Research Paper



Papers must be 2-3 pages in length and MUST follow APA format. (Points will be deducted for failure to adhere to APA guidelines.) Each paper must reference a minimum of 1 source (published books, textbook, or peer reviewed journal articles). You will be allowed to reference a credible website.  Post your paper to turnitin on our Blackboard. Must be posted to turnitin to be accepted. 

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Patients perception

Within nursing, the patient’s perception is recognized as the   patient’s reality. How does this way of knowing in nursing fit within an objective or subjective paradigm of the world? Explain your reasoning. 

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Project Management

Wedding Planning

Since this is your first project with the company, your manager would like to test your project management knowledge before you can begin to work on your own. Your manager has asked you to describe the characteristics of the project life cycle and describe the characteristics of a successful project.

To make sure you impress her, make sure your memo includes the following points:

  • What a project is and how it differs from a process.
  • Brief discussion on all phases of a project.
  • Describe two criteria that may be used to select a project.

If you need a reference, look to your text (Gido, Clements & Baker, 2018, pg 10-14).

All assignments should be completed in a Word document using correct APA formatting (Headers, one-inch margins, and double spacing, title page and References page, etc.). Please complete the essay in a Microsoft Word document. Essays that are posted into the Assignments area will not be accepted. The length of your essay response should be around 600 words. Points will be deducted for incorrect grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. All assignments should be uploaded here. Grading details can be found in the embedded rubric.

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History essay

If you are not pleased with your test score, you can earn up to five (5) extra credit points if you answer the following essay question in at least 500 words. Your paper must have a thesis; something you want a reader to accept based on evidence. Develop sub-points in paragraphs that support the thesis statement. Information obtained from outside sources must be re-written into your own words (NOT COPIED AND PASTED), and the source should be cited (MLA or APA format).

Quality of argument: 2 points
Mastery of historical material: 2 points
Grammar, spelling, punctuation: 1 point

Pretend you are an African slave living and working on a plantation in South Carolina. How did you become a slave? From what part of Africa did you come? Who captured you and why? How did you get to the Americas, and what specific kinds of conditions did you face on that journey? Talk about life on the plantation. What kind of work do you do? What do you do when all the work is done? Write a letter to a friend, formatted in at least three paragraphs, in which you explain your life as a slave by sharing information and experiences that answer these kinds of questions. Your letter should have some kind of argument that you support with specific evidence from the textbook and/or class discussion to talk about your experiences as a slave.

Click this View/Complete link to submit your essay.

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Annotated Bibliography

UNIT #1 Annotated Bibliography Instructions

You will create an annotated bibliography of no less than five academic sources on a research topic that raises an ethical problem. An annotated bibliography begins by citing the source’s publication information. In this assignment, you will use MLA formatting to accomplish this task.


THEN, FOR EACH RESOURCE- Once you have documented the source’s publication information in MLA format (It should look like a Works Cited entry), you will describe, in approximately 300 words, its purpose, audience, arrangement, evidence, implications, and word choice. You will also discuss how each resource relates to another resource. Ultimately, the goal of this assignment is to help you understand the basic steps of academic research.

In This Unit, We Assume…

  • The description of a writer’s argument (focusing specifically on purpose, audience, arrangement, evidence, implications, and word choice) can function as a close reading strategy that facilitates your growth as as a writer.
  • The description of a writer’s argument (focusing specifically on purpose, audience, arrangement, evidence, implications, and word choice) can help you name and collect strategies for your writing process.
  • Critiquing or drawing implications from an argument first requires a comprehensive description of its claims.
  • Completing annotated descriptions of existing research is a fundamental building block for writing academic research essays.

In This Unit, We Try to…

  • Help you accumulate strategies for your writing process by describing the argumentative strategies of other writers.
  • Help you describe the intimate relationship between a writer’s purpose and audience(s).
  • Help you describe the intimate relationship between an argument’s claims and cited evidence.
  • Help you describe how writers arrange their arguments to be more persuasive to audiences.
  • Help you describe the intimate relationship between an argument’s evidence and the implications audiences are expected to draw from it.
  • Help you describe argumentative patterns by focusing on word choice.
  • Help you develop strategies for composing academic research essays.

In This Unit, We Ask You to Consider…

  • What is the writer’s purpose?
  • Who is the writer’s audience?
  • How has the writer arranged his or her essay? What claims get prioritized over others? When does a writer deliver a particular type of evidence?
  • What evidence does the writer use to support his or her argument? How is that evidence selected on the basis of his or her audience and purpose?
  • What are the stated implications of the writer’s argument? How are those implications connected to his or her audience and purpose?
  • What are some of the repeated words or phrases that the writer uses to make his or her argument?

Key Requirements

  • 12-point, Times New Roman
  • Minimum four cited essays
  • Minimum one podcast
  • Minimum 1500 words
  • Use MLA formatting
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Assignment 3: Presentation

In this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines what you believe will be the biggest challenges facing organizations in the next twenty (20) years.

