1-After reading the Research Ethics Chronology in Chapter 2 of the textbook, explain how cultural competency should contribute to ethical behavior. What are some of the consequences that arise from a lack of cultural competency?(100 words and 1 reference)
2- In research, explain why it is important for ethics to be applied. What could be some of the consequences of lack of ethics in research? 100 words and 1 reference)
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Order Paper NowMock Community Case Study-Undocumented Immigrants
Community Needs Assessment: |
Social issues of the community: Family separation following deportation of unauthorized immigrant family memberEconomic hardshipChild safety – adequate supervisionSchooling interruptionsJob lossHousing instabilityLack of resourcesEmotional distress of parents and children |
Target population and the demographics characteristics of this population: Undocumented immigrant population in Arizona (population 244,000)73% of residents are living in poverty or near poverty86% originate from Mexico69% of residents have lived in the U.S. for 10 or more years51% of the residents are between the ages of 25-4492% of children age 3-17 are enrolled in school24% of residents 25 or older have a high school diploma52% of residents report they do NOT speak English well or not at all55% are employed, 7% are unemployed, 39% are not in the workforceTop industries of employment include construction, food service, administrative, waste management, recreation, entertainment, retail trade. |
Statistical data retrieved from: Migration Policy Institute, (2014). Retrieved from
Background Information:
Demographics – The population of undocumented immigrants in the state of Arizona includes approximately 244,000 residents. As many as 86% originate from Mexico, with a much smaller percentage from Guatemala, India, and other countries. The average age of this population of immigrants is 36. A large percentage of residents have lived in the U.S. longer than 10 years and 43% have children under the age of 18, most of who were born in the U.S. and are legal citizens. Marital status of this population includes 21% who are divorced, separated, or widowed and 38% who have never been married. As much as 92% of children under 18 within the families are enrolled in school. The educational attainment of the majority of adults within this population have obtained less than a high school diploma, with 24% graduating from high school or obtaining a GED. Small percentages have some college and even less have a Bachelor’s or professional degree. More than half of the population report they do not speak English well, or not at all. A large percentage of residents are uninsured and struggle financially, though 55% are employed in industries such as arts and entertainment, food services, recreation, accommodations, retail trade, construction, waste management, administration, management, and professional positions. Close to half of the population lives at or below the poverty level, with the remaining slightly above.
Community –An area of North Phoenix, Arizona approximately one square mile is a condensed home to a large number of the undocumented immigrant population from Mexico. Many families with children live in this area and one of the district’s schools caters to the needs of this population with services outside of education embedded into the local elementary school. There is a food pantry, clothing closet, access to medical services, child care at the attached Boys and Girls Club, and a number of other programs geared toward the parents and children of the community. School social workers keep a close watch on the changing needs of the community and adjust accordingly within their educational boundaries. Some needs are not consistently covered, rather, are periodically addressed, such as immigration legal services, job skills, employment assistance, medical insurance access, domestic violence, economic assistance, and the list goes on.
As the country transitioned to a new president, new policies have been implemented and others continue to be reviewed. In the past, the police department maintained a separate role away from identifying resident status and focused on community safety. This policy is being reviewed and may include a possible change that will arm the police force with the ability to charge illegal immigrants through detention. The Sheriff’s department has had a history of workplace undocumented immigration raids to identify those in the United States illegally. When this occurs, workers can be detained, resulting in family separation, reduced income, lack of supervision for children in the case of single parents, and an overall feeling of unrest for families of undocumented residents. Children often experience feelings of fear and uncertainty, and often miss school days with the transition that occurs. Supervision is sometimes impacted, often times with the development of acting out behavior from children. When children return to school, they may have difficulty focusing, can struggle with appropriate peer relations, have more difficulty following directions from teachers and other adults, and may experience a reduction in food intake or needs for clothing and school supplies due to economic struggles of the remaining parent or care taker. The school social worker’s focus is on making sure the students have what they need to positively impact their learning. When deficits occur in learning, behavior, basic needs, safety, or supervision, the school social worker steps in to address the need.
A group of school social workers in the local school district of the North Phoenix area became aware of this trend and decided to develop a resource night opportunity for the residents in the area scheduled for 6:30-8:00 p.m. A number of local immigration advocate service organizations were contacted and committed to attending and providing advocacy information for the attendees. In addition, a panel of advocates was scheduled to discuss current issues related to immigration. Due to the large population of Spanish only speaking residents, a translator was scheduled along with earphone technology in order for residents to be able to understand and participate fully. In retrospect, the social workers realized the translator should have been for the English speaking only attendees, as there were far more Spanish only speakers. Childcare was provided. The event was publicized through flyers (both Spanish and
Research Proposal
Assignment Criteria
This assignment contains multiple parts that are due at different intervals in the course.
Complete each section of the assignment accordingly.
First, select a social issue (PTSD, teen pregnancy, alcoholism, obesity, poverty, racism, etc.) that is affecting your community. You will focus on this social issue for your research proposal throughout this course. [A social issue is a situation that, left untreated, produces a negative consequence for some group, institution or individual(s)].
This is the social issue below:
The selected social issue affecting the community is alcoholism.
Alcoholism has been a major issue in the community in the past five years. It has affected both men and women, the youth inclusive. Most members of the community consume illegal brews that are processed in the villages since they are cheap and more readily available.
Next, select between the following levels of analysis for your proposal:
- A client case study (micro level)
- Program proposal (macro level)
Project proposal (mezzo level)
Needs Assessment Worksheet
It is essential for social workers to understand the needs of the community in order to develop an effective proposal that addresses social health issues. This assignment will help you learn this skill.
For this assignment, you will assess culture and subculture in your selected community. For instance, you may decide to select your neighborhood community.
Answer the following prompts to assist you:
Cultural Competency
Social work students need to be able to explain the cultural aspect of a social issue. In order to understand this concept, complete the “Needs Assessment Worksheet
Needs Assessment Worksheet 2
Topic 2: Cultural Competency in Practice and Research |
Describe the environmental influences on your selected community (food infrastructure, transportation infrastructure, recreational facilities, etc.). How are these environmental influences affecting the mental and physical health in your community? (50-75 words) |
What is the culture (ethics, values, customs, traditions, religious practices, etc.) of your community? (50-75 words) |
Next, explain how the environment and culture in your community are affecting your target population/client. (50-75 words) For example, if the target population or client is dealing with obesity, one would explain how the fast food infrastructure, lack of recreational facilities, and culture (food preparation, festivities, customs, traditions, etc.) in the community affect this population or client. |
Explain how the selected social issue affects your community. What risk factor might be driving patterns and behaviors related to your selected social issue? (75-100 words) |
Next, use the Strategic Prevention Framework to guide you in assessing your community. |
Although you will not be able to utilize all the information presented in the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), you will be able to use it as a guide. Summarize the CulturalCompetence step in the SPF (50-75 words): |
How will you utilize this information when planning your proposal? (50-75words) |
Describe the characteristics and resources of your selected community (schools, faith-based resources, health and human service providers, etc.). Explain if these resources are easily accessible or not.(50-75 words) |
Who are the stakeholders (police, businesses, schools, faith-based organizations, universities, etc.) in your community? |
How can you, as a social worker, engage stakeholders in your community to help prevent the social issue that affects your community?What are the benefits to stakeholders for participating in your proposed program? (75-100 words) |
Lastly, after reading aboutCultural Competence, citing two scholarly sources, explain how the culture of the community (ethics, values, customs, traditions, religious practices, religion, income level, education levels, geographical location, or professions) can be involved in all areas of preventing your selected social problem. (150-200 words). |
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