Leadership Interview

Interview a leader of your choice.  Ask him/her to comment about the central themes of values they use to foster their leadership and answer the following questions:

1) Examine your past experiences to identify the values you use to make choices and decisions.

2) Answer the question, what is your leadership philosophy?

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3) Articulate the values that guide your current decisions, priorities, and actions.

4) Find your own words for talking about what is important to you.

5) Discuss values in various recruitment, hiring, and on-boarding experiences.

6) How do you help others articulate why they do what they do, and what they care about?

7) Why do you do what you do, and what do you care about?

8) What are your values, principles, and standards?

9) How do you make sure people adhere to the values and standards that have been agreed on?

Written work to be 3 pages typed, 1-inch margins all the way around, in APA Style, written at a level expected of graduate level students.

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