International Business Strategy
Students will demonstrate their understanding of international business strategy by researching and analyzing a potential international business venture of their choice. Students will reinforce and demonstrate their new knowledge of strategic international business by researching, planning, and making decisions to complete this project. Students will incorporate parts of deliverables #1 and #2 as may be applicable, including the feedback they have received.
The major project that demonstrates the practical application of the concepts, notions and theories learned during this course.
Students have wide latitude as to whether or not they will prepare a strategic plan, a business plan or market entry plan for the selected venture. The intent being the student should undertake a task that they can see some value of undertaking research and preparing an extensive report.
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Order Paper NowIn their International Business Strategic Plan (or the plan they are proceeding with), each student is expected to consider whether or not to include some of the following topics in addition to those set out in the REPORT STRUCTURE TEMPLATE provided at the commencement of class:
· Discuss the drivers and influences of globalization and assess the impacts of globalization on their proposed business venture.
· Analyze factors that create international business opportunities and discuss various entry modes for their selected business venture.
· Assess economic and geographic influences on proposed global business operations.
· Assess social, cultural, political, and legal influences on the student’s global business activities.
· Determine the influences of competition on their global business.
· Analyze human resource needs and labour concerns, including potential cultural conflicts, for their proposed international operations.
· Examine financial forces influencing international business and economies around the world and explore funding issues associated with their specific global business venture.
· Identify potential risks associated with their potential global business.
· Examine selected marketing issues associated with their global business
· Examine factors that influence international production and distribution activities as they relate to their venture.
· Examine the influence of the Internet on organizational structure and design, marketing, operations, management, and communications.
· Assess critically the potential for success of their proposed international business venture and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their analysis.
· Incorporate other topics examined in the course that the student considers relevant to the scope of the assignment.
The major project should be no more than 4000 words .. The Cover Page, Table of Content, References, and Appendixes are mandatory and do not count towards the overall length of the paper.
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