Final project

In the final project, you will create a virtual art exhibition that focuses on a social issue that you choose. The exhibition will include:

  • 4 works of art that you either select or create and present to the class
  • A paper that includes an analysis of each work of art in your exhibition (3 – 4 pages)

Step 1:  Select your social issue and your works of art

Pick a social issue that interests you.  Then, consider all of the places you can go to find different works of art.  Find four works of art that are connected to your social issue in some way. Please note:   you may create (yourself) one or more works of art that you would like to include in your exhibition.

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Step 2:  Write an analysis paper of the four works of art

After you have determined your works of art, you will create a 3 – 4 page paper (double-spaced) that includes an analysis of each of the four pieces in your exhibition.  The analysis for each piece should include:

  • The name of the artist, title, medium, date it was created, and where it is located
  • An analysis of three elements of art or design principles
  • A discussion of one of the following:  context, connection to our lives, identity     
    • Context:  Identify, describe and discuss at least one way that contextaffects the way that we interpret and/or evaluate the art.  
    • Connection to our Lives:   Identify, describe and discuss at least one way that this work of art is connected to our lives and what the artist may be trying to achieve
    • Connection to Identity:  Identify, describe and discuss at least one way that this work of art is connected to identity by considering the various forms of identity
  • Discuss how this image is connected to your social issue and why it is a part of your exhibition
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