question 1
Which of the following is not true of Informal channels of commuication within organizations?
1.They always follow proper organizational channels to their intended recipients
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Order Paper Now2. They may originate with individuals not acting officially
3. Senders of such communications often try to avoid going through formal hierarchical ( or other ) channels
4. They are not building blocks to articulate official purposes strategies and tactics.
Question 2
An agency directly involved in administering monetary policy is the
1. Federal Reserve Board
2. General Accounting Office
3. Office of Management and budget
4. none of the above
Question 3
The conflict between those advocating a higher standard of living and those seeking to enhance the quality of life is symobolized by confrontation over
1. developing new means of exploiting the resources of outer space versus pure space exploration versus no space research
2. foreign policy
3. Construction of nuclear power plants
4. gun control
Question 4
The first important step in legitimizing public employee organization and labor activity was
1. The Sherman Act
2. The Lloyd-LaFollett Act
3. Executive Order 10988
4. Executive Order 12033
5. Title VII of the Civil Service Reform Act
Question 5
Using your own words and complete sentences describe at least three factors impacting the current state of Public Administration. These factors may relate to politics, law management or public policy be sure to incorporate terms and concepts from the textbook in your discussion
Question 6
We reviewed multiple responsibilities and expectations for leaders in Public Administration write a brief essay ( using your own words and complete sentences) In which you describe thee major factors that contribute to the success or failure of a leader/manager in public administration
Question 7
Which type of committee is responsible for overseeing annual budgets in their entirety
1. Appropriations committees
2.Budget Committees
3. Oversight Committees
4. Tax-legislation Committees
Question 8
Elections are one example of what type of check and balance?
1. Administrative efficiency
2. Community Control
3. Freedom of information
4. Political accountability
Question 9
Among the new assumptions about government are all of the following except
1. taxpayers are less willing to approve tax increases
2. programs are better administered at the state and local levels
3. Public managers are overpaid
4. Government cannot do anything right
Question 10
Describe at least three factors related to personnel administration in public administration. In your answer be sure to clearly identify the factor an explore both positive and negative impact that may be a result of the fact
Question 11
The growth of bureaucracy can be explained by an the following except
1. Increasingly complex technology
2. Public pressures
3. economic crises and natural disasters
4. divided government
5. Acceptance of regulation
Question 12
Doing which step of the budgetary cycle is power given to incur financial obligation?
1. Appropriations
2. Audit
3. Authorization
4. Execution
5. Preparation
Question 13
Efforts to reinvent government have emphasized all of the following except
1. cutting red tape
2. putting customers first
3. empowering employees to achieve results
4. Increased regulation
Question 14
Which of the following is part of both Weber’s and Taylor’s theories of organization
1. Emphasis on productivity, rationality and profit
2. Assumption of a vertical chain of command
3. Finding the one best way to perform a task
4. A concern with the professionalism of employees
Question 15
Public managers are likely to face conflicting incentives from all of the following except
1. elected representatives
2. unionized workers
3. Citizens
4. Administrative supervisors
Question 16
All of the following are part of Weber’s model of bureaucracy except
1. formal rules and procedures
2. hierarchy
3. narrow span of control
4. maintenance of files and records
Question 17
Which of the following establishes a mandatory deadline for a balanded budget
1. Congressional Budget Act
2. Economic Stabilization Act
3. Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act
4. Sunset Laws
Question 18
The concept of self-actualization is associated with
1. Kurt Lewin
2. Elton Mayo
3. Chester Barnard
4. Abraham Maslow
Question 19
The entity with the major responsibility of overseeing the program and management activities of other Federal bureaucratic agencies in the national executive branch is the
1. Office of management and budget
2. National Security Council
3. Whitehouse Office
4.Council of Economic Advisors
Question 20
Planning and analysis is a process that includes all the following except
1. defining and choosing the operational goals of an organization
2. analyzing alternative choices for resource distribution
3. selecting senior officials to manage program resources
4. choosing methods used to achieve goals over a specified time period
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