Criminology Research

1. The authors (Gongaware and Dotter) presented an usual thought as they attempted to connect or explain the development of a “criminal self,” using Mead’s development of self (role taking, gaming and generalized others) and Sutherland’s differential association.  What idea or statement from the article provides (for you) the best insight into how these two theories connected can produce an explanation for the development of the “criminal self?”  

2. After reading the article take the following statement and explain why either a “criminal self” or a non-criminal self may be developed (use the following statement to explain this idea: “… while the number of contacts is important, it is the quality of the interactions, and the internal process of translating those contacts into behaviors through the self, which makes the [the contacts] important” (Gongaware and Dotter, 2005, p. 396).

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