Faculty Note: For students taking this course online, if there is a hardship for any student in being able to secure a microphone to complete this assignment, the student is allowed to use the notes section of PowerPoint to write a narrative of what they would say if actually presenting / narrating.

Write an eight (8) slide presentation in which you:

  1. Provide a title slide (as indicated in the format requirements below) followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation. 
  2. Presentation should include your choice of the five (5) challenges you believe organizations will face in the next twenty (20) years. Only include one (1) challenge and your explanation for choosing that challenge per slide for a total of five (5) slides. 
  3. Provide one (1) summary slide which addresses key points of your paper. 
  4. Narrate each slide, using a microphone, indicating what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience. 

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: 

  • Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide and three to four (3-4) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. 
  • Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Understand human behavior in organizations and the forces shaping that behavior while analyzing the individual differences within those organizations and their impact on organizational behavior. 
  • Analyze the facets of organizational culture, including influences and functions, challenges related to changing the culture, and the impact of culture on organizational performance.
  • Use technology to research issues affecting organizational behavior in order to deliver assignments which are clear, concise and have proper writing mechanics.
  • Write clearly and concisely about operations management using proper writing mechanics.
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Excel Workbook

You will use mathematical operations and data analysis to solve problems and inform decision-making. This project will enable you to refresh and refine your skills in math and statistics before tackling a real world data set and using a software application or analytic tool to analyze and display the data in a way that will inform decisions. Using a process similar to the qualitative research process, you will identify an issue or problems and use mathematical formulas or an analytic tool to derive a solution. You will construct graphs, charts, and tables as necessary to inform analysis and interpretation. Communicating key mathematical information, you will evaluate the results and draw analyses and validate them. This project will enable a deeper understanding of the connection between data and how it informs solutions to practical problems with potential impact on your organization or industry.

Over this two-week period, you will use mathematical operations and data analysis to solve problems and inform decision making. Your final assignment will be the creation of a comprehensive Excel workbook with supporting charts and graphs and a short analysis of the data.

This project will enable you to refresh and refine your skills in math and statistics before you tackle a real-world data set using Excel to analyze and display the data.

Quantitative reasoning uses a process similar to the qualitative research process in that you will first identify an issue or problem and then use mathematical formulas or an analytic tool to derive a solution. You will construct graphs, charts, and tables to display data and inform analysis and interpretation. You will evaluate the results of the information, draw analyses and validate them by applying them to the issue or problem.

This project will enable you to see the connection between data and how the use of quantitative analysis of that data informs solutions to practical problems with potential impact on your organization or industry.

There are 10 steps that lead you through this project. Each step should take about two hours to complete. Begin by watching the video above, which introduces the project as it might occur in the workplace, then continue with Step 1: Refresh Your Math, Statistics, and Excel Skills.

When you submit your project, your work will be evaluated using the competencies listed below. You can use the list below to self-check your work before submission.

· 1.1: Organize document or presentation clearly in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment.

· 1.2: Develop coherent paragraphs or points so that each is internally unified and so that each functions as part of the whole document or presentation.

· 1.4: Tailor communications to the audience.

· 1.5: Use sentence structure appropriate to the task, message and audience.

· 1.6: Follow conventions of Standard Written English.

· 3.1: Identify numerical or mathematical information that is relevant in a problem or situation.

· 3.2: Employ mathematical or statistical operations and data analysis techniques to arrive at a correct or optimal solution.

· 3.3: Analyze mathematical or statistical information, or the results of quantitative inquiry and manipulation of data.

· 3.4: Employ software applications and analytic tools to analyze, visualize, and present data to inform decision-making.

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Discussion Question

(minimum words 250 with peer review reference) 

Research health care legislation that is being considered in your state. What impact might this legislation have on your future practice? What impact does it have on the collective practice of nurses in your state? How do you envision yourself potentially becoming involved in political advocacy for the profession in your future practice? 

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week 11 discussion

“Key Concepts and Skills” Please respond to the following: 

  • Discuss at least three key concepts and / or skills that you learned in the course. Discuss how you plan to use them in your current or future teaching environment.
  • Recommend at least one topic, activity, assignment, or skill that would be beneficial to include in this course.
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You guys lucked out!  This news nugget is an easy read with very specific information, most of which we’ve covered so you should be able to have fun with it.  Don’t get bogged down with trying to precisely calculate all the numbers, just swim at the surface.  In other words, don’t get too deep with this, lol. 

Overview: I want you to read the article and assess the affects on the economy of the information contained within.  The title alone will give you an inkling of what I’m looking for, but here are some specifics:

  • Durable goods – Purchases of these items have changed, what do these changes tell you about the current (and future!) state of the economy?
  • Investment – More changes; what do these mean?  
  • Use the Circular Flow Model and the GDP equation to assess these effects.  Hint: Using Circular Flow could lead to a good paragraph about both Durable goods and Investment, and how they might affect each other.
  • Anything else you see and find interesting enough to discuss.

Feel free to be conversational, but watch your grammar, spelling, etc.  Your work should be about a page in length, give or take a sentence.

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