Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) – Transformative Leadership: Population Health
1. Discuss a population of interest in your work setting. What
experiences have you had with this population? What health care needs do
you see in this target group? (2000 characters)
2. The Population Health DNP prepares you to assess the health and
illness needs of clinical populations and develop, implement and
evaluate population-focused interventions to address these needs.
Identify a problem or question that requires a focus on the health of
the population you identified above that you might address in your role
as a DNP-prepared health care provider. The topic you identify should be
the basis for your DNP project and have relevance to current or
emerging health care issues in the target population. (4000 characters)
3. What are your professional goals? How will a doctoral education help you achieve those goals? (2000 characters)