Write a critical essay about resilience engineering

Locate a credible, reliable article (with a scholarly vs. popular appeal) about or relating to a specific aspect of adversity and resilience. Closely read the article, and begin to analyze by taking apart different features of the writing such as types of evidence, organization, use of data/statistics, level of diction and so on. Also take a critical view about the article’s content, what it means and how it conveys that message.

Critical Analysis Essay

The purpose for writing a critique is to evaluate a writer’s work (an article, a book, an essay . . .) in order to increase your understanding. A critical analysis is subjective writing because it expresses the writer’s opinion or evaluation of a text. Analysis means to break down and study the parts. Writing a critical paper requires two steps: critical reading and critical writing.

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Critical reading:

  1. Identify the author’s thesis and purpose (see the abstract in scholarly articles)
  2. Analyze the structure of the passage by identifying all main ideas
  3. Look up any terms, jargon or other material that is unfamiliar to you
  4. Make an outline of the work
  5. Write a summary of the work (Brief restatement of the article so your readers can follow the critique. This article is about . . .)
  6. Determine the purpose which could be
    1. To inform with factual material
    1. To persuade with appeal to reason or logic
    1. To entertain (to affect people’s emotions)
  7. Evaluate the means by which the author has accomplished their purpose
    1. If the purpose is to inform, has the material been presented clearly, accurately, with order and coherence?
    1. If the purpose is to persuade, look for evidence, logical reasoning, contrary evidence

Consider the following questions: How is the material organized? Who is the intended audience? What are the writer’s assumptions about the audience? What kind of language and imagery/graphics does the author use? How does the article convince the audience?

Your paper can observe the following organization:

  1. Introduction
    1. Identify the work being critiqued
    1. Present thesis – the points you plan to analyze
    1. Preview your evaluation and analysis – what are the steps you will take to make your points
  2. Short summary of the work
    1. Does not need to be comprehensive – present only what the reader needs to know to understand and follow
  3. Your critique
    1. Your analysis will likely involve a number of sub-points you make to prove your larger analysis of the article.
      1. For example, if your thesis was that the author’s presumption that the world will soon face a “clash of civilizations” is flawed because he inadequately specifies his key concept, civilizations, you might prove this by:
        1. Noting competing definitions of civilizations
        1. Identifying how his examples do not meet the example of civilizations
        1. Argue that civilization is so broad and non-specific that it is not useful. (This should be the bulk of the paper – your professor wants to read your critique) about the work, not an extended summary.
      1. Conclusion
        1. Reflect on how you have analyzed the article and made specific points of critique
        1. Explain how the article illustrates adversity and resilience, what does it mean in relation to this theme; what’s the connection and why is it important?
        1. Point out the importance of your critique, relating to the author’s thesis
        1. Note potential avenues for additional research or analysis

Note: Even though you are potentially only referring to one source, you still need to cite your information, using parenthetical citation.

Your paper will be about 1,000 – 1,200 words, in MLA format

 (Links to an external site.)

. Typed, double-spaced with in-text citations (note above).

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