CAIS 201 -12– Introduction to CAIS

Assignment #1

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Answer the following questions with your own words

1. How is data different from information? How is information different from knowledge? (10 pts)

2. What is an information system? What is the role of feedback in a system? (10 pts)

3. Why are information systems so essential for running and managing a business today? (10 pts)

4. What are the basic modules of an ERP? Pick two different ERP systems in the market and compare the modules. (15 pts)

5. Suppose that you are the manager of a computer parts warehouse. Create a simple inventory dashboard using annual inventory data given in the following table. Use the instructions given under the inventory table to create the dashboard.

SKU1 472 2,447 2,465 2,350 1,628 965 292 259 2,333 784 1,847 2,482
SKU2 191 320 931 458 628 555 229 150 453 577 201 452
SKU3 2,220 1,800 999 2,150 1,952 2,722 1,281 1,639 2,139 1,801 1,118 2,604
SKU4 394 586 606 994 390 426 531 230 331 883 84 347
SKU5 2,347 466 2,323 2,559 2,822 836 2,545 504 2,396 1,064 2,295 2,006
SKU6 2,014 1,869 2,035 2,344 1,818 1,601 2,663 1,750 944 2,097 2,755 2,687
SKU7 2,741 1,490 2,607 1,077 357 2,254 620 1,308 1,946 194 318 319
SKU8 821 2,040 447 1,002 1,153 1,457 157 379 384 703 250 675

a. Calculate the Min and Max quantities of each SKU (10 pts)

b. Calculate the average quantity and standard deviation of each SKU (10 pts)

c. Draw a Pie Chart to display annual stock breakdown (percentages) (15 pts)

d. Draw a Bar Chart to display monthly total stock in the warehouse (10 pts)

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