Topic: – Sexual harassment at a particular workplace (any known organization)

Executive Summary

Introduction: The legal definition of harassment, types of harassment at workplaces and situations, number of sexual harassment cases at work worldwide. Sexual harassment is a recurring problem around the globe. Different nations have taken measures to deal with the consequences of such a problem, cases in Canada.


Statement of Problem:

Scope of Research

Approach to Research


Worldwide problem, Canada Problem,

Big Picture- Describe the sexual harassment case with Statistics examples as well.



How to tackle this problem?

 3 Recommendations

4 References

APA Style

   Proposal Report  (20%)

The Task:

Prepare a 1,200 word proposal for a project based on research that will end in a recommendation report, which is the last assignment in the course. 

Proposals can be fun to write, as long as you have a topic that truly engages your interest and you can locate materials for research. The psychology is like this: you skate out over thin ice, but you are confident because you have done enough research already  to know you can do the job.

Getting Started:

Your first step will be to locate a topic that will serve for both the proposal and the recommendation report. The topic should be researchable, problem based, and directed toward workable solutions to issues and concerns in the workplace.  You will need a main idea (like a thesis statement for an essay).

 Suggested topics might include:

  1.  harassment, sexual discrimination, and racism at work (descriptions of situations, definitions of terms and problems, and ways to deal with and prevent  occurences);
  2. shrinkage in retail outlets (definitions, examples, systems to track it, ways to prevent it)
  3. motivating employees in challenging workplaces (ways to handle potential downsizing, closures, firings, unfair promotions, negative attitudes, and depression/discouragement in workers)
  4. weight watchers or recovery groups at work: a good idea?
  5. community violence as it impacts workplace (for example, employees being attacked en route to places of employment)
  6. bad weather conditions and jobs that require driving or flying ( how to deal with situations of lost revenue or vehicle/aircraft mechanical failure)
  7. secrets of the best customer service (is this a lost cause? Have businesses forgotten the need for courtesy?)

As with any research tasks, you will need to start with a few basic research questions relating to the topic and then search for information that will help you to answer these questions.

Describing situations and then analyzing problems will be your focus in this task.  Make best use of both academic and practical research skills. Your own experience is also relevant.

Understanding the Need for Research  for the Proposal:

  1. This proposal is not a RFP (Request for Proposal); instead, you are choosing a topic and trying to persuade your reader that you have the qualifications and abilities to do a research task.
  2. Imagine that you are doing on site research (looking around in your workplace, talking to friends and associates, asking your boss questions, googling, using data bases in the university library, and watching current events as reported in newspapers, television, Facebook, and Twitter, and other social media. Imagined scenarios are fine for this assignment also.
  3. Unless you have some facts at hand, you will not be able to persuade a reader to let you do the work.
  4. Unless you show enthusiasm and a realistic plan for completing tasks in a timely fashion, the proposal will not gain attention .


Please note that you do not need a letter of transmittal or a table of contents or a separate outline or an abstract/summary at the beginning.

  1. Title page
  2. Introduction with background or description of situation and problem question or statement; briefly review what you imagine to be a potential reader’s situation, establish a need for action, and explain how things could be better
  3. Solutions outlined for the problem under discussion; highlight the best solution; show the benefits of the key solution for your potential audience or reader
  4. Scope of what will be the boundaries of the research, what you will and will not do
  5. Survey of initial research, including the facts and evidence for both the current situation and changes you have in mind
  6. Approach to the research explained, in the best way you can, with the information you have at hand
  7. Work and time line: explain the steps you’ll take, the time frame (when the work will being and how it will be broken into stages, and when it will be completed)
  8. Costs as appropriate
  9. Summary of your own or your organization’s experience and facilities to do this work
  10. Conclusion that summarizes the key points, reviews the benefits of the project for readers, and ends with a call to action
  11. List of references (about six sources) of research to date and research planned
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HR discussion

Use the Internet to research one (1) environmentally aware organization and its actions. Next, examine the selected organization’s relationship between sustainability, ethical decision making, and social responsibility. Provide one (1) example of this organization demonstrating environmental awareness. Determine the major effects that an organization’s environmental awareness has on its sustainability. Recommend one (1) approach that HR can take to use an organization’s environmental awareness in order to attract and retain top talent.

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Please refere the below link:

Need to write 5 slides about the topic excluding the reference and header slide, each slide should contain 100 words.

Please find the reference template and clearly write in the same manner with same slides.

Please follow the below instructions:

Heading should be Times New Roman with 40 size, Matter should be Times New Roman 24 size and the colour of the text is white colour also pleaseadd pictures in the presentation.

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Assignment 1: Organizing HR Projects

Due Week 3 and worth 145 points

Your company has had embedded HR generalists in business units for the past several years. Over that time, it has become costlier, and more difficult to maintain standards, and is a frustration for business units to have that budget “hit.” The leadership has decided to move to a more centralized model of delivering HR services and has asked you to evaluate that proposition and begin establishing a project team to initiate the needed changes. The project team is selected and you must now provide general direction.

Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Review and define the five (5) steps of strategic planning depicted in Exhibit 2-1 in the textbook on page 34. Based on the information, provide a statement of overall importance of these steps to your project team.
  2. Develop a vision and mission statement for the project team specific to the current project. HINT: It is highly recommended to follow the guidance offered in the textbook about vision and mission statement.
  3. Explain to the project team what a project charter is and why it is used. Then, review Exhibit 3.3 in the textbook and select any 3 charter elements you feel are more important and explain why.
  4. Provide a “Statement of Emphasis” to your project team based on the information you provided in the previous 3 sections above. The goal is to ensure your team understands the importance of the information.
  5. Go to to locate at least three (3) quality academic (peer-reviewed) resources in this assignment.

