Flyer and newsletter

You will be designing and preparing a one-page flyer and a one-page club newsletter.

Part A—Flyer 

The purpose of the flyer is to inform other students about your club. The flyer will be handed out to students and posted on the college’s bulletin boards. The one-page flyer must be creative and appealing to other students. The flyer should include this information:

  • Name of the club.
  • Mission statement/purposes.
  • Why should other students join the club?
  • How can they join the club?
  • Some appropriate images/graphics must be incorporated.


A preset template is not allowed.You should design the flyer from a “Blank” document. Please utilize all the features and be creative. Some of the features you may use are:

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  • Textbox
  • Shapes
  • Images and Clip arts
  • Appropriate font color, size, and styles

Part B—Newsletter 

The purpose of the newsletter is to provide all the club members with news and upcoming events. You will create a one-page newsletter to communicate with the club members about your first club meeting. The newsletter should include the following information:

  • Club officers and contact information
  • Mission statements
  • News
  • Club activities or meeting time


A preset template is not allowed.You should design the flyer from a “Blank” document. Please utilize all the features and be creative. Some of the features you may use are:

  • Textbox
  • Tables
  • Shapes
  • Page borders
  • Images and Clip arts
  • Appropriate font color, size, and styles
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