Unit 6 Assignment: Token Economy

At this point in the course, you have learned about various evidence-based instructional strategies, including shaping, chaining, and task analysis. You have also learned about specific behavior change procedures, including various antecedent interventions and consequence interventions. You have also studied in-depth use of rules, contingency contracts and token economies in the realm of promoting behavior change.

For this Assignment, you will be asked to design your own token economy system. Use your work from your discussion post and Seminar this week to assist you in this creative process.

Be sure to clearly describe the following components:

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  • The tokens you will use;
  • The target behaviors and how tokens will be earned;
  • How you will make your system specific or individualized;
  • The menu of backup reinforcers;
  • The ratio of exchange and how you derived it;
  • The procedures to dispense and exchange tokens;
  • The procedures to follow when token requirements are not met, and your thoughts on the use of response cost;
  • A discussion on the fading procedures and how the fading procedures promote maintenance and generalization of the target behaviors;
  • A discussion the ethical, legal, individual, practical and social validity concerns or issues that might apply.

The Assignment should:

  • Be at least 5–7 pages in length. The 5–7 pages length does not include the title page and reference page.
  • In addition, a minimum of three peer reviewed primary sources should be used to show support for your selected methods of behavior change.
  • Follow Assignment directions (review grading rubric for best results).
  • Use correct APA formatting per the APA Publication Manual , 6th Edition.
  • Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English.
  • Be written in Standard American English and be clear, specific, and error-free. If needed, be sure to use the Writing Center for help.

The Guidance to unit 6 assignment

Unit 6: Token Economy
(5-7 double-spaced pages, APA format)

  1.            Brief Introduction and rationale
    (individualized to a client/context)
  2. Target behavior or behaviors to be addressed

III.          Tokens and menu of back-up reinforcers

  1. Ratio of exchange and how it was derived
    (e.g., based on behavioral data)
  2. Procedures to dispense/exchange tokens
  3. Procedures when tokens unearned (including rationale)
  4. withholding tokens
  5. response cost (if used)

VII.        Fading and/or thinning procedures
(how to promote generalization/maintenance)

VIII.       Any ethical, legal, individual, practical, or social validity concerns
[tied specifically to client and setting]

References to support selection of methods – at least 3
(peer-reviewed articles or chapters from edited books)





Grading rubric

Unit 6 Assignment


Grading Criteria– Unit 6 Assignment % – Points  
Course Content    
Clearly describes the following components of the token economy system, with a rationale or explanation for each selection:

·        the tokens you will use;

·        the target behaviors and how tokens will be earned;

·        how you will make your system specific or individualized;

·        the menu of backup reinforcers.

Discusses the following issues, with supporting evidence and a rationale for each:

·        ratio of exchange and how you derived it;

·        procedures to dispense and exchange tokens;

·        procedures to follow when token requirements are not met, and your thoughts on the use of response cost.

·        fading procedures and how these procedures promote maintenance and generalization of the target behaviors.

Discuss any ethical, legal, practical, individual, and social validity factors that might apply and how these issues were addressed 30  
Provides at least three scholarly sources of support for your choices by citing your text and any other scholarly peer reviewed sources. 15  
Structure: complete paragraphs, clear and logical organization throughout, moves fluidly between sections. Primarily student’s own words with quotes used very sparingly, includes several references to support conclusions. 10  
Mechanics: Uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, Free of typographical errors, double-spaced, APA format, and 4–6 pages in length (not including the cover page or reference page). 10  
Total 180  
An explanation of the points earned, as well as where the assignment could be strengthened will be included with your grade.



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