Public Policy
Please submit your initial thread two days prior to the posted deadline (i.e. September 06). Utilize the remaining two days to comment on other posts and respond to comments from fellow students on your post. The discussion questions are based on chapters 3 and 4 of the textbook. In this discussion, we will dig deeper into the first two stages of the policy making process. These are agenda setting and policy adoption. Please read the chapters and lecture notes before putting up your thread. The lecture notes and chapter summaries are available in the ‘content’ folder
Q1. Why do some problems or issues get attention from policymakers and not others? Who defines political agendas, and how? Discuss with example. Feel free to refer to the case studies discussed in the Anderson textbook. [5 points]
Q2. What is typically involved in the policy adoption stage? What do the two case studies discussed on pages 165-174 of the Anderson text tell you about the policy adoption process? [5 points]
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