- Four pages are the body of work. APA format applies.
- The body should follow this exact outline.
- Part 1 – Identify your chosen innovation to discuss. It may be a historical product, a current technology product, or a process.
- Part 2– Identify, from your research, the innovation “TYPE(s)” that were used by the innovator(s). For your guideline, you may use the “types” discussed in the lecture document. These would be Disruptive, Sustaining, Research, or Breakthrough. Identify WHY you have chosen the type(s) that you have chosen.
- Part 3 – Identify, from your research, the innovation “SKILLS(s)” that were used by the innovator(s). For your guideline, you may use the “skills” discussed in the lecture document. These would be Associative Thinking, Networking, Questioning, Experimenting, and Observation. Note how associative thinking “drags” all others behind it.
- Part 4 – Identify the “creation category” either cultural creation or commercial creation and provide reasoning for your choice.
- Part 5 – Wrap up the document with a summary paragraph on your learning perspective of the topic.
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Peter2021-04-19 05:04:102021-04-19 05:04:10Innovation and Technology