
a) Your main goal is to create a new international start-up business or design a commercially viable product or service innovation that you are convinced can Be Successful

(However, you define success) in the next five years. The product must be useful and

appealing not only to consumers in your home country, but also to international consumers.

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Your target market could be business-to-business or business-to-consumer.

b) Presentation Guidelines

Each student is expected to support his/her presentation with 5-9 slides. The slides should

contain: a) Explain the problem you are trying to solve and the idea behind your product or service innovation; b) Provide succinct and clear description of the product’s value proposition and significant features-attributes or key differentiators; c) Briefly explain the product’s main customer channels (markets); d) Explain how you plan to generate revenue or revenue model (e.g., sales, subscription, licensing fees etc.) e) Identify key partners and the resources needed to deliver your value proposition, f) Explain your distribution channels, g) who are your key competitors? h) Explain – what credibility/qualification do you have to start this business? i) Imagine the success of your product in the future; explain what success would look like in five years. What would my product have done in five years? How did my product do it? Present your product or service innovation in an innovative way.

c) Your presentation should include quality pictures to tell the story of how you developed your innovation. Format: Five OHP slides use large fonts, images, pictures, etc. Presentation should be around 6-8 minutes in length.

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