You are a caseworker who has finish meeting with a 29 year old female client.
During your appointment with client, she indicated that she is changing her religion affiliation to a religion that encourages women to “obey” their husbands.
You know very little about this religion , but have heard rumors and conjecture about husbands affiliated with this religion being abusive towards their wives. You can make the following entry into your case notes.
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Order Paper NowMs. Swanson reports that she is “changing religion.” The religion to which she is converting is known for spouse abuse. This writer told her to stay away from this church and avoid it at all cost. Joining this faith would be a big mistake and possibly ruin the client’s life. Client was encourage to attend one of the local churches that is known for its liberal beliefs.
In a 1-2 page paper address the following: Identify any and all ethical issues found within the case note. Explain the ethical issues. Be specific. Give examples. Rewrite the case note using ethical and objective language.
Paper 1-2 pages in length. 5 pts
Identify all ethical wording issues found within the case notes. 40 pts
Re-writes the case notes using ethical, neutral language. 15 pts
Spelling and Grammar mechanics. 5 pts
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