Draft Report


My project topic is about smart transportation management system.1st of all, you will explain about smart transportation. Then, u can scope the project with using smart vehicle security management system. Below I attached the assignment guideline and PDF file formation guideline. Thanks.

5 Assessment: Interim Draft Report


Conduct appropriate research for your project topic.

Learn how to extract and synthesise data from a range of sources (including published literature) and present them coherently in a written, structured format.

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Submission details

  • (depending on project topic)


Information Technology is a rapidly changing discipline.  To ensure that you are aware of the latest developments in any topic, all projects need to scan the academic literature and current professional information in your project topic area.  Most project topics that provided by IT academics, generally have two main parts: a research /and or discovery phase and an implementation phase. There will be some projects that are research only. 

(note: maths projects may have different requirements).

Research requirements

Research undertaken for your project depends of the nature of your project:

  • Software development projects require a discovery phase where requirements for your project are determined.  This will involve a range of different

tasks including a search of professional and peer reviewed academic literature

  • projects will require an initial search of professional and peer reviewed academic literature
  • projects will require some literature review, as well as a research design and implementation.
  • will require searching the academic literature and solving problems.

Competitive analyses, environmental scans, literature reviews and user research are all appropriate starting points for information technology projects.  Discuss with your supervisor what they want you to include.

In the first few weeks of your project you are required to find out what is currently known on your topic, what sources need to be consulted, what approach will you use to conduct/develop/implement your project.  Minimum specified sources for this research include:

  • Research and development projects: a minimum of 10 sources (including at least 5 peer reviewed sources and appropriate professional sources)

Interim Report Structure

Structuring your interim report

Like all academic writing, your interim report consists of three parts: an introduction, a body and the conclusion. While some general advice is provided below, the body of your interim report will be determined by your topic, the available literature and the broader requirements of the project

You are also required to write an abstract for your work that provides a summary of your research. 

The abstract should include:

  • research questions, relevance & context of the project (one or two sentences).
  • Design/Methodology/Approach:  Explain the methods used for the data collection in your project (this includes literature; and other analyses your project requires)
  • Briefly outline the results of your systematic search; the consistent themes, any gaps if appropriate (one or two sentences).
  •  final assessment of the overall evidence and how it will help you conduct the rest of your project (one or two sentences).

The introduction should include:

  • the nature of the topic under discussion (the topic of your project)
  • the reason for the project
  • relevance
  • the research questions addressed
  • the parameters of the topic (what does it include and exclude)?

The body paragraphs should include:


Research project (Pls use this one) Implementation projects Maths projects


Research project Implementation projects Maths projects


The conclusion should include:

  • Summarise findings
    • Restate the purpose of your review
    • Describe the overall evidence: a summary of major findings (agreements and disagreements)
  • A summary of general conclusions that are being drawn.
  • A summary of where your project sits in the literature and how your research will help you conduct your project.
    • What has been gained from the review
    • What is your take home message?


1.8 General Presentation Guidelines (Writing formatting):

When submitting any project documentation (except project journal), please use the guidelines outlined below.

Formal academic or professional writing almost always has specific formatting guidelines. To provide you with this experience, formatting guidelines for this unit are adapted from Emerald Publishing, a major academic publishing organisation for Management, Information Technology and Engineering disciplines.

Format All documentation should be a single word-processed word document unless special circumstances are required. Special circumstances should be negotiated with the project supervisor and unit co-ordinator.
Project Title A title of not more than 16 words should be provided.
Title Page A Title Page should be submitted with each individual project submission and should include the following information: Assignment Title Author Details Abstract (Interim and final Report) Keywords (Interim and final Report)
5 keywords
A structured abstract should be included on the Title Page, and should address the following Motivation or Problem Statement Objective of the Project Methodology/Approach Results/Findings Implications Limitation Please note this list is suggestive and dependant on the type of project undertaken Maximum is 250 words in total (including keywords).
(5 keywords)
Please provide no more than 5 keywords on the Title Page, which encapsulate the principal topics of your project
(7 words or less)
Headings must be 7 words or less and there should be a clear indication of the distinction between the hierarchies of headings.  Headings should have a numbering system that matches the heading levels. First level headings to be presented in bold format 18 pt Subsequent sub-headings to be presented in medium italics 14 pt. Further headings (level 3) should be bold 12pt
Presentation Your writing should be presented in clear, concise English. Fonts should be Calibri or Helvetica, 11-point font Spacing should be 1.15 or 1.5-line spacing throughout (Data tables excepted) Margins: use standard margins Page numbers: All pages of your documents must be numbered consecutively, including appendices and references, and appear in a footer on the right of each page.
Notes/Endnotes These are not to be used
Table of Contents Use an automatically generated Table of Contents based on your Word headings.
Figures All Figures (charts, diagrams, line drawings, web pages/screenshots, and photographic images) should be included in the body of your documents. Ensure that all images are of reasonable quality so that they are clear when printed.All figures should be labelled appropriately and referred to in the body of the document.
Tables Tables should be included in the main body of the article. All Tables should be labelled appropriately and referred to in the body of the document.Ensure that any superscripts or asterisks are shown next to the relevant items Use single spaces with tables and sans serif fonts.
References References to other publications must be in Harvard Style and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy, and consistency.   In-text citations Cite publications in the text: using the first named author’s name (Adams, 2006) or citing both names of two, (Adams and Brown, 2006)  or when there are three or more authors (Adams et al., 2006). Reference list At the end of each project document, a reference list, in alphabetical order, should be supplied. See the reference guide for more information.  
Reference Guide Generally: Formatting for references should be as follows      
BOOKS: Norman, D 2002, The Design of Everyday Things, Basic Books.    
JOURNALS: Patnaik, D & Becker, R 1999, ‘Needfinding: The Why and How of Uncovering People’s Needs’, Design Management Journal, Spring , pp. 37-43,           
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