Responsible Supply Chains

In this assignment, you will analyze the performance of an organization; this organization should be well known and publicly held. Considering the firm’s overarching supply chain processes (partner selection, relationship development, and monitoring and controlling), evaluate the organization on the triple bottom line: environmental sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and financial performance dimensions. To what extent are these three concepts in conflict or consistent for your selected firm?

Refer to Ortas, Moneva, and Álvarez’s 2014 article, “Sustainable Supply Chain and Company Performance: A Global Examination.”

Write a 6-page paper that addresses the following:

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  • Describe the chosen organization’s partner selection, relationship development, and monitoring and controlling processes.
  • Analyze the organization’s performance in these dimensions: environmental sustainability, corporate social responsibility, and financial performance.
  • Evaluate the extent to which these three dimensions are in conflict or consistent with each other.
  • How well is the organization able to balance the dimensions?
  • If these dimensions are out of balance, make recommendations for improvement.
  • If these dimensions are consistent, identify best practices that could be used for one of the case studies from previous assignments, which would bring these dimensions into alignment for that organization.
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