Information Technology

1. Which of the following is Stack structure?

A. FIFO (First In First Out)                                           B. LIFO (Last In First Out)

C. FILO (First In Last Out)                                            D. LILO (Last In Last Out)

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2. Which of the following is not a logical database structure?

A) Tree                        B) Network                  C) Chain                      D) Relational

3. Master slave flip-flop is also referred to as ___

A) Positive level triggered flip-flop                            B) Pulse triggered flip-flop

C) Low level triggered flip-flop                                  D) Edge triggered flip-flop

4. Which of the following is defined by Storage class?

A) Arrays                     B) Data types              C) Scope and Performance                 D) Strings

5. DMA stands for ____

A) Direct Memory Access                                           B) Dynamic Memory Access

C) Direct Memory Allocation                                     D) Dynamic Memory Allocatio

6. A data warehouse is which of the following?

A) Contains only current data

B) Contains numerous naming conventions and formats

C) Organized around important subject areas

D) Can be updated by the end users

7. OSI model is having how many layers?

A) Two                         B) Four                                    C) Six                           D) Seven

8. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a ____

A) Link                         B) Hub                         C) Network                  D) Loop


9. Proxy server is used for ____

A) Providing security against unauthorized users

B) Processing client requests for web pages

C) Provide Internet Protocol

D) Processing client requests for DB access

10. Target of normalization is ____

A) Minimize the number of entities               B) Minimize the number of errors

C) Minimize the number of redundancy        D) Maximize the number of rowsx is which type of operating system?

A) Windows                 B) MAC                        C) Open-source                       D) Microsoft

12. Verification of username and password is called _____

A) Installation              B) Accessibility            C) Logging in               D) Authentication

13. Computers manipulate the data in many ways and this manipulation is called ____

A) Batching                 B) Upgrading               C) Processing              D) Utilizing

14. A web ___ consists of one or more web pages located on a web server.

A) Story                       B) Site                          C) Network                  D) Template

15. C, BASIC and COBOL are example of ______

A) Low level languages                                   B) High level languages

C) System programming languages            

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