Part 2: Thesis Statement/Outline Instructions
This assignment serves as a background exercise for the Public Policy Research Paper and sets your research on a germane path of analysis.
The thesis statement must reflect the topic chosen in Public Policy Research Project Part 1: Topic Selection (see below in green) and must be comprised of 1-2 sentences clearly stating the purpose of the research paper and positing a clear response to the research question. Please note that this early submission will serve as a rough draft of the thesis statement, as you will have the opportunity to polish and fit the statement within a larger introductory paragraph when writing the paper itself.
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Order Paper NowPublic Policy Research Project Topic
Are recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings consistent with the Founding Fathers’ intentions for the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause, and what role does the common phrase “separation of church and state” play in political discourse related to constitutional interpretation? Include in your discussion whether and/or to what extent separation of church and state is consistent with biblical principles. Historical, legal and academic sources are appropriate sources for this assignment. Popular sources or advocacy publications may be used sparingly to convey opposing sides in the contemporary debate, but do not count toward your required number of sources.
Place the Thesis Statement within a projected 1-page outline of the research paper, including a minimum of five discussion points that you consider essential for reaching a conclusion on the research question (e.g. background of the issue, essential definitions of terms used in the debate, main opposing sides, evidence supporting each line of argument, biblical application, and rationale for conclusion.) Please use Roman numerals to indicate the main points and lower case letters to indicate any tertiary points, and identify at least 3 scholarly sources germane to one or more points. For example:
- Introduction and Thesis Statement
- Background
- Perspective 1 and Supporting Evidence
- Point 1
- Point 2
- Point 3
Note that this projected outline may be revised/adjusted as your understanding of the topic is developed through the research process; however, be cautious to remain on track to provide a definitive answer to the research question. All points must clearly relate to the thesis.
Please submit the Thesis Statement/Outline in Word. Paper formatting must follow current Turabian Author-Date style, including title, body and Reference pages.
All course work must follow current Turabian Author-Date style, contain all sections required by current Turabian format (e.g., title page, reference list), and must be in 12-point, Times New Roman font.
Remember that this is a research and writing course, with an emphasis on analytical reasoning and current Turabian format. Therefore, grading of each assignment will emphasize the quality and substance of the research used in the paper, the quality of the analysis and reasoning employed in the paper, the grammar and mechanics of the paper, and the proper use of current Turabian format. You are responsible to review and understand all instructions, grading rubrics, and current Turabian format.
. PPRP Part 2. Thesis Statement/Outline Grading Rubric
Criteria | Level of Achievement | Points Earned | |||
Advanced | Proficient | Developing | Not Present | ||
Content | |||||
Thesis Statement/ Research Purpose | 14 to 15 points Thesis statement clearly aligns with the research question/prompt selected. | 12.5 to 13.5 points Some improvements to thesis alignment with research question/prompt are needed. | 1 to 12 points Thesis statement and/or research purpose is unclear | 0 points Not present | |
Logical Projected Outline | 9.5 to 10 points A logical outline comprised of at least 5 major points of discussion and 1-2 minor points within each major point is given. Points clearly align to inquiry essential to the thesis. Projected/hypothesized conclusion clearly derives from points explored in projected framework. | 8.5 to 9 points Some development to or adjustment within the proposed outline is needed. Clarification of major points’ alignment to the thesis is needed. Projected/hypothesized conclusion may not clearly derive from points explored in the projected framework. | 1 to 8 points Significant development of logical outline is needed. | 0 points Not present | |
Scholarly Support | 9.5 to 10 points At least 3 scholarly sources reflecting diverse viewpoints and germane research are identified to support logical presentation of ideas. Lessons from applicable modules/weeks are fully incorporated. | 8.5 to 9 points Some improvements/additions to quality/quantity of sources are needed. Lessons from applicable modules/weeks are generally incorporated. | 1 to 8 points Significant improvement of scholarly support is needed. Lessons from applicable modules/weeks are insufficiently incorporated. | 0 points Not present | |
Structure | |||||
Composition and Readability | 4.6 to 5 points Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed and spelling is correct. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Rhetorical skill is shown. Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong and varied structure. Lessons from applicable modules/weeks are fully incorporated. | 4 to 4.5 points Paper contains minimal errors in grammar, usage, punctuation, and spelling. Sentences are generally complete, clear, and concise. Rhetorical skill is shown, although a few points may require clarification. Lessons from applicable modules/weeks are generally incorporated. | 1 to 3.5 points Paper contains numerous errors in grammar, usage, punctuation, and spelling. Multiple sentences may be incomplete or ambiguously worded. Lessons from applicable modules/weeks are insufficiently incorporated. | 0 points Not present | |
Formatting | 4.6 to 5 points Paper outline is laid out effectively. Text, citations, and Reference page(s) follow current Turabian Author-Date style/format requirements. Outline is written in 12 point Times New Roman font, is double-spaced, and has 1” margins. Lessons from applicable modules/weeks are fully incorporated. | 4 to 4.5 points Paper is generally laid out effectively. Text, citations, and Reference page(s) contains minimal inconsistencies with current Turabian Author-Date style/format requirements. Outline may contain some inconsistencies with required font, spacing and margin requirements. Lessons from applicable modules/weeks are generally incorporated. | 1 to 3.5 points Paper may be laid out ineffectively or may not follow current Turabian Author-Date style/format requirements. Outlinemay not follow required font, spacing and margin requirements. Lessons from applicable modules/weeks are insufficiently incorporated. | 0 points Not present | |
Word Count | 4.6 to 5 points Required word count (500–750 words) is met. | 4 to 4.5 points Word count is 400–499 words. | 1 to 3.5 points Word count is 399 words or fewer. | 0 points Not present | |
Total | /50 |
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