Please reword these paragraphs in your own words and please do not copy from any websites or use the same exact words as in these paragraphs.
Strategic Management, Ch. 1
- 1- The implementation of a business’s strategy is a critical piece of the overall business functions because it includes the strategic controls, organizational design, and the firm’s leadership involved in carrying out the actions necessary for the strategy. An organization must keep tabs on its internal and external environments so that they quickly respond and adapt to threats and opportunities. Also included in the strategic controls are the means by which an organization incentivizes its employees and creates the culture for the organization. The leadership has to ensure that ethical behavior is maintained through the creation of a learning organization that adapts to change rapidly, learns from each other, and leverages their learning to produce a better organization. Lastly, an organization must always continue to evolve and change with its environments. Remaining stagnant is not an option for any organization that wants to remain competitive so innovation is the name of the game and the strategy should be built around that factor.
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Order Paper NowDess, G., Eisner, A., Lumpkin, G.T., & McNamara, G. (2014). Strategic management: Creating competitive advantages (7th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Strategic Management, Ch. 4
- 2-Social capital refers to the social connections that employees develop between themselves such as friendships and working relationships. Social capital is important for an organization because it can work as a double-edged sword, it can build loyalties amongst the employees but it can also act as a magnet when an employee leaves the organization, thus attracting their colleagues with them. A positive for the organization is that social capital can help attract and retain talent in the organization. Another positive is that social capital can help with knowledge management and also with helping employees have career success.
Dess, G., Eisner, A., Lumpkin, G.T., & McNamara, G. (2014). Strategic management: Creating competitive advantages (7th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Implementing Innovation in a Risk-Averse Culture
- 3-I find this video very apropos to what is currently happening where I work. We were using 360Facility as our computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) and one of our banking clients decided they needed their own instance of 360Facility for technicians that performed work them due to security reasons. We have just started a pilot with the CMMS system that my company just bought, so we are using 3 CMMS systems. Needless to say my team is having a tough time embracing change right now. I have to admit that this has been very challenging to maintain all three systems. We are using excel workbooks that feed into Tableau dashboards to reconcile the technicians time cards so that we can pay everyone accurately at this time and this is only one of the issues that I will mention.
While I was talking to one of my regional operations managers today and he was complaining about how everything is changing so quickly that he can barely keep up. I had to remind him that change and innovation is good, we just need to make it through the learning curve and things will get better. The morale to my story is, although change is sometimes difficult it can be beneficial in the end. The way we do something today does not make it right tomorrow.
Implementing a Performance Management System
- 4-Performance management systems are difficult to implement and maintain because of the human factors involved. We need to train our people on how to use the system correctly, we need to trust them to do it right and follow as they were trained, and we need to trust them to be ethical about the whole process. All the things I have mentioned I have seen done wrong even if some are not done on purpose. In order for performance management systems to work correctly, everyone has to work as a team and be willing to help each other and collaborate in the process. Having a timeframe and plan in place will also go a long way in ensuring that timelines are kept up with. Communication is key to ensuring that everyone is on the same page and sometimes over communicating helps ensure everyone remembers the goals and timeframes. Knowing the appraisal process and the goals beforehand is a great way to start the process with the employees. If they know what they will be appraised on, they can proactively work on those factors and not be caught off-guard at review time. Also, ensuring that the management team is reviewing the employees and providing feedback throughout the year is the way to help employees improve.
University of Phoenix. (2011). Implementing A Performance Management System [Multimedia]. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, BUS/475 — Integrated Business Topics course website.
Please answer these posts like if you were having a conversation with the person face to face. Please do not use the same exact words as in the posts.
5-I know that has to be frustrating as an HR manager! I miss the days of the manager providing the feedback to the employee on performance evaluations. AT&T required each individual to write their own accomplishments online and the manager went back through and agreed or disagreed on a number scale. The really dumb part is that the managers were only allowed to give X number of people a high rating. It was predetermined because merit increases are tied to the ratings. The ratings really bothered some people because they felt they were better performers than their ratings would suggest. When looking for a new job within the business, the ratings are reviewed. It is not a true determiner of performance if pay is tied to it and the pay is limited to a certain number of people
- 6-I remember when our upper management introduced a problem-solving model as a technique for managing performance issues that were more controversial, or were not effectively addressed through coaching or feedback. It was system that I felt was good at time and one we continue to utilize today. Issues such as tardiness, being out of uniform, continual poor performance, and others are best handled by a direct, objective approach.Problem solving sounds so simple. However, we know it isn’t as simple as it seems. Employees don’t behave as we hope they would. Problem solving conversations are the ones we all tend to or want to avoid. Why? Because we fear or are concerned about how the employees may react.Guiding questions are a significant tool when in a problem solving dialogue. Regardless of the emotional response of the employee, we must always focus on the problem behavior not the problem employee. It is not personal.
It is valuable to allow the employee to solve as much of the problem as possible. The more employees can solve their own problems, the more likely they are to carry through with the solution, and the more independent they become. In problem solving, the chances are fairly likely that the person will not be able to solve the problem without help from you. It is important that you recognize the performance problem and the reasons for the problem. It is also important that you plan solutions to the problem’s resolution before you meet with the individual. If the employee engages in inappropriate problem solving – blaming, excusing, defending, looking to others for the solution – you need to be able to redirect the problem solving to a more productive vein. You may find that you have to TELL the employee what the acceptable solution is. Thoughtful planning and practice increase the chance of success as you manage performance. We, as managers, supervisors, and team leaders, realize that it is our responsibility to ensure that EVERYONE on the team performs to their potential and to the expectations of the job. Poor performers not only affect themselves and their specific jobs, their effect negatively impacts the performance of other team members.
- 7-I must say I am a “Resistor”. What I mean by resistance is like the provervial saying “a deal is a deal”. In the production environment we have program managers that love to make promises after the fact to customers. I mean, we get a contract in the system and we procure and plan to that then right in the middle of it we get an acceleration notice. I understand sometimes there are exceptions, but not every project can be an exception. Programs that compress turn into train wrecks, like it or not something will go wrong. When people get under pressure all it takes is one prick to burst the bubble.
- 8-When I was
a training instructor at AT&T’s call center I ran into technically
challenged new hires. The younger members of the class picked up the more
technical aspects easily. The baby boomers were a challenge. There
were times where I would have to teach someone how to click and maneuver the
mouse. I had to be a lot more patient without disrupting the flow of
class. Being creative in instructing helped bring everyone to the same level of
knowledge. The baby boomers were generally the employees that performed
the best (work ethic) outside of training if they were able to get past the
technical knowledge gap.
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