Information Security Report (ISR)
INSTRUCTIONS (remove this section from your final report; included here for directional purposes only)
1. Using the Internet, find an article/story on a current cybersecurity threat or vulnerability, and summarize your research in a one-page Information Security Report (ISR).
2. Change the ‘x’ in the header to reflect the edition of this report; either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
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4. Insert your name as the author of this report.
5. Insert the name of the threat you are reporting.
6. Insert a few paragraphs describing the threat you are reporting. No more than one (1) page.
7. Describe the next steps that your organization should take to mitigate this threat using the risk control strategies we discussed in class.
8. Clearly list the sources you referenced to gather information for this report. Your citations should be written using APA 6th format.
9. Insert your login id in the footer, following the words ‘CSCI ’.
10. Be sure there is no red text in your final report, unless you purposely used red text to highlight something you reported.
11. Submit via Canvas drop box. Academic integrity, spelling, grammar, attention to detail, and readability are critical for a good grade.