Topic 1 DQ 2

Consider the following patient scenario:

A mother comes in with 9-month-old girl. The infant is 68.5cm in length (25th percentile per CDC growth chart), weighs 6.75kg (5th percentile per CDC growth chart), and has a head circumference of 43cm (25th percentile per CDC growth chart). 

Describe the developmental markers a nurse should assess for a 9-month-old female infant. Discuss the recommendations you would give the mother. Explain why these recommendations are based on evidence-based practice.

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Delivery of the Persuasive Speech

Record and submit your persuasive speech related to your topic.

Note: the time limit for this speech is 5–7 minutes.

Many of the aspects of your persuasive speech are the same as for your informative speech. The difference, however, is that you are attempting to persuade your audience to think a certain way or to take some sort of action:

  • Your introduction should engage your specific target audience specific to your topic.
  • Your introduction should possess a single, purposeful thesis that previews the main points of your speech.
  • After the introduction, the body of your speech should have clear main points and smooth transitions between them that continue informing the audience on your topic.
  • Present your speech with relevancy, and credibility.
  • Use effective logical and emotional appeals to enhance your attempts to persuade the audience.
  • Use your voice tone, inflection, and volume appropriately.
  • Use eye contact, facial expression, hand gestures, and other body language smoothly and appropriately in line with your words. Any other visual aids should be used appropriately as well.

In your conclusion, be sure that you relate back to the main points and provide a memorable final statement. For this assignment, you will be asked to provide 3-5 references. Two must be from a scholarly journal associated with your profession that is peer-reviewed and taken from the South library databases.

You will be asked to prepare a reference page in APA style and submit it along with your speech. For information about APA style, please see

Your speech should make relevant and effective use of sources that have been gathered from academic outlets that relate to your topic. You will find many databases in the South University Library. The librarian can help direct you to those dealing with your particular topic. Name your document SU_SPC1026_W5_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.doc and submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

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The research topic paper should present a general research topic about ERM, narrow the topic down to a specific topics (subtopics) and then frame/explore an issue related to the specific topic. You should present and develop an argument concerning the issue. 

Submit a 800 (minimum) word paper (about 3 pages) in which you provide a discussion on a ERM topic of your choice.

Assignment Requirements:

Submitted work is to be proofread carefully and should not exhibit mechanical errors, such as spelling mistakes. Grammar should be checked for accuracy prior to submission. Students should select a writing style that is appropriate for the genre: for academic genres, an appropriate scholarly style is required. Proper citations, professional vocabulary in the field of study, and application of the concepts presented in the course texts are expected in each assignment.

All assignments must be original work. Plagiarism or verbatim copying of sources without proper attribution (so-called “cut and paste”) will result in failing the assignment and potentially failing the course; it can also lead to disciplinary sanctions from the college.

Papers are to be written in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman 12 pt. font with standard margins, double-spaced.  

Citations and the Reference List do not count in the page or word limit as indicated for each assignment.

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Dimensions Of Wellness Case Study

Many individuals spend a lifetime trying to achieve optimal health and wellness. Wellness is strongly related to our lifestyle choices. As noted by Powers and Dodd (2017), lifestyle, genetics, environment, and healthcare are the four factors that most influence health. Lifestyle has the biggest impact on health as 53% of all diseases are due to lifestyles.

Carmen is a 45-year-old single mother of two children. She has a good job, has strong spiritual values and beliefs, and has three close friends who she gets together with on a regular basis. However, Carmen eats fast food five days a week, feels stressed out most of the time, and does not have time to exercise. She cares about the environment but does not take the time to recycle. She would love to go back to school to get her Masters of Business Administration degree but does not think she has the time. Her current occupation provides her with adequate money to take care of her children, but she finds herself struggling to pay her bills.

