NLRA Framework

Is this a comprehensive law?

How is it similar to the NLRA framework?

How is it different?

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Essay low wage

In two pages (not including cover or reference pages), write an Essay that addresses your views on low wage workers need for a $15.00 minimum wage in the US, including making an argument for or against the $15.00 minimum wage. Students are expected to cite sources to support arguments and format citations and reference list using APA (American Psychological Association -sixth edition).

As you think about your argument for or against the $15.00 minimum wage, consider some of the following questions:

  • What is a living wage? How much is it today? Is it really a living wage?
  • Why do you think caused the pay gap between men and women and how can we close the gap?
  • What are some of the challenges associated with organizing for increasing minimum wage to $15.00 an hour? Are some of the challenges specific to any low wage groups (i.e., women, young adults, elderly, or people disability, etc.) or industries (i.e., retail, restaurant, or domestic workers, etc.)  
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Government and Politics of MENA Region

Instructions: One page minimum per question; 1.5 spaced. Please place your name & date at the top of the page. Then please write the question(s) you are answering first then your response. Please use a consistent form of citations throughout your response paper. 

The Questions are:

1) Nationalism defined by a man – Nasserism…. please explain in detail Nasserism’s main principles and who is Gamal Abdel Nasser?

2) Please explain in detail Ba’athism: its inception/beginning, its founders, and its main principles (please include Syria and Iraq in your response).

3) Please describe the Kurds as an example of a stateless nation and as a discussion of the concept of nationalism.  (Please include what happened to the Kurds in Iraq under Saddam Hussein’s regime.)

4) What is meant by a rentier economy? and please give two country examples from the Middle East and North Africa.

5) Please explain the major motives behind British and French intervention in the Middle East in the late 19th century?

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Discussion question

Question 1: 

Reflect on your most recent visualization project and try to sketch or write out the approach you took. What stages of activity did you undertake and in what sequence? Did it feel efficient or chaotic? Was it interrupted by changes, uncertainty or a sense of too much choice? Before you can seek to improve your ongoing approach, it is worth unpicking what you currently do and how you do it.

Assignment Link:

The paper should be on minimum 500 words and should be in APA format. Make sure there is no plagiarism.

Question 2: 

“As organizations expand their digital infrastructures, the amount of data being collected is growing at an ever-increasing pace. This deluge presents a new set of challenges, and the most crucial of these — making sense of it all — depends on data visualization. Digital tools like Many Eyes and Tableau Software have empowered companies and the public to create visualizations using built-in templates, but they have also spurred a desire for more control over visual method, layout, style, and branding.”

Find two data visualization products to review. These may be either a products which you are already familiar, or products you could research.

Provide a 250 word review of the two products in responding to the following questions:

Regarding the use of data visualizations, what are the products’ advantages? What are some of the products’ disadvantages? Which product would you prefer and why?

Discussion Length (word count): At least 250 words

References: At least two peer-reviewed, scholarly journal references.

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Management of Information Systems quiz

1. What are the objectives of data mining?

2. List the steps included in IT planning

3. What are the benefits of standardization in planning?

4. List the advantages and disadvantages of custom-designed applications.

5. List the benefits and risks to renting and using software through the Web.

6. What are the main goals of information security?

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EBP Project – Finding the Evidence


This assignment will allow you to create an evidence-based practice project that includes the development of a PICO question and follows the initial steps of the Iowa Model. You will share your findings using an APA formatted paper.



Additional research articles must not be more than 5 years old. 

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Instructions for Essay 1: Rhetorical Analysis / Reader Response

You have already written two brief rhetorical analyses in this unit.  For your major essay, you will write another rhetorical analysis, this time combined with a response or rebuttal.

Format:  MLA paper format and documentation.

Sources:  at least one source (the essay you are analyzing).  Use of additional sources is encouraged but not required.

Length: Three pages,  approx 800 – 1000 words

Due Date: Refer to the assignment calendar for this course.

First,  read/view the texts that I have provided for you in the folder “Texts for Essay #1” located just below these instructions.  Choose one of these texts to be the subject of your analysis and response. You will notice that there are a variety of texts to choose from, including videos and hybrid written/spoken multimedia texts.

Approach your rhetorical analysis much like you have with the previous assignments in this unit.  Identify elements such as audience, purpose and context as a means of understanding how the text communicates its main idea (also known as a thesis).  Also identify and provide examples of the types of appeals used by the author, pathos, logos, ethos, etc.

The new element for this assignment is that you will be responding to the main idea or thesis of the text that you are analyzing.  In other words, once you have established what the text’s thesis is and how it communicates that thesis, you will then need to add your own voice, ideas and opinions to the mix.  Think of it as joining a conversation.  Do you think the author of the original text is mistaken?  Has he/she failed to consider some important point?  Or do you agree with the author?  Perhaps you can provide additional reasons, examples and evidence to support the thesis.  Sometimes you can both agree and disagree with the author, but if you do so, be sure to clearly identify which portions you agree with and which you disagree with. 

An outline of your essay might look like this:


            Identify the text, the author and the subject matter. Make sure your reader knows what you will be talking about in your analysis.

Rhetorical analysis

            Analyze the rhetorical situation (audience, purpose, context, visual or spatial elements, auditory elements, etc.)   Explain how these elements, along with the author’s use of logos, pathos, and ethos are used to persuade or convince the audience and evaluate the effectiveness of these elements.  This section might be several paragraphs long.


