Business Ethics And Marketing Management
Assignment No:1
Discuss the notion that firms should stop doing business with customers who constantly generate losses versus the notion that the customer is always right.
Your original response is due by 11:55 pm EST and then reply to one (1) other student’s post. The required length for your original posting is 350 words, and your reply should be a minimum of 250 words.
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Order Paper NowAssignment No:2
Using the MLB steroids case as an example, explain how unethical choices by some players harms players who comply with the rules.
Post your response to the weekly question(s) by 11:59 PM (Eastern) on Wednesday. This posting should be at least 250 words. Respond to at least 2 other postings on separate days in each forum by 11:59 PM (Eastern). Your primary posting can end with a “tag-line” or a related question of your own. Your secondary postings can either answer another student’s question, or comment on their answering my question. In addition, please ensure that you answer all of my questions.
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