Critical Analysis

Staff briefing (200 words)

Instruction: Explain why company should do staff bring? 

What benefit can company get out of this? 

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Is there any disadvantages to it? 

  Consider hiring intern
Cost Analysis (100-150 words Does this required high or low cost?  Explain and Justify.   Low cost.
Time Allocation (100-150 words) How long will this take to implement? Explain and Justify.   Moderate. Might require to assist the intern and teach them how to do certain things
Risk assessment (100-150 words) What are the risks associated? Explain and Justify.        Moderate. Might slow down the company’s productivity in the first few days but the intern may bring new and fresh  ideas to the company.
Business Reputation  (100-150 words) How will this impact the company’s reputation? Explain and Justify.    Customer’s may perceived company as a company of diversity and there is no discrimination against people with lack of experience 
Ethical Implication (100-150 words) What are the ethical consideration for this? Explain and Justify.    Unpaid or low paid intern is considered unethical.
  Adjusting hiring standard
Cost Analysis (100-150 words) Does this required high or low cost?  Explain and Justify.   Low cost. As there is no resources required
Time Allocation (100-150 words) How long will this take to implement? Explain and Justify.   Low. Company just have to adjust their hiring standard.
Risk assessment (100-150 words) What are the risks associated? Explain and Justify.      Less risk.
Business Reputation  (100-150 words) How will this impact the company’s reputation? Explain and Justify.    Company can hire the best team player. Good team member will contribute to the company.
Ethical Implication (100-150 words) What are the ethical consideration for this? Explain and Justify.    Anti-discrimination laws do not require any company to hire an applicant because of membership in a protected class. A manager is not required to hire applicants from any protected class in proportion to their numbers in the community. A manager is required to select the best qualified applicant for the position, based on the critical skills of the job, and is required to make that selection irrespective of whether or not that applicant belongs to a protected class. To be sure that hiring practices do not violate any of these laws, focus on the candidate’s capabilities based on the critical skills of the job. Any questions about the legal aspects of hiring should be directed to a capable employment lawyer.
Read more:
  Digital Training
Cost Analysis (100-150 words)   Does this required high or low cost?  Explain and Justify.            High cost as the company would have to invest in the digital program
Time Allocation (100-150 words) How long will this take to implement? Explain and Justify.   Might take longer time because the company needs to adjust to the digital training program
Risk assessment (100-150 words) What are the risks associated? Explain and Justify.        High risk due to the lack of input from trainers  
Business Reputation  (100-150 words) How will this impact the company’s reputation? Explain and Justify.    Good for the company as customer might think the company is up to date with the ever changing technology  
Ethical Implication (100-150 words) What are the ethical consideration for this? Explain and Justify.    ***Please do a little research on the ethical consideration for digital training***
  Staff briefing
Cost Analysis(100-150 words)   Does this required high or low cost?  Explain and Justify.            Low cost as there is not much resources needed for this.
Time Allocation (100-150 words) How long will this take to implement? Explain and Justify.   Low. Only required manager to do briefing
Risk assessment (100-150 words) What are the risks associated? Explain and Justify.        Low risk.
Business Reputation  (100-150 words) How will this impact the company’s reputation? Explain and Justify.    Good for the company as this will make the new employees feel welcome
Ethical Implication (100-150 words) What are the ethical consideration for this? Explain and Justify.    No ethical consideration for this.
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