. For each of the following, find the appropriate value for k and draw the corresponding graph (with the correct area under the curve shaded):
  • P(-2.2 < Z < k) = 0.8943
    • P(Z > k) = 0.0392
    • P(Z < k) = 0.1736
  • Using the T distribution, find the following and draw the corresponding graph (with the correct area under the curve shaded) :
  • P(T > 2.101) when ν = 18.
  • P(-0.856 < T < 2.787) when ν = 25.
  • P(T < -1.833) when ν = 9.
  • Using the χ2 distribution, find the following and draw the corresponding graph (with the correct area under the curve shaded) :
  • P(χα2 < χ2 < 22.307 ) = 0.875 when ν = 15
  • P(χ2 > χα2) = 0.025 when ν = 30.
  • P(χ2 < χα2) = 0.025 when ν = 30.
  • For an F distribution, find the following and draw the corresponding graph (with the correct area under the curve shaded) :
  • P (F ³ f ) = 0.99 with n1 = 8 and n2 = 15. 
  • P (F ³ f ) = 0.05 with n1 = 7 and n2 = 10. 
  • f0.95 (6, 10)
  • P (F ³ 4.16) with n1 = 12 and n2 = 12.
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L5 M300 The consumer decision journey

Material to be used:


1. Use a product category to explain the concept of the Traditional Purchase Funnel. (5P)

2. Use the same product category to explain the concept of the Consumer Decision Journey. (5P)

3. Briefly explain the changes in the consumer buying behavior that make Consumer Decision Journey a better model than the Traditional Purchase Funnel? (7.5P)

4. How do the Marketing decisions differ in the case of Tradition Purchase Funnel and the Consumer Decision Journey? (7.5P)

General Instructions:
submitted in a single-spaced word document and should not exceed two pages. Ensure that your name is clearly printed on top.

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Operational Security

An Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is a very important policy within organizations to define acceptable employee behavior when accessing company resources.

Use an existing AUP that you are familiar with, such as from a current or previous workplace, or search on the Internet for an example AUP to complete this case study.

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

Describe the purpose of an Acceptable Use Policy you have selected and explain how the AUP helps provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability within the organization.

Explain methods that organizations can implement to help ensure compliance with the AUP, mitigate their risk exposure, and minimize liability.

Describe methods for increasing the awareness of the AUP, and other policies, within the organization.

Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. 

Use APA format for this Assignment.

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Terrorist Attack Against The United States

Select one terrorist attack from the following list and address the elements listed below that are specific to your chosen attack:

  • 1983 attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon
  • 1993 attack on the World Trade Center
  • 1996 Bombing of Khobar Towers
  • 1998 attack on U. S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya
  • 2000 attack on the USS Cole
  • 2009 attack on U. S. Army Post, Ft. Hood

The essay should include the following elements:

  • Describe describe the attack (where, when, what was used to conduct the attack, casualties, injuries, structural damage, etc.)
  • Explain why your chosen attack classifies as a terrorist attack
  • Identify the group responsible for this attack and analyzes their motives behind the attack, detailing what the group hoped to achieve
  • Analyze the United States’ response to this attack (If there was no response provide suggestions for appropriate responses)

The paper must be three to five pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least two scholarly resources other than the textbook to support your claims and subclaims. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course.

The Terrorist Attack against the United States Paper

  • Must be a minimum of three to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. Thesis must be in both the introduction and the conclusion.
  • Must use at least two scholarly or official government sources in addition to the course text.
  • Cite your sources in text and on the reference page using APA 6th edition style guide. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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Weather and Climate

Pick a location outside of the United states and describe the state of the atmosphere at that location. Refer to your textbook about describing the state of the atmosphere and include at least 6 of the 11 weather parameters. This post should be 300 words and sources should be cited. 

Here is an example: 

The location I have selected is Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico. The climate of Cancun is tropical (“Climate”). From May to October the weather is muggy and rainy (“Climate”). On the other hand, November to April the weather is dry and cooler (“Climate”). The average temperature in January is 75 degrees F (“Climate”). Meanwhile, the average temperature from June to August is 84 degrees F (“Climate”). To determine the state of the atmosphere in Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico today, I researched using the website. On September 7,2019, the maximum temperature is 87 degrees F at 3pm EST. The maximum pressure is typically early or mid afternoon (Mills and Moran 44). After watching the temperature for an hour, the temperature was dropping. The minimum temperature was 76 degrees F. The minimum temperature is typically around sunrise (Mills and Moran 44). The dewpoint is at 76 degrees F. The dew point is “the temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure to become saturated with water vapor and for dew to begin forming on relatively cold surfaces” (Mills and Moran 44). The relative humidity is at 70%. Relative humidity is typically the highest around sunrise which is the coldest time (Mills and Moran 44). It is normally the lowest during the warmest part of the day which is about mid-afternoon (Mills and Moran 44). The wind direction is NE 2 mph. The wind direction and speed is “the wind direction from which the wind blows.”

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Please reword these paragraphs and do not use the same exact words that they have. Please use your own words do not copy from any websites or papers.