Review the eight dimensions of wellness (physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, environmental, financial, occupational) and answer the following questions:

  • Evaluate which dimensions of wellness Carmen is strengthening with her current lifestyle and behaviors.
  • Describe which dimensions of wellness she needs to improve.
  • Explain three diseases Carmen is at risk for due to her poor lifestyle habits.
  • Identify three healthy lifestyle recommendations and examine how these lifestyle factors could help Carmen reduce her risk of disease and help her achieve overall wellness.
  • Identify one way Carmen can manage her finances better.
  • Include at least two scholarly references to help support your response. 
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Real world Exercises-4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 

1) Using a web browser, identify at least five success you would want to use when training a CSIRT

2) Using a web browser, visit what information is provided there, and how would it be useful

3) Using a web browser, visit What is bugtraq, and how would it be useful? What additional information is provided under the vulnerabilities tab?

4) Using a web browser, visit what information is provided there, and how would it be useful? What additional information is provided at

APA Format,3 References and each question should be 150-250 words.

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Managerial Economics

Read the following scenarios and complete the corresponding questions. Please remember to answer in complete and grammatically correct sentences.  I am looking for your thought process in the answers to the questions, so be complete in your answers and use the opportunity to clearly demonstrate your newly acquired knowledge.

Scenario 1 (length: as needed) Show your calculations

Suppose the hotel in the lecture example raised its price from $30 to $30.50. With the new price, the hotel expects 96 guests to arrive 5% of the time, 97 guests 10% of the time, 98 guests 20% of the time, 99 guests 30% of the time, 100 guests 25% of the time and 101 guests 10% of the time. The variable costs per occupied room and overbooking costs are the same as in the lecture.

1. Calculate the expected revenue, expected variable costs and expected costs from overbooking.

2. Using marginal analysis, should the hotel raise its price?  Explain your answer.

Scenario 2 (length: as needed)

You are considering auctioning a Leonardo Da Vinci original sketch. You entice four bidders to come to your auction. The bidders’ valuations of the sketch in decreasing order are $3.0, $2.2, $2.0, and $1.5 (in millions).

  1. If you used a second-price sealed bid auction, who would win and what would the winning price be?
  2. If you used a first-price sealed bid auction and the optimal strategy for the participants was to shade their bid by 20% and the participants used this strategy, who would win and what would the winning price be?
  3. Which auction should you choose to maximize your profit?
  4. How would your answers change to the above questions if the valuations of the sketch are $3.0, $2.7, $2.0 and $1.5?

Scenario 3 (length: 0.5 page)

In the auction described above, suppose that you could entice additional bidders to attend your auction. However, none of the new bidders would have a valuation greater than $3.0 million. Despite that fact, you expect the amount that the winning bidder must pay to increase regardless of the type of auction you use (first- or second-price sealed bid). For each auction, explain why you would expect the auction price to increase. If you want, you may assume the valuations of the original four participants are $3.0, $2.2, $2.0 and $1.5 million.

Writing Requirements

•1-inch margins

•Double spaced

•12-point Times New Roman font

Grading and Assessment

This activity will be graded based on thoroughness and correctness of responses. For the numerical and graphical questions, to achieve full marks you must also show your work.

1. Master the basic techniques of microeconomic analysis such as demand, supply and equilibrium; production and cost theory; and market structure and pricing.

2. Apply economic reasoning to understand and improve managerial decision-making and grasp the analytical foundations underlying a firm’s competitive strategy.

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Please reword the paragraph in your OWN words DO NOT copy from and sites or USE the same words as in the paragraph.

  • 1-On the surface, from a consumer’s perspective, deflation sounds good. Prices fall which, you would think, would encourage people to buy more: everyone loves a deal. However, deflation affects much more than the price of goods, it refers to “an overall decline in the price level in the economy” (p. 567). Not only do prices fall, so too do wages, profits, and asset values. While lower housing prices are good for first time buyers, it also means lower resale values for home owners looking to sell or use their property as investment. Assets are used as collateral for loans so their decline affects consumer spending as well.

