Chemistry Lab measurement lab report

Write your answers to these in a new Word document.  Include a heading with your name, date, and section number at the top of the page.  Number your answers with the corresponding question number.  Save your document as a PDF and upload to Canvas here.

Do NOT re-write the questions when you go to answer these.  Just make sure your answers have numbers that match up to the original questions’ numbers.

Perform the following calculations.  You must show your work for at least the first two of these.  Word’s equation editor will let you do this.  You can’t write your work on a piece of paper, take a picture of the paper, and insert the picture.

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  1. Calculate how much, on average, the Erlenmeyer flask’s readings differed from the actual amount of liquid inside it. Put your answer in the space below (for this and all other questions)
  2. Calculate how precise the flask’s readings were.
  3. Calculate how much, on average, the graduated cylinder’s readings differed from the actual amount of liquid inside it.
  4. Calculate how precise the graduated cylinder’s readings were.
  5. Calculate how much, on average, the burette’s readings differed from the actual amount of liquid dispensed from it.
  6. Calculate how precise the burette’s readings were.
  7. Calculate how much, on average, the amount of liquid the pipette actually dispensed differed from the amount of liquid it was rated to dispense.
  8. Calculate how precise the pipette was.

The last question is a standard post-lab question you’ll be asked in almost every one of your post-lab assignments.  Before you try to answer it, we recommend you read the section about it in the “How to Write a Lab Report” document (in the Labs section of the course webpage).  It will give you some insight into what we’re looking for.

  1. Write a brief summary of your experiment. As part of this, you have to describe:
    1. What you were trying to accomplish
    2. What your experimental approach was (or how you did it)
    3. What your results were. As part of this, describe how the four pieces of glassware you evaluated compared to each other with respect to their accuracies and precisions.
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