Strategic Management, Ch. 2

  • 1-SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.  A SWOT analysis is the analyzation of a firm’s environment, both internal and external.  The strengths element looks at the factors that are doing good in and for the firm today and the weaknesses element looks at the factors that are doing badly in and for the firm today.  The opportunities element look at the factors that could do good or be good for the firm in the future and the threats element looks at the factors that could be bad for the firm in the future.  SWOT analysis can and are different for different firms because while they may be in the same industry with similar interests, each will have their own strengths and weaknesses to contend with.  As Dess, Eisner, Lumpkin, & McNamara (2014) point out, the basic idea for a SWOT analysis is so that a firm can build on its strengths, fix the weaknesses or find workarounds, exploit opportunities, and safeguard against threats. 


Dess, G., Eisner, A., Lumpkin, G.T., & McNamara, G. (2014). Strategic management: Creating competitive advantages (7th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Strategic Management, Ch. 3

  • 2-The SWOT analysis is a great tool for strategic analysis but it is not all inclusive and has its drawbacks and limitations so it should be used in conjunction with other tools.  As Dess, Eisner, Lumpkin, & McNamara (2014) tell us, “SWOT cannot show them [managers] how to achieve a competitive advantage” (p. 73).  Some points made about the limitations are that SWOT strengths do not always lead to an advantage, the focus of SWOT on the external environment is too narrow, SWOT is only a snapshot view of a firm’s current status, and SWOT causes the emphasis to focus on a single factor such as a strength or weakness.  The lesson learned is that SWOT should only be a starting point and should be used in conjunction with other tools to develop competitive advantages. 


Dess, G., Eisner, A., Lumpkin, G.T., & McNamara, G. (2014). Strategic management: Creating competitive advantages (7th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

World-Class Supply Chain Management

  • 3-I would have to agree with Shelly Stewart that it is very important to have a company’s supply chain strategy in place.  Both the company and the supply chain would want to mirror each other supply and demand process.  For example Shelly Stewart spoke about a global strategy and not to think local strategy. This whole process he spoke of would include the people, product, and process model.  For example the retail industry in the United States requires huge amounts of inventory that are new for each season of the year.  The business or company would make projections on the amount of inventory to purchase from the supply chain for the coming season.  Let’s take for example the summer season and the items would be summer clothing.  The company or retail outlet would make a purchase order for a certain amount of summer clothing from the supply company.  The retail manager must order from the supply chain in early fall for example to meet a certain date for delivery at the business.  The strategy involve like Shell Stewart explains is complex because now you have to project when the ship or shipping container arrives on the west coast or the east coast .  If the shipping container arrives on the west coast now you have to account for trucking cross country opposed to if the ship went to the east coast.  It involves a good sound strategy involving the supply chain and the company because a couple of weeks of being late for an order in early fall could mean a huge loss of retail sales in the summer clothing for example.

Extending the Supply Chain

4-One thing that a company could do to expand their role in a given supply chain to help their customers and increase their business at the same time is to provide customization and personalization.  Customers are looking for innovation and allowing them to customize or personalize their products is one way of giving them their own item that they create and therefore know they love.  Ensuring that the vendors are all in line with the processes to ensure quick turnaround times will be crucial.  By using technology, a company can allow the customer to add their input from a selection and production can occur almost immediately after the customer pays for their personalized product.  By integrating the newer technologies such as SAP to interconnect the suppliers with the company, the production and turnaround times can be reduced through supply chain efficiency to provide an exceptional product in less waiting time for the customer.  The company needs to understand the full supply chain to ensure that the needed supplies are always available and where to go if the main supplier cannot provide the needed supplies.  By integrating everyone involved in the supply chain, the customer will benefit from having the items they want when they want them and the suppliers and company will benefit from selling the right products at the right time.

I have to answer these posts like if I was having a conversation face to face.

  • 5-I think SWOT would best be used in a group brainstorming session.  For example, if the marketing department of a company is releasing a new product, the different members of the team could address the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the product release while a member of the team boards them.  The areas that need to be addressed could be assigned to each member as a takeaway.  Any weaknesses, opportunities, or threats could be explored and resolved before the roll out of the product.
  • 6-I am a firm believer that people, product and process is the key component and the lifeblood of any organization.  The new company management should have conducted an internal Swot and held a meeting with the current employees of the organization to hear their concerns.  The most important part of any business is the people and as you explained the process the deals made in three years started on day one.  The management should have held meet and greet and would of had sound words for judgment sooner because of you.  The experience and knowledge as a Program Manager will be the direct influence to have the ability to bring your group to your way of thinking as the Associate Director.
  • 7-How have you seen this implemented successfully in your experience? How can this kind of image-enhancing supply chain be a key part of company’s strategy?
  • 8-I definitely agree with Shelley about the importance of a company supply chain strategy matching its company strategy. The alignment of both strategies to achieve company goal is very essential to ensure a high degree of effectiveness in performance. Effective supply chain strategy from the production floor to the customers put the company in a stronger position to meet customers demand on time and business objectives.
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Criminal Investigations

Instructions: Original responses to the forum questions each week need to be substantial 500 words and significantly supported by at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly sources. The citation and references are required to be in APA 6th edition format. Sources used for studies or statistical information should be less than 10 years old. Direct quoting should be limited.  Interpretation in your own words is expected.  

1) Discuss in detail how computer databases and information networks may be useful in criminal investigations. 

 2) Discuss in detail how crime analysis (crime mapping and geospatial technology) may be useful as a tool in criminal investigations e.g., home burglary,  auto theft, or other crimes.

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