Project Management
Wedding Planning
Since this is your first project with the company, your manager would like to test your project management knowledge before you can begin to work on your own. Your manager has asked you to describe the characteristics of the project life cycle and describe the characteristics of a successful project.
To make sure you impress her, make sure your memo includes the following points:
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Order Paper Now- What a project is and how it differs from a process.
- Brief discussion on all phases of a project.
- Describe two criteria that may be used to select a project.
If you need a reference, look to your text (Gido, Clements & Baker, 2018, pg 10-14).
All assignments should be completed in a Word document using correct APA formatting (Headers, one-inch margins, and double spacing, title page and References page, etc.). Please complete the essay in a Microsoft Word document. Essays that are posted into the Assignments area will not be accepted. The length of your essay response should be around 600 words. Points will be deducted for incorrect grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. All assignments should be uploaded here. Grading details can be found in the embedded rubric.
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