Your assignment must:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Explain the elements of project management and its relationship to human resource management.
  • Assess organizational strategies that contribute to effective project management of human resources.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in managing human resource projects.
  • Write clearly and concisely about managing human resource projects using proper writing mechanics.
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  1. In the first column, list three cultures you are a part of or that you identify strongly with, and rank them from most to least significant in your life. These can be national, ethnic, religious, regional, or local, and they can include subcultures or groups related to your personal interests.
  2. In the second column, identify one representative object for each of the cultures you identify with on your list.
  3. In a few words, explain how the cultural object reflects the culture in which it exists. Consider which aspects of culture have relevance for each artifact: politics, history, religion, social perceptions, technology, media, education, and so on.

To complete the second table, select three reasons for creating an artifact from the resources provided, or provide your own reasons.

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Writing Assignment & Discussion

Question 1:

Choose a current news article about a recent workplace 

issue related to organizational behavior.  Provide the title and the source. 

Summarize the article briefly and 

provide your views on the issue(s) described 

and how it is related to organizational behavior.  

Discussion Question 2:

Analyze the words of the Apostle Paul found in Galatians 

5:1-26. How are these biblical assertions relevant to the study and application of 

organizational behavior?  Provide 

at least two (2) examples of how these verses could impact the role of organizational behavior in business.

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Assignment: Pharmacotherapy for Gastrointestinal and Hepatobiliary Disorders

Write a 1-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Explain your diagnosis for the patient, including your rationale for the diagnosis.
  • Describe an appropriate drug therapy plan based on the patient’s history, diagnosis, and drugs currently prescribed.
  • Justify why you would recommend this drug therapy plan for this patient. Be specific and provide examples.
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Health Promotion in Minority Populations

Select an ethnic minority group that is represented in the United States (American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian American, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander). Using health information available from Healthy People, the CDC, and other relevant government websites, analyze the health status for this group.

In a paper of 1,000-1,250 words, compare and contrast the health status of your selected minority group to the national average. Include the following:

  1. Describe the ethnic minority group selected. Describe the current health status of this group. How do race and ethnicity influence health for this group?
  2. What are the health disparities that exist for this group? What are the nutritional challenges for this group?
  3. Discuss the barriers to health for this group resulting from culture, socioeconomics, education, and sociopolitical factors.
  4. What health promotion activities are often practiced by this group?  
  5. Describe at least one approach using the three levels of health promotion prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary) that is likely to be the most effective in a care plan given the unique needs of the minority group you have selected. Provide an explanation of why it might be the most effective choice.
  6. What cultural beliefs or practices must be considered when creating a care plan? What cultural theory or model would be best to support culturally competent health promotion for this population? Why?

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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 In the Euthyphro Socrates insists on the importance of definition. If one doesn’t know a things definition then one can’t know a thing. This requirement has led to the charge of the Socratic fallacy; one can use word properly (be a competent language user) without actually knowing the definition of a word. This issue is still a converted point in the literature. However, putting aside whether Socrates is committed to this fallacy given the events related in the Euthyphro and the Apology is Socrates correct to place such an emphasis on the definition of words? do these definitions have any practical relevance? explain using examples from the dialogues and or your own experience. 

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Exercise 2-2 Using a Web browser and a search engine, search the terms “CitiBank backup tapes lost.” You will find many results. Select one article and identify what that article considers a short-coming in CitiBank’s planning. What part of the contingency planning process came up short (IR, BP, or CP)? How could the shortcoming have been prevented?

Exercise 3-1 This chapter’s opening scenario illustrates a specific type of incident/disaster. Using a Web browser, search for information related to preparing an organization against terrorist attacks. Look up information on (a) anthrax or another biological attack (like smallpox), (b) sarin or another toxic gas, (c) low-level radiological contamination attacks. 


Exercise 3-2 Using a Web browser, search for available commercial applications that use various forms of RAID technologies, such as RAID 0 through RAID S. What is the most common implemen-tation? What is the most expensive?

Real-World Exercises 1. Using a Web browser, identify at least five sources you would want to use when training a CSIRT. 

2. Using a Web browser, visit What information is provided there, and how would it be useful? 

3. Using a Web browser, visit What is Bugtraq, and how would it be useful? What additional information is provided under the Vulnerabilities tab?

4. Using a Web browser, visit What information is provided there, and how would it be useful? What additional information is provided at

5.3. Using a Web browser, visit the site What is this Web site, and what does it offer the information security professional? Visit the “Know your Enemy” white-paper series and select a paper based on the recommendation of your professor. Read it and prepare a short overview for your class.


2. Using a Web browser, search for “incident response template.” Look through the first five results and choose one for further investigation. Take a look at it and determine if you think it would be useful to an organization creating a CSIRT. Why or why not? 

1. Using a Web browser, perform some research on a newer malware variant that has been reported by a major malware containment vendor. Using a search engine, go to the vendor’s Web site; this could be Symantec, McAfee, or any of their competitors. Visit one malware prevention software vendor. Search for the newest malware variants and pick one. Note its name and try to understand how it works. Now look for information about that same malware from at least one other vendor. Were you able to see this malware at both vendors? If so, are there any differences in how they are reported between the two vendors? 

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