Leadership and Strategy
Chapter 02: Questions
Overview of Chapter Questions. There are 8 chapters in your leadership text. There are eight chapter questions assignments (this is one of them), which correspond to each of the chapters. You will complete one set of chapter questions after reading each chapter and then upload each set to Blackboard before the cutoff date and time specified in the syllabus.
My expectations are a minimum of 5-pages (single-spaced, 12 point font) for each set of chapter questions. Your chapter questions are listed below.
- To receive credit, this assignment is to be done as an individual assignment (without collaboration with others).
- Note cutoff dates and times. No late submittals accepted.
- Use spelling, grammar check, and page numbers.
- Chapter Questions Assignments are open book, open note.
- Chapter Questions become a very good study guide for your chapter exams, mid-term, and the final.
- Uploaded copy only. Please submit this assignment to Blackboard. Do not combine multiple submittals (single submittal only).
- Please leave the questions visible (do not delete them before beginning your answer).
Here are your questions. Begin your answer immediately after each question (please maintain correct question numbering). Following along in the text as you complete your answers is the most productive way to benefit from this assignment. You may lift text directly from the text for this assignment (do not worry about citing the source).
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Order Paper Now- Using Path-Goal theory, refer to the six suggestions for implementation proposed by House & Dressler and create a scenario (which could be either actual or made up) for followers to use in implementing goals. In answering this question, think about your present or past work, volunteer, or school experience. This is an application exercise to help ensure that you understand how to apply (learn-by-doing) the suggestions provided.
According to Path-Goal Theory, the primary function of the leader then becomes one of a facilitator in removing obstacles from the path of followers so that desired outcomes may become realized. The leader should provide skill training for the follower to accomplish desired goals, and identify the necessary amount of effort that will be required to accomplish an outcome.
- Referring to these six goals, determine if there is a pattern to them. If there is a pattern, what is the pattern and why?
- Given your present or past work, volunteer, life, or school experience, list a minimum of four ways that leaders may help followers achieve their work and or personal goals.
- As a present or future leader, using this chapter (02) as a guide, how will (would) you contribute to your employees’ work and personal goal success?
- Referring to Maslow’s model, are most workers’ (referring to your past or present work, school, volunteer, or life environment), basic needs being met (security, affiliation, and esteem)? Discuss why this may or why this may not be the case and what could be done to help ensure that basic needs are being met.
- Given your present or past work, volunteer, life, or school experience, consider autonomy and self-actualization as higher-order needs in a an environment with which you are familiar. Are people’s higher-order needs being met? Choose a context (work, volunteer, or life) and discuss why this may or why this may not be the case and what could be done to help ensure that higher-order needs are being met.
- List several (3-4) of Herzberg’s maintenance factors that you can identify within your present or past (work, volunteer, or life) environment? Do you believe that they are effective? What could be done for them to be made even more effective?
- List several (3-4) of Herzberg’s motivating factors? Can anyone actually motivate anyone else? Discuss why or why not?
- Given your present or past work, volunteer, life, or school experience, define peer pressure.
- To what degree does peer pressure affect behavior in your present or past experience?
- Given your present or past work, volunteer, life, or school experience, what types of peer pressure have you used to get people to focus on positive outcomes in working with groups and teams?
- Project into the future. How do you suppose peer pressure could be used in an organization where you work in a positive manner to obtain desired group behavior?
- Given your present or past work, volunteer, life, or school experience, using the suggestions provided in the Path-Goal theory section, create a made-up plan to allow a group to reach a goal that is identified as shared by a group in which you could be a member. In answering this question, refer to the suggestions of Path-Goal theory, as these suggestions become the various steps that you will use in your made-up scenario. So, for example, you might want to assume that you are going to lead a study group to get a project done for a class (or something like that). This is more learn-by-doing, so have fun and get something out of this that will help you in the future.
- As a leader, can you motivate all of your followers to reach the goals that you have established for your followers? Whether yes or no, discuss why this is the case.
- Given your present or past work, volunteer,
life, or school experience, think of a
case where a leader was trying to motivate you or your group and answer the
following questions:
- What techniques were used to try to motivate the group members? List and discuss.
- Was the leader the person primarily responsible for establishing the climate that was conducive to group members being motivated? Discuss.
- Describe the group climate? Discuss.
- Given your present or past work, volunteer, life, or school experience, what does the term drive mean to you (in terms of motivation)? Describe your personal amount of drive and how it will probably either help or hurt you in your professional career life.
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