
Write a 3-5 page report comparing the above ratios to industry averages. Discuss whether your company’s profitability, efficiency, liquidity, and solvency are better than, or worse than, its peers. The report should be well written with cover page, introduction, body of paper (with appropriate subheadings), conclusion, and reference page. References must be appropriately cited. Format: Double-spaced, one-inch margins, using a 12-point Times New Roman font.

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Cloud computing

Write at least a 500 word essay comparing  and contrasting  IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. Give an example application where each would be best applied. Highlight at least three public cloud providers(AWS,AZURE,GCP..) and whether they offer IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.

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Ghost Ware

It is essential to determine how unintended software is installed on user systems with only marginal adherence to policies. By understanding the process, a security professional can better ensure that only software built to acceptable standards is installed and maintained on systems under their purview.

Using an Internet search engine, identify three sources of unintended software that could be installed on a user’s machine.

In a 500- to 750-word essay, describe the type and risks of the executable programs and adware to the user. Explain why this is legal. Then, share your personal experience related to what happens when software has negative, unintended side effects from unanticipated installation. Who is to blame, the software developer or user? It might be perfectly okay legally when there is no malice aforethought, but how would you explain this when humans are considered as God’s image bearer? How would you relate it to human value and dignity?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, 

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Specialty courts have been created around the country as an alternative to traditional prosecution of cases. These courts focus on mental health, substance abuse, young adults, or other specialized groups, creating a specific community-based treatment program to rehabilitate offenders. Veterans courts have become more popular as a way to treat non-violent, veteran offenders without incarceration. Watch this video. In a two (2) paragraph reflection, compare and contrast the veteran court experience with the traditional court system. What are the benefits of each system, both from the offender’s standpoint as society’s? 

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Effective Communication as an Educational Leader


A day in the life of an early childhood education professional is filled with many different roles, from educator, to caregiver, to role-model, and even to protector. It is crucial that in all of these roles, effective communication is present. Gestwicki discusses several strategies that educators can use to effectively communicate with the families of children in their care. In addition, the required readings this week share some effective communication tools that early childhood professionals can use to support home school partnerships. Some specific methods that educators can use to communicate with families are:

All of these tools allow educators to communicate with families, to share ideas and information, or engage them in supporting their child’s learning. Using these ideas, as well as the recommended readings for each tool, develop a model of how you can use one of these tools to engage in effective communication with families on a chosen topic.

For this discussion, choose a content area of interest such math, reading, writing, art, music, developmental play, science, etc. Select one tool that you will use to create a project to share with families on your chosen content topic (e.g. a webpage for your families that explains the importance of play, a bulletin board for an environment that shows several science activities that families could do with their child, a traveling backpack that children could take home to explore number sense with their families).

  • All of these tools (webpage, bulletin board, or traveling backpack) support active communication and engaging family partnerships.

Be sure you meet the following requirements in your discussion, including text and an attachment for your discussion.
As an attachment to the discussion forum:

  • Develop your tool, including the content theme you selected, by utilizing one of the following:

In the discussion forum:

  • Describe the tool (webpage, bulletin board, or traveling backpack) you have selected and why you feel it is valuable to use with families in your classroom.
  • Explicitly state the purpose of your communication with families.
  • Explain why you chose the contents and information included in your communication.

For this discussion, you must submit a text-based assignment in the discussion area, including a response to the three required criteria, as well as an attachment with an example of your project. Please be sure to view the Instructor Guidance for an example of this.

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Cultural Diversity in Health-Curandero/a

The curandero/a, a traditional healer, is a person who has met the health care needs of many people prior to the concept of a medical doctor (i.e., conventional or biomedical doctor). The concept of the curandero/a originated in the present-day south and southwestern United States and has origins in the traditional health practices of Mexico, Central America, and other Latin American countries, traditions which it has influenced in turn. Although the curandero/a is able to treat many types of illnesses, he/she is the only healer in the culture that can treat illnesses caused by supernatural forces. The curandero/a treats mal puesto (illnesses caused by witchcraft), mal de ojo (the evil eye), and susto (loss of spirit).

When translated into Western concepts these conditions seem at the least phony and in the extreme, quackery. However, conceptually speaking, these conditions have a parallel construct in Western ideas of religion and psychology. Spirituality and magico-realistic concepts of health and illness can and do explain these conditions which may be a far stretch to conceive for those with Western concepts of health and illness.

*Select one of these conditions that are diagnosed by a curandero/a. In 600 words or more, as best as possible, describe from the perspective of the curandero/a how a person contracts the condition and is affected by it. How is this perspective different from a psychologist/psychiatrist or a clergy person’s perspective? What implications would the curandero/a’s treatment have on the person’s treatment in general?

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Enigma machine, Lap 1

I have to “write a brief report describing my observations regarding operation of the electronic model and my thoughts on Enigma machine as a symmetric cryptographic platform and the associated key exchange problem” (lab enigma). I’ll attach  two files. One of them ‘lab enigma’ contains the requirements. It has some resources that have been read, and the other file ‘lab report’ contains the style of the report; you need to use the lab report file to whatever you want to write.

