Drama Essay
Consider ONE
of the plays below and answer the associated questions.
Option 1—Glaspell: “Trifles”
“A Jury of Her Peers” is based on Glaspell’s own one-act play
“Trifles.” Consider what reasons the author may have had for rewriting the play
in short story form. What are the main differences between telling a story
through narration and telling it through drama? How might the story be
different if it were adapted as another form, such as a poem or a film?
Option 2—Beckett: “Krapp’s Last Tape”
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In what ways is Krapp an ‘‘everyman’’ figure? Despite the experimental nature
of the play, in what ways does it offer its audience a man who is like all men
and who holds many of mankind’s assumptions about the self, experience, and
Option 3—Shakespeare: Hamlet
Analyze the use of descriptions and images in Hamlet. How does Shakespeare use descriptive language to enhance
the visual possibilities of a stage production? How does he use imagery to
create a mood of tension, suspense, fear, and despair?
Option 4—Shakespeare:
Throughout the play, Hamlet claims to be feigning madness, but his portrayal of a madman is so intense and so convincing that many readers believe that Hamlet actually slips into insanity at certain moments in the play. Do you think this is true, or is Hamlet merely play-acting insanity? What evidence can you cite for either claim?
Your essay must have a clear thesis supported by thoughtful analysis and
evidence (including quoted evidence) from the play. It must be 3-4 pages long.
You may NOT use secondary sources for this paper. The paper is to be based on
your analysis of the play—not the views of other critics.
Students should read
- “Analyzing Plays” at http://writingcenter.tamu.edu/how-to/academic/analyzing-plays/
- “Analysis vs. Summary” at http://comptalk.fiu.edu/analysis_v.htm (example deals with Hamlet).
Works Cited
Although this is not a research paper, you still need to list your play (and
the short story if you choose that option) as a source in the Works Cited
page. Refer to the MLA format materials in under the Writing Resources
button in the Writing about Literature folder.
Your essay will be graded on content, support, unity, coherence, grammar,
mechanics, and format. While your ideas are the most important aspect of your
paper, those ideas must be presented in a way that enhances – not obscures – them.
Your writing skills must be on college level, free of sentence level mistakes.
You must follow the prescribed manuscript and MLA format, and rigorously
separate your words from the words of the playwright.
The basic MLA form is this: “enclose quoted text with double quotation marks,
then cite the page # in parenthesis and end with a period” (22). In short,
tell me what you think (and back it up with reasons) and you’ll be just fine. The
FCC EN102 Composition Rubric is located in the folder with the instructions.
Study my comments on your first essay for help in writing this essay.
Due Date
Consult the syllabus for the due date. Consider visiting the Writing Center and working with a writing consultant prior to submitting your final draft. If you have questions about this paper, please email the instructor or post a thread in the Cyber Cafe.
File Name
Save your paper as EN102ONL Lastname Drama.docx. You can also use .doc or .rtf after the word Drama in the file name.
Submit your assignment through the Blackboard “Submit” option. Do not email these essays.
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