Policy,legal and ethics week10
This quiz is based on chapter 6 in the text. Answer each question in a paragraph that contains at least five sentences:
1. Should society help workers dislocated when technology, like the Internet, elimlnates their jobs in a process called ‘Creative Destruction‘?
2. are we working more and earning less?
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Order Paper Now3. Would you want a telecommuting job? Why or why not?
4. Does the gig economy appeal to you? Why or why not?
5. How is an employee differentiated from a contracter under US law?
6. Why have some municipalities put restrictions on innovations in the sharing economy and in on-demand services?
7. What has been the effect on the US economy of outsourcing (or offshoring) technical and professional jobs?
8. How much monitoring of employee activities at work is appropriate?
9. Should an employer be able to discipline or terminate an employee for on-line behavior in his/her own time?
10. What is the relationship betwee BYOD (bring your own device) and shadow IT.
11. What is cyberloafing?
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