- Identify a test category that is relevant to your academic and professional career goals. The List of Tests by Type document identifies the 11 categories you may choose from. They include (1) intelligence/cognitive abilities, (2) achievement/aptitude, (3) personality, (4) behavior, (5) adaptive behavior, (6) neuropsychological, (7) career/business/organization, (8) autism, (9) depression, (10) preschool, and (11) behavior analytic skill assessments.
- Select three tests from a single category using the List of Tests by Type document. (Note: If you have an interest in a particular test that is not on this list, then you may, as an option, submit a request to your instructor to include it in your first assignment with two other tests on the list in the same category. Your instructor will review it and determine if you may proceed with including that test in your assignment or recommend that you select three tests from the list.)
- Compare and contrast these three tests according to the Code’s first four elements.
- Access the Capella library and conduct a search. Use the MMY database to locate and read a review for each test.
- Visit the publishers’ website for each test to obtain additional information.
- choose a database, for example, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, and ERIC (education research). Search for journal articles that are relevant to the four elements and each test.
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