Research Paper
Why are children today more obese compared to children in the 70? Kids are our future for life existence and always will be. But their health plays a very big part of how they will grow up. We must make sure that they get all the vitamins and mineral that they need to have a healthy lifestyle. There is an increase in obese kids in our population now. More so now compared to any of generation of kids. But the big biggest comparison is children now compared to children in the 70’s.
Children now days spend more time watching television, playing video games, and they eat more unhealthy foods. At the same time, children may not have the same opportunity as others to be able to have the right type of nutrition. We can also say that some children make not be as active as others because of other personal obligation. There are many different reasons why children are more obese now. Some factors are genetics, how they eat, what they eat and the effect of a childhood event that may be negative. “Genetic factors are difficult to change. However, people and places can play a role in helping children achieve and maintain a healthy weight” (CDC). Sometimes children just can help it and there are too young to make any major change in their life, so they just deal with it.
“The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey at CDC measures obesity rates among Americans ages two and older and is the primary source for national obesity data in this report of children ages 2 to 19” (Stateofobesity). So, until the child makes 20 years old the CDC still consider to measures them. Also, this article said “that the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, 14.8% of high school students (grades 9 to 12) nationwide had obesity and 15.6% were overweight. The obesity rate has increased significantly, up from 10.6% in 1999” (Stateofobesity). “Obesity often begins in childhood and is linked to psychological problems, asthma, diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors in childhood. Because many obese children grow up to become obese adults, childhood obesity is strongly linked to mortality and morbidity in adulthood (Reilly et al., 2003)”.
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Order Paper Now“We have not always been a nation in the midst of an obesity epidemic. In the 1960s and 1970s, only 13 percent of U.S. adults and 5 to 7 percent of U.S. children were obese. Today, 17 percent of our children, 32 percent of adult males, and 36 percent of adult females are obese. Although obesity has increased across all racial and ethnic groups, it affects some groups more than others. Black (50 percent) and Hispanic women (45 percent) have the highest adult obesity rates. Among children, Black adolescent girls (29 percent) and Mexican-American adolescent boys (27 percent) are most affected (Flegal, Carroll, Ogden, & Curtin, 2010; Ogden & Carroll, 2010a, 2010b)” (APA). There four major organization that studies this for our country The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, he WIC Participant and Program Characteristics (WIC PC), The National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), and The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS).
In my research study, I will need data to help me present my argument on how these facts come to light. I will need this important information to help me with my literature review, methods and result. “Evidence-based practice includes, in part, implementation of the findings of well-conducted quality research studies” (EBN). My research study will be a “Quantitative Research Definition: Quantitative research is defined as the systematic investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical or computational techniques” (PRO).
The strength of these articles is that they are very informative with evidence-based information. I prefer this type of study I feel that catches the attention of the viewers or whoever is read the information that is present from their findings. When it comes to research there is even not enough of them I have always felt that the more that marry. We can piggyback off each other or be something different for the rest. I more incite that you can get on the certain study the better you can understand it. That means there will be many different reasons for the result that they up with. It was that “In 1969, approximately half of U.S. children walked or biked to school, and 87 percent of those living within one mile of their school did so. Today, less than 15 percent of U.S. schoolchildren walk or bike to school (Centers for Disease Control, 2005); among those who live within one mile of their school, only 31 percent walk, and for those living 2 miles or less from the school, only two percent bike to school. A third of U.S. children go to school on a bus and half are taken by private vehicle (Centers for Disease Control, 2002)”.
Children at young ages can’t change their lifestyle because they have no control over. Either they are young to work to buy their food or they have other personal life issues that matter more to them. It a shame but some children only eat the meals that or provide for them at school. Due to other circumstance which no child should ever be neglected form eating but exercising should be in include into their everyday lifestyle. Also, healthy food like foods like fruit and vegetable is a must for any child. The weakness of all these articles none of them present any other opinion to help provide healthy foods for children.
Children now have more access to life but do less than now compare to children that grew up with so much less than have. During 1970 everyone played outside because no one cares about watching tv and play video games. At that time if you had a tv you did watch it and because there were only a few tv shows and tv cut off at certain hour at night. Plus, if you had a bike back in the 70’s you were hot stuff and things were just different. One there wasn’t as many fast food restaurant and people did drive like that do now, so everyone had to walk. This just goes to show you how times have change and what it has done to children over the years.
Select the population, sample size, and data collection methods appropriate for your problem statement and research question.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper describing how you will select your target population, your sample size, and your data collection methods. Your paper should include:
- A rationale for identified target population
- A description of a method for determining appropriate sample size
- A description of a rationale for selecting the data collection methodology
- An explanation of descriptive or comparative statistics appropriate for your health care problem
- A description of statistical tests that could be used to analyze the data
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2002). Barriers to children walking or biking to school — United States, 1999. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 51, 701-704.
Flegal, K.M., Carroll, M.D., Ogden, C.L., & Curtin, L.R. (2010). Prevalence and trends in obesity among U.S. adults, 1999-2008. Journal of the American Medical Association, 303, 235-241
Reilly, J.J., Methven, E., McDowell, Z.C., Hacking, B., Alexander, D., Stewart, L, & Kelnar, C.J.H. (2003). Health consequences of obesity. Archives of Diseases of Childhood, 88, 748-752. doi:10.1136/adc.88.9.748
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