CRJ 3030-Terrorism and the Law
Questions for Week 3
You must indicate the source of every answer to each question. Place each source that correlates to each individual question under the answer. Answers must be fully explained and detailed. NO SIMPLE ANSWERS .
- Differentiate between intelligence and evidence.
- Explain how criminal intelligence and national security intelligence differ.
- Discuss the job or task of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC).
- Explain how a material witness warrant can be used to incapacitate terrorism suspects.
- Discuss National Security Letters. What is their purpose? Who has the authority to issue them?
- Explain the purpose of CIPA. How does the law affect criminal prosecution of terrorism suspects? Discuss in details according to the textbook.
Questions 8-7 must be at least two paragraphs each and Place each source that correlates to each individual question under the answer.
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