            Respond to the author’s thesis by agreeing/disagreeing.  Add your own ideas opinions and examples.


            Wrap up the essay by restating your conclusions and position on the topic. 

There are three individual due dates associated with this essay.  Look at the assignment calendar and you will see them listed as:  

Essay 1 – Post Working Draft

Essay 1 – Compete Peer Review

Essay 1- Submit Final Drafts

For the due date associated with “Post Working Draft”  you will post a complete draft of your essay to the appropriate forum in the Peer Review Board.  How and where to do this are explained in the Guidelines for Peer Review, located near the end of Unit 2.  By the second due date, Complete Peer Review, you will need to complete two reviews of drafts submitted by your classmates.  Again, instructions for how to do this are located in the guidelines.  After the peer review process is complete, you will submit your final draft on the date indicated as “Submit Final Draft.”  

The final draft of your essay will be submitted via the link provided at the end of Unit 2.    

Topic: Should Apple be Forced to Unlock an iPhone?

Below is the link for texts to read for essay
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Section 3 Assignment unit 9


For your Capstone Project, you will be performing research on a real-life healthcare organization (John Hopkins Medicine Drawing upon your learning in previous courses, you will be asked to analyze various facets and provide a detailed picture of the organization. The Capstone will consist of three sections. Section 3 should contain a conclusion that is to be 1600-2000 words in length and in APA format. Each section should have at least four (4) references so there is a total of 12 references for the final Capstone Project submission in Unit 9.

Section 3

Write a conclusion for your paper.

Impact of economic and outside influences to the organization

  • National and world economy impact
  • Explanation of the sustainability of this organizational care model
  • Healthcare reform
  • Regulations
  • Summarize the info regarding organization.
  • Provide a glimpse into the future for the organization based on your learning.
  • Combine all parts into a narrative, using APA formatting and citation style. Sections 1 & 2 are attached.

This narrative report is essentially a detailed, comprehensive assessment of your capstone experience. Prepare this Assignment according to APA formatting and citation style.

Grading Rubric

  1. You described the impact of national and world economy, the sustainability of the organization model, regulations, health care reform in Section 3 of the Capstone Project. 40 Points
  • You described your view of the organization’s future based on your learning. 40 Points
  • You cited at least FOUR (4) resources. 20 Points
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Cultural competence

After reading/watching all of the required resources, be sure to do the following in your journal reflection using subheadings:

a. Discuss the main points of the text and videos,

b. Identify any specific standards (and cite them) from the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics that are applicable to the content you read/viewed,

c. Identify specific advocacy steps that you could do (personal and/or professional) to increase multicultural awareness; and

d. Describe a new learning experience for you after reading/viewing the text/videos and how it will impact your role as a professional counselor.

Note:  Be sure to reference all required resources in your reflection.   

At least 2 pages long.

You may use “I” statements to describe your reactions, thoughts, emotions, etc.

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FIN 321 Valuation Project

Your team assignment is on blackboard

Select a company that pays a dividend from the list.

1. Define the Industry, product and/or services sold)

2. Identify the participants

  • Three largest competitors
  • buyers
  • suppliers
  • substitutes

3. For the past 5 years, what has been the relationship between GDP and the firm’s revenue growth? Compare percent change in GDP and percent change in revenues.

4a. Applying regression analysis, determine the stock’s beta.  Use Yahoo to get your adjusted close stock prices for the past 36 months. Calculate your returns, and the S&P 500 returns from Select the Additional Information Tab thenMonthly and Annual returns. This should give you an excel spread sheet

4b. Determine the required return on equity for your stock for the next 12 months. Project the appropriate 10 year treasury rate as the RF rate. Historically, market risk premiums ranged between 4.5-5.5% but you may choose a different premium as long as you justify your decision.

5. Calculate the growth in earnings for the past 5 years

  • Looking at the change in earnings from year to year
  • Applying the equation g =ROE x b (ROE = E1 / BV0)
  • Calculate the sustainable growth rate implied by the DDM Model. (Implied growth- Reverse DDM.  Assuming the stock is correctly priced at the close on Friday October 24, 2016, given its required return in according with the CAPM apply the DDM to calculate the sustainable growth rate implied by the model.) Calculate the average growth for each method over the past 5 years? Is the average relevant? Why?
  • Recommended a sustainable growth rate looking forward. Justify


  • The above inputs are valid
  • The firm will begin growing at a sustainable rate 5 years from today
  • Book Value of Debt = Market Value of Debt
  • The relationship of Total debt/ Equity on the books is the firm’s target capital structure

Open Factset Click on the looking glass and enter @RG   (quick report)

This will open up a window

Enter your stock symbol in identifier and click REPORT GALLERT top left. This will bring up a list of reports on the right. Choose a report and click finish. You can select income statement, balance sheet, cash flow reports

  1. Calculate COGS, Depreciation, EBIT and CAPEX as a % sales for 2011-2015            Calculate interest expense as a % of sales.
  • Calculate the Operating Cash flow for the latest fiscal year
  •  Calculate the FCF for the latest fiscal year
  • Calculate the value of the firm based on an assumption that the CF will begin growing at a sustainable rate 5-years from today
  • What should the value of equity equal, given the value of the firm
  • Is the stock correctly priced, explain


  • Please footnote each source (number) and attach a bibliography or a webliography. Do not just include a general web site. Be page specific, site title of article the author and date were applicable.

For this one, the company I choose is GLASXOSMITHKLINE (GSK).

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