Literary Analysis Paper

You will need to read The Red Convertible by Louise Erdrich and choose one of the following topics for your literary analysis paper:

General Paper Requirements:

  • 2-3 page essay
  • 12 font Times New Roman
  • typed and double-spaced
  • Title page is not included in the 3-4 pages
  • The paper should be written APA style:

Topics for Literary Analysis Paper:

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  1. Describe what the main characters are like and how we come to know them (by telling? by showing? by dialogue? By entering their minds? by the significance of their names?) Are they dynamic characters or static characters? To what extent does what we know about Henry depend on what we know about Lyman, and what difference does that make?
  2. Why does Henry jump into the river? Does he intend to drown, or is it accidental? In what ways does he change in the story, and what things cause him to change?
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