By 1908, more than 10 years after the invention of cinema, movie production companies had to  reoriented themselves to storytelling – as opposed to the little film clips popular via the Nickelodeon — which meant stories were needed quickly and a need for the Film Narrative.   One of the very first Narrative films is  “The Great Train Robbery” (1903) itself an adaptation!  Below are questions related to the pdf file “Why Adapt a Text” (a history).

Answer the questions in a complete sentence either on a separate page or directly below the question.  It’s up to you.  Use SUBMIT PAPER HERE to submit this assignment.

DB due 9/15

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  1. What are the three versions of fiction that filmmakers immediately turn to for source material?
  2. Which narrative elements were readily available to the filmmakers via these sources?
  3. Why did the filmmakers prefer existing stories to the invention of new ones?
  4. How did copyright laws affect the finances of these new filmmakers?
  5. What was another reason for adapting literature in the early period of film?
  6. What are some of the reasons early cinema was popular in working class, manufacturing cities?
  7.  In 1911 a huge majority of New Yorkers were working class and film producers “were encouraged” to attract the middle class.  What marketing device was used to do so?
  8. Other than Shakespeare name the full names of the other writers considered classic and name one classic work for each author.
  9. What is meant by the statement “film is a pedagogical medium?”
  10. The pdf file names eight British authors whose works were readily adapted to film in the early days of cinema (and still today).  Name the authors and one of each of their titles.
  11. What is the most common reason that filmmakers adapt a text?
  12. Why do film companies today think that literary texts are good candidates for filmmaking?
  13. What’s are the two ways a story can be popular and translate to box office success?
  14. Why do filmmakers believe classic text is a good risk for holding an audience?
  15. What does it mean for a best seller to be “pre-kissed” as far as filmmakers are concerned?
  16. Name three of the best sellers of the time that made money for the movie producers (the pdf file is from 2005 publication of Adaptation: Studying Film & Literature).
  17. What is another, less common reason for adaptation?
  18.  In reference to No. 17 who was the producer who chose a favorite book to be adapted to film and what was that book.
  19. In reference to No. 17 who was the director who chose a favorite book to be adapted to film and what was that book.

In reference to No. 17 who was the actor who chose a favorite book to be adapted to film and what was that b

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