Unit 4 discussion
Socrates once said, “The unexamined life is not worth living”. Think about that for a moment. An unexamined life. What is that? Well, it is a reflection of someone who has never conducted a self-assessment. It is someone who has never taken an inventory of their skills and deficits. It is someone void of knowing self.
What would that look like? This could be seen in many ways. It could look like the teenager with low self-esteem, or the little sibling always wanting to tag along annoyingly. Maybe it’s the healthcare executive who never takes time to talk to his patients. Perhaps this would look like a grown adult acting out like a child after losing a round of golf. Or maybe it is the middle-aged adult contemplating divorce for their third marriage. In all scenarios, there is a lack of knowing, lack of identity, lack of self.
As much time as you have spent over the past few years examining external sources (e.g., analyzing literature, researching theories, and synthesizing theses), you have more than likely taken a hiatus on any self-examination. This, of course, excludes assignments requiring you to conduct a personal SWOT analysis or summarize the findings of a career assessment. Considering you are about to graduate and make a positive difference in the world around you, it is time to re-examine and solidify who you are and practice communicating this to others.
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Order Paper NowThis week, you will begin to take inventory of self by completing a personality assessment, reporting your findings in the Discussion, and reflecting on your unique characteristics. In addition to career exploration, this discussion will prepare you for the upcoming Optimal Resume portfolio requirement later in class.
After completing the Jung Typology Test (Sample Myers-Briggs Personality Index), post a reply to the Discussion using your 4-letters as the subject line.
In the discussion, thoroughly explain the characteristics of your unique 4-letter combination.
- What do the 4-letters mean?
- What are the alleged behaviors and characteristics that these individuals possess? Discuss whether you agree with these assertions.
- In what professions would you most likely see these individuals? Discuss your interest in these potential career paths.
- What are the potential benefits of working with these types of individuals? What are the potential challenges of working with these types of individuals?
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