Module 3 – Case_MHS599

Outlining Your Review/Plan/Paper/Proposal

Case Assignment

Recall that in MHS504, you were required to draft an outline as a first step toward structuring your Session Long Project paper for that course. For this Case Assignment, you are required to do the same, using components of your chosen project type (i.e., literature review, program plan, program evaluation, policy analysis paper, or research proposal) as your outline’s main headings. Click on the links in the table below to refresh your memory regarding components of each of these.

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Literature review Program plan Program evaluation Policy analysis paper Research proposal

Please upload your 2- to 4-page outline to the Case 3 Dropbox by the end of this module.

Length: 2-4 pages, double-spaced (excluding cover-page).

Format: APA format is required for this assignment.

Assignment Expectations

Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric that is linked within the course. Review it before you begin working on the assignment. Your work should adhere to these MSHS Assignment Expectations.

Literature Review

Program Plan

Program Evaluation

Policy Analysis Paper

Research Proposal

Discussion: Outlining Your Integrative Project Paper

Discussion Topic


In this Discussion forum, please discuss your experience building the outline that will serve as the basis for the forthcoming final paper of your review/plan/paper/proposal. What were some of the challenges you encountered in drafting your outline? What resources did you consult to refresh your memory about the type of project you are undertaking (i.e., literature review, program plan, program evaluation, policy analysis paper, or research proposal)? How might you locate information of this sort down the road once you have graduated?

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