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Public Policy

Please submit your initial thread two days prior to the posted deadline (i.e. September 06). Utilize the remaining two days to comment on other posts and respond to comments from fellow students on your post. The discussion questions are based on chapters 3 and 4 of the textbook. In this discussion, we will dig deeper into the first two stages of the policy making process. These are agenda setting and policy adoption. Please read the chapters and lecture notes before putting up your thread. The lecture notes and chapter summaries are available in the ‘content’ folder 

Q1. Why do some problems or issues get attention from policymakers and not others? Who defines political agendas, and how? Discuss with example. Feel free to refer to the case studies discussed in the Anderson textbook. [5 points]

Q2. What is typically involved in the policy adoption stage? What do the two case studies discussed on pages 165-174 of the Anderson text tell you about the policy adoption process? [5 points]

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Writing Assignment

Assignment: 1

Read the following case and answer all questions. 

The National Audit Office (NAO) scrutinizes public spending in the United Kingdom. Its memorandum on the BBC’s DMI project reported on several key findings. First, the in-house team was severely challenged by the fact that the project was already 18 months behind schedule when they began work on the project. Second, the technology team issued releases throughout the project that did not meet end-user expectations and eroded confidence in the project. Third, the BBC focused more on the technological development rather than on encouraging organization-wide changes in workflow that would encourage adoption. Finally, the NAO concluded, the DMI lacked governance arrangements for the scale, risk, and complexity of the project.  

Do research online to identify the capabilities of digital asset management software. What are the top rated digital asset management software products? Who uses this software? 

Given the NAO’s findings and what you discover about available off-the-shelf products, would it have been wiser for the BBC to adopt a collection of these existing products? What actions would be necessary to gain the cooperation of the business units to incorporate this collection of products into their work processes?

Discussion 1

How would one define business intelligence (BI)? Identify and briefly discuss a real-world application of BI? 

Discussion 2

Provide a real-world example or describe a hypothetical situation in which a legitimate organization used spam in an effective and nonintrusive manner to promote a product or service. 


Assignment in 400 words

Discussion in 250 words

2 References each


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Respond  to at least two of your colleagues who were assigned a different patient than you. Critique your colleague’s targeted questions, and explain how the patient might interpret these questions. Explain whether any of the questions would apply to your patient, and why.

                                               Main Post

                                         CASE STUDY 2 

AG is a 54-year-old Caucasian male who was referred to the clinic to establish care after a recent hospitalization after having a seizure related to alcohol withdrawal. He has hypertension and a history of alcohol and cocaine abuse. He is homeless and is currently living at a local homeless shelter. He reports that he is out of his amlodipine 10 mg which he takes for hypertension. He reports he is abstaining from alcohol and cocaine but needs to smoke cigarettes to calm down since he is not drinking anymore.

The Communication Techniques

A nurse practitioner chooses to use the RESPECT Modell to communicate with the patient to stay productive and patient-centered in all her communication with the patient. RESPECTS stand for (Rapport, Empathy, Support, Partnership, Explanation, Cultural Competence, and Trust) (Ball, Dains, Flynn, Solomon, & Stewart, 2019). The nurse practitioner establishes rapport by seeking the patient’s point of view to avoid being judgmental. She asked the question of how the patient wanted to be addressed. The nurse practitioner shows empathy by asking the patient how he becomes homeless to understand how she can help him get his life back in order. The nurse practitioner supports the patient by asking him about his financial situation to direct him to the proper agency. The patient is at risk for cardiac diseases, lung cancer, and stroke, so the nurse practitioner partnered with the patient to help him stop smoking (Ball et al., 2019).The nurse practitioner needs to explain to the patient to know what cigarette smoking does to the body. Nicotine is a sympathomimetic medicine that releases catecholamines, increases heart rate and cardiac contractility, constricts cutaneous, and coronary blood vessels, and rapidly increases blood pressure (Benowitz, 2009). It is crucial to present the patient with evidence-based practice to address health risks across cultures, and it is essential to assure the patient that what he said will be kept confidential to establish trust (Ball et al., 2019).

The Risk Assessment Instrument

The CAGE questionnaire is a precise tool that has been used for many years to screen patients for addictive behaviors. The GAGE questions have been modified to apply to smoke behavior.  The CAGE questions are as following: 1) Have you ever felt the necessity to cut down or control your smoking, but had trouble doing so? 2) Do you ever get angry or annoyed with people who criticize your smoking or demanding you quit smoking? 3) Do you feel guilty regarding your smoking or about something you did while smoking? And 4) Do you ever smoke within half an hour of waking up (Eye-opened)? The patient is screen positive to two yes responses. The CAGE instrument is used because it is nonthreatening. A study showed that the CAGE questionnaire was used in a medical outpatient embedded in a self-administered questionnaire regarding health habits. Most of the patients did not know that they were filling out an assessment for addictions. The patient must be willing to stop smoking for treatment to be effective (American Family Physician, 2000).

                                      Targeted Questions

1)     How do you want to be addressed?

2)     How are you feeling?

3)     How may we help you?

4)     How do you become homeless and tell us about your financial situation?

5)     Do you need help getting your prescription refill?

6)     When was the last time you drink alcohol or use cocaine?

7)     When was the last time you check your blood pressure and take your amlodipine medication?

8)     When was the last time you had a seizure episode?

9)     When do you start smoking and how many packs do you smoke a day?

10) How can we help you to stop smoking?   


Ball, J. W., Dains, J. E., Flynn, J. A., Solomon, B. S., & Stewart, R. W. (2019). Seidel’s guide to physical examination: An interprofessional approach (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby.Benowitz, N. L. (2009). Pharmacology of nicotine: addiction, smoking-induced disease, and therapeutics. Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology49, 57–71. doi:10.1146/annurev.pharmtox.48.113006.094742American Family Physician. (2000). Assessing Nicotine Dependence. Retrieved from

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