2- I have to write about what I learned from the videos and what I thought about it.

Watch the following Week 2 Khan Academy videos: 

View more »

3- Expand view

You have been working for your current employer for over 10 years and your job, while it does not have many opportunities, is fairly secure.  You are offered a position as a new manager for a company that has seen tremendous growth, but you are also somewhat nervous about this. 

Discuss the following questions: 

  • If the company’s growth is tied directly to the strength or weakness of the overall economy, how might this affect your decision? 
  • What are some considerations in making a job change? 
  • What are some resources you might check to help you make a more informed decision?
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BUS330 Principles Of Marketing

  • As a means of demonstrating their social responsibility, many companies engage in cause or green marketing efforts; however, such efforts can backfire. In recent years, the terms greenwashing and cause washing have emerged to refer to marketing efforts that capitalize on the goodwill associated with environmental or charitable causes but reflect minimal commitment.
  • Guided Response:
    In this interactivity, you’ll read about Diesel company’s “Diesel Global Warming Ready” campaign and also the cause washing phenomena. Then you’re going to decide if you judge this to be green marketing or greenwashing and how it impacts your likelihood to purchase from this brand.
  • Learn about the ‘Diesel Global Warming Ready’ campaign.
  • Diesel (Links to an external site.), the Italian clothing manufacturer, has been raising the heat with a provocative advertising campaign, “Global Warming Ready”, launched at the end of January. A series of newspaper, magazine and billboard advertisements shows models posing in Diesel clothing in a world affected by raised water levels and temperatures. To learn more, read this article: 
  • (Links to an external site.)
  • Was this a corporation putting their environmental principles ahead of their financial goals? Or was this just a brilliant way to grab headlines and sell their brand? Or was it both?
  • Learn more about values-based shopping (and cause washing).
  • Read this Forbes contributor article: “Truthiness and Consequences…” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)
  • Share your opinion on the Diesel campaign with a forum post that answers the following questions:
  • Do you judge this campaign to be more green marketing or greenwashing? Why?
  • Would this campaign make you more or less likely to buy from Diesel brand. Why?
  • Discussion 2
  • Let’s be honest, the “art” side of marketing gets most of the press. Everybody likes to talk about that cool new ad they recently saw; however, this is not true when it comes to big data and the advanced analytics being used to evaluate marketing effectiveness and drive marketing planning. In other words, nobody is writing TV shows about a couple of quirky marketing data scientists.
  • So in this interactivity, we’re going to give marketing analytics its fifteen minutes of fame. Then, we want your take on whether marketing is more art or science and which side appeals more to you.
  • Guided Response:
  • Learn more about big data, marketing analytics, and successful integration
  • Read the Forbes article “Marketing Analytics Cheat Sheet for CEOs (Links to an external site.).”
  • If you want to go deeper on the analytics discussed, peruse the optional Harvard Business Review article “Advertising Analytics 2.0 (Links to an external site.).”
  • Post to the forum below, answering the following questions:
  • Based on everything you’ve learned in this course thus far, do you think marketing is more art than science, or vice versa? Defend your point of view.
  • Does the art or science side of marketing appeal more to you? Why?
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1. Describe the characteristics of the aging process. Explain how some of the characteristics may lead to elder abuse (memory issues, vulnerability, etc.). Discuss the types of consideration a nurse must be mindful of while performing a health assessment on a geriatric patient as compared to a middle-aged adult. 

2. End-of-life care becomes an issue at some point for elderly clients. Even with the emergence of palliative care programs and hospice programs, most elderly people do not die in their own home as is their preference. What are the reasons for this trend? Discuss what you can do as a nurse to support your clients regarding end-of-life care in accordance with their wishes. Support your response with evidence-based literature.

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Economic 405

Week 5 Discussion 2

Economist awareness of consequences of Wealth Inequality across different states in U.S., across Canada, and across world. and Robert Reich trailer of film